Wednesday 9 October 2024

Our Street Parking.


I mentioned some time ago that our local council were wanting to introduce four resident's parking spaces into our otherwise very quiet, no-parking, street (we all have our own off-street parking). We were not happy.

Firstly every street resident received a letter from the council planning folk explaining their intentions, and asking for our thoughts on the matter. The letter explained that they always took residents opinions very seriously.

Every single person wrote back saying that we were 100% against the idea.

So, what did they do? They totally ignored us, and we now have a row of cars parked opposite our houses.

Our street is narrow (which is why there were previously no parking spaces), so the council have had to squeeze them in. The national 'official' size regulations for an on-street parking bay is 2.6 Metres by 5.00 Metres. The parking bays in our street are 1.8 Metres wide, with no separate length markings.

They are nearly a whole Metre too narrow. 

Of course, now there are always a few 'chancers' who park illegally there as well (purple van above), which often means that we have the whole length of the street littered with vans, delivery bikes, taxis, etc, where previously there was none.

What can we do about it? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

You buy a house in a nice quiet street, then along comes some petty bloody bureaucrat and changes everything.

1 comment:

  1. Here those bays would be permanently full of large camper vans, the modern day blight on our island's roads.


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