Saturday 23 March 2013


Yesterday I visited the medieval town of Sarlat; about an hour's drive north of where we live. The old quarter is filled with the most wonderful buildings, I could bore you rigid with all the photographs I took, but here's just a few to whet your appetite. 

There are plenty of knockers (ooh matron),

and beautiful ancient doorways,

and more knockers,

and spy holes,

and yet more beautiful ancient doorways. 

In summer the town is awash with tourists; yesterday it was warm, filled with sunshine, and almost tourist-free.

My only complaint; far too many foie gras shops.

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  1. What a wonderfully ancient place - like stepping back in time.

  2. Love wandering round Sarlat before the tourists arrive, and drinking coffee in the square. Shops are rubbish but the architecture is just amazing.

    1. We, too, had our coffee in the square. The view was 'wonderful architecture, and foie gras shops'. Nothing changes in Sarlat!

  3. This 'sunshine' of which you speak? could you please explain what that is? ..............Grrrrrr............darn you Cro....yes that place looks absolutely lovely but all I can see here is snow and greyness and it is making me grumpy......

    1. Having seen the news this morning from the UK, I can understand your frustration!

  4. too many fois gras shops - quelle dilema!

  5. Replies
    1. i agree
      though I am pissed off you HAVE nicer weather than we do

  6. Wow...another time in todays space. The history those walls have absorbed.

  7. You may bore me anytime with more photos like this. We have nothing of a kind in our much newer country.

  8. One day...I am showing up on your doorstep for a persoanl tour. In the meantime I will sit back and enjoy the slide show of beautiful knockers and well protected spyholes...yes I will.

  9. That looks delightful - no ancient buildings here.

  10. more pics please, of any subject. my students LOVE this.


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