Tuesday, 31 May 2022
Monday, 30 May 2022
Back to the old Routine.
Sunday, 29 May 2022
Who doesn't love a good wedding?
Saturday, 28 May 2022
Thursday, 26 May 2022
The stage is set.
Wednesday, 25 May 2022
Tuesday, 24 May 2022
Capellini alla Checca
Monday, 23 May 2022
Poem in an unknown language, from December 2014
To be read aloud!
Trendla trendla yarna hoo
Somtery ayrabel larding too.
Pemanbello ansenfellow trandly-ing
Mantargo lullingberry tinage fing.Wizzing trizzing diddledum lardo.
© Cro Magnon Dec' 2014
Above the Crypts.
Sunday, 22 May 2022
Online Weather.
Saturday, 21 May 2022
Things; in no particular order.
Anyway, all is now done. The Compact Royce no longer makes clanking noises in first and reverse, and changing gear has become an altogether different experience.
The garage boss previously owned a home in France, and wanted to tell me all about it. I think of myself as a reasonably good listener, but I have my limits. He went on and on and on and on.......
Our heating engineer has just been to make sure our boiler is up to scratch. He says it is.
It's been an extremely busy couple of days.
Friday, 20 May 2022
Why are the Newspapers obsessed?
Even in our troubled times, there seem to be three subjects that, above all others, are grabbing the attention of our daily newspapers. Two of which are courtroom 'Dramas'.
Ex-lovebirds Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are at each others throats in the USA, and here in the UK the protagonists are a couple of WAGS (Footballer's Wives and Girlfriends) called Colleen Rooney and Rebekah Vardy.
Depp and Heard are simply an unpleasant pair of spoilt brats who are trying to say who hit who first, with one of them wanting lots on money. And in the UK it's a schoolgirl hair-pulling scrap about who revealed secrets to the press, with one of them wanting lots of money. I cannot tell you any details simply because I find these two courtroom fights as interesting as cold porridge.
What an example to the less privileged outside world. Film actors and footballer's wives spending millions just to prove some pathetic point, about which no-one is the slightest bit interested.
Need I tell you, but their third obsession are that tiresome couple Harry and Mrs Harry, who continue to behave like naughty children. Their main sponsors, Netflix, are apparently making a documentary series about them, filmed at their cottage in California. Yes, they really did quit Britain to avoid the limelight.
All I can say is thank goodness we have the more important members of our Royal Family still doing what they do best, here at home. They all work very hard, meeting, greeting, handing-out gongs, and showing their presence. Charles, William, their wives and a few others continue to do what we expect of them. They are non-political, forward thinking, often ridiculed, but well loved by the huge majority of Brits (and foreigners).
Depp, Heard, Vardy, Rooney, Sussex, and Sussex; are six people we could happily do without.
Their Lawyers and the press, however, adore them.
Thursday, 19 May 2022
So, what happened yesterday?
I was expecting to pick-up my car from the garage yesterday morning, but it'll now be this morning instead (we'll see). She's having a new clutch, and they had to wait for the part to be delivered.
My oldest is in Bologna; no doubt eating lots of Tagliatelle Bolognese.
On returning from an early small shopping trip, I found a woman's bag just a few metres from our house. I took it home, and as I've done before, I immediately tried to locate the owner.
Inside there was just about everything you really wouldn't want to lose. It contained her passport, her purse containing quite a lot of money, her phone, all her credit cards etc, and all the other paraphernalia that a young lady would carry around with her.
Luckily I found her mother's phone number in the back of her passport, and I called her in Norwich. Then between us we managed to trace the young lady, and eventually she herself traced her belongings by some 'locate my phone' app on her mobile. She knocked on my door about 20 mins after I'd found the bag. It hadn't been stolen; possibly just lost due to over indulgence.
She was a very nice young lady, and was delighted to be reunited with all her stuff. Luckily she hadn't started to cancel all her cards. She told me that she believed people in Brighton were honest; I'm not too sure that they all are!
Another lovely hot day, with a BBQ in the evening. Never a dull moment.
Wednesday, 18 May 2022
Tuesday, 17 May 2022
Scottish tour guide of St Andrews University.
Monday, 16 May 2022
How to travel in the UK.
Who is Lee Anderson, and why do people hate him?
Sunday, 15 May 2022
Haddock's Mark 2.
Haddock's is no longer a veg' garden, it has now become a mowed orchard and fun area. I hope to build a vine covered Pergola there this Summer, and install a decent BBQ.
Meanwhile back in the UK, I still intend to grow Tomatoes. Haddock's 2 is already in place (below), and all the digging and composting completed. I have bought four 'Tumbler' Tomato plants, and with any luck we'll have some Tomatoes later in the year.
My aim is to grow the Toms whilst we're away, and reap the harvest when we return. What could be simpler?
Whether or not that will happen remains to be seen. I think it might depend on the amount of rain-water the plants receive, but I'm anticipating kilos and kilos of wonderful tasty Tomatoes. Knowing what an amazingly dry and mild Winter we've had, I'm anticipating a wet Summer, which would be fine for my plants, if not for tanning on the beach.
Our fingers are collectively crossed! Watch this space.
Saturday, 14 May 2022
The Thunder Box.
The ongoing saga of John's loo got me thinking. The house where I grew-up in Surrey had an outdoor loo, but it was specially built for the gardener. My father had designed the house, which was built in around 1953. He thought of everything.
Our present home also has an outside loo (below), but with the size of garden we have, it certainly wasn't built for a gardener.
Friday, 13 May 2022
The Death of a Dog.
You looked at me with an unusual expression in your eyes,
eyes that said your time had come.
You could no longer run or play with friends
now you just sleep; the joy of life has gone.
We stayed close for your last few days
I stroked your loving face and kept you company
Until there was no more use for the word goodbye.
Your new home is now of earth, amongst your favourite toys and games,
and old friends by your side.
I tend your plot with wetted eyes, and
spend my hours alone.
The good times have gone, but everywhere we used to walk
your spirit remains.
I miss you more than words can say.
(Jan 2019.)
I still miss him.
Streets of Philadelphia, Kensington Avenue.
Thursday, 12 May 2022
HM The Queen.
Wednesday, 11 May 2022
New Pavement
Bons vivants Corses (2) - Gueuleton
Tuesday, 10 May 2022
Russian TV threatens 'UK's nuclear annihilation.
Monday, 9 May 2022
Another Sunday, and more 'Seen in Brighton'
Sunday, 8 May 2022
Dogs names, et alia.
Our Lab' of recent times was named Montague-Macbeth Magnon; but known to all as Monty. Our Border Collie/Black Lab' cross was called Bok, although I think we'd misheard 'Pok' from the previous owners.
Our present ball of mischief is called Billy, regardless of him having originally been given the very silly name of Badger. I'm not sure who gave him this name but he had to be registered quickly, and somehow the name Badger slipped through. It still says Badger on his papers, passport, etc, but I soon changed it to a much more acceptable Billy.
Of course to a dog his name simply means 'come here'. All dogs hear their names as meaning 'come here'; whether they take any notice of it is another matter.
I had an eccentric Aunt who had a series of Westies that were all called Rover. My own family had a series of unfortunate Cats that were either called Blackie if they were black, or Tiddles if they weren't. There seemed no point in changing anything.
Recently we had three Hens, and we asked the (then very young) grandchildren to name them; they called them all Richard. So we had three Hens named Richard.
I don't suppose Dogs really mind what names we give them, as they only mean 'come here' to them anyway, but I do pity Dogs who are expected to answer to Twickywickyboo or Princess Koochy-Eyes. It can do nothing for their self-esteem.
The only Dogs I avoid are those called Tyson, Thunder, or I'll tear your throat out (pronounced 'I-frowowt'. They are given such names to reflect their reputations. Those reputations tell me to keep clear.
Preferably Dogs names should be of one or two syllables only. Long names are pointless. A short sharp name is far more likely to get the 'come here' response we desire, rather than some silly name that the poor thing might pretend has nothing to do with them at all.
My two illustrations have nothing to do with Dogs names, but I thought you might like their shameless sentimentality.