Monday 21 October 2024

Amazon (the online shop).

I know I probably shouldn't, but I have found myself buying a lot more via Amazon recently than I did in the past. For someone with limited mobility, it's a godsend; but, at the same time, I know it's harming our High Street shops. 

I always used to be very wary about giving my bank details to some unknown person at the end of my laptop. I imagined that I would be left penniless almost at once; but with Amazon so far so good.

Since I was a student I have always worn the same style of shoes. Pale beige suede 'desert boots'; as above. My current pair are wearing thin, and I couldn't find a replacement anywhere, other than on Amazon. Buying clothes, or shoes, by mail order is problematical. I think I know my shoe size, and Lady M has promised to return them if they don't fit. My fingers are crossed.

N.B. The shoes have now arrived several days early, and they're fine! Here they are (below) being 'worn-in'. Soft suede shoes need to be 'run-in' for a few weeks before they become really comfortable.

I also recently bought a new Coffee grinder. I have no idea what happened to the old one.

The solar powered, movement activated light at the front of the house has failed. It was quite old, so not surprising. I bought two new ones, one of which I immediately installed; it doesn't seem to work. I shall tinker with it, and if necessary I'll replace it with the second one.

I do crosswords, and recently bought THREE 400 page books. They'll keep me going for quite a while. I complete about 4 or 5 a day.

I've bought other things, including some 'Compression Socks', and various pairs of reading and distance glasses. 

Last year Lady M's iPad cover fell to bits. The first two I ordered didn't fit, so were chucked (I couldn't be bothered to send them back). The third time was lucky, and it is still giving service.

I do also occasionally buy food on Amazon. I've bought tins of Haggis, Flageolet beans, Fray Bentos pies, and Pease Pudding. All were good.

There have been other bits and pieces, and I'm sure there'll be more. I do feel slightly guilty using Amazon, but where would we now be without it!

Amazon is one of the world's greatest success stories of recent times, and I suppose I've played a very minor part in their success. I'm not certain if this is a good or bad thing.


  1. I had forgotten about these shoes, I thought them good.
    I order the bulk of my purchases online, I have a bank account specifically for the job. I keep about £500.00p in it and top up as required. For expensive things I use a bank transfer, if it's someone new like the seller of a car or bike then transfer a pound the day before and then when you agree to the purchase the money goes through pretty much instantaneously.

    1. When Amazon first became popular I swore blind I'd never use them. Now They are almost my first resort. and I trust them 100%.

  2. Amazon is not so popular here but I can see why you use it. Quick service, an endless range of products and presumably good prices. K loves buying online but most of our online shopping comes from Athens. I wouldn't buy shoes though. I'd worry they wouldn't fit. I'm glad yours do.
    We have a special card for online shopping and transfer the money we need as we need it. We did have a card hacked a few years ago. The bank advised us to use this prepaid card. No money to hack there

    1. My shoes were supposed to be delivered tomorrow, but they arrived last Saturday. The service is quite amazing. Lady M suggested I buy a second pair, but I think these will do.

  3. The shoes are beautiful. We also buy quite a bit on Amazon, not food products, we've never tried, maybe because it takes at least two weeks to arrive.

    1. Everything here seems to arrive very quickly; much quicker than they initially suggest.

  4. I try not to use Amazon unless I really cannot find what I need elsewhere. Although it can be difficult finding products over here the parcel delivery service is not reliable but more importantly, supporting our local retailers is vital.

  5. If you live on an Island then Amazon is an absolute life-saver. Until recently I could order something before 6pm and if it was in their Cumbernauld warehouse it would be in my porch at lunchtime the next day via Royal Mail.


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