Sunday, 16 March 2025

The week in brief.

I've been desperately looking for some good news this past week, but I'm afraid; unsuccessfully. 

The throwing-out of old Ironing Boards continues apace (below). If I had a £pound for every discarded ironing board I've already seen this year, I could probably buy several pints at the Pub'.

They do love spending, don't they! Having devoted much time criticising the Tories over the quite meagre cost of Rishi's short Helicopter flights, we now discover that the Socialist Speaker of the House, Lindsay Hoyle, has racked-up £250,000 in expenses, by swanning around the world, with his wife Catherine, in business class. Plus; we hear that a load of travelling Socialist ministers together cost the taxpayer another £2 Million in just 9 days. Great work if you can get it!

Our good friend Tr*mp apparently doesn't feel 'so special anymore' after hearing that Zelensky was invited to meet King Charles. Being invited to meet The King is a huge honour for anyone (and that includes Tr*mp), and can be revoked at any minute; I hope in his case it is! What a bloody cheek that man has!

If you live in the UK, don't get ill. The Socialists spent years berating the previous government about benefit cuts, claiming that it would be the equivalent of 'genocide'. But guess what? Those same Socialists are now actually doing it, and are about to cut sickness benefits. They've already had a go at the elderly, farmers, and business people; now it's the turn of the sick. It is said that about a Million benefit claimants will suffer. Just as long as they don't cut the benefits of the most vulnerable, OK. It's the scroungers who need seeing-to.

If this collision, off the Yorkshire coast (above), wasn't intentional; I'll eat my beret! 

Everyone in Britain knows that the Socialists are the party of unemployment. Now 10,000 NHS jobs are to go, in order to streamline the service a bit. In fact I am totally in agreement with Starmer about this. The NHS has been 'management heavy' for far too long. Next job is to get nurses nursing, and not spending half their time in front of computer screens. At present nurses have to cope with a 'Mountain of Paperwork', when I was younger there was a clipboard at the end of the bed; and a Matron in charge!

And finally, if you're worried about 'Global warming', Boffins tell us that the next Ice Age is due in 11,000 years time. That should cool things down a bit!

Someone must have just remembered that 'Climate Change' is cyclical. Well done that Boffin!


  1. Well done. I couldn't be arsed to trawl through news or opinion as it seems to have devolved into.
    The cargo ship could have been in attack mode but more than likely it was tiredness, drink or drugs. They are very busy little ships shuttling containers about the North Sea pretty well non stop.
    Why politicians feel the need to fly here there and everywhere I don't know. Can't they just text, use a computer or phone. I suppose it's difficult to manage the skimming without leaving a paper trail.
    I can't imagine anyone wanting to spend time with King Charles but it takes all sorts.
    Ho hum, keep up the good work.

  2. Charles is a world 'figurehead', as was his mother before him. It really doesn't matter if he's a great conversationist or not, he will always be someone of huge importance.
    Politicians seem to use the 'national purse' as their own personal pocket money. Perhaps they should be asked to pay a minimum of 50% of all expenses???

  3. I always thought Global warming was not the crisis shouted by some. These weather cycles go around.

    1. Of course they do. We have had Ice Ages before, and we'll have them again. Just as we have Global Warming.

  4. Ah, doncha just love politicians! The sweet, endearing creatures.

  5. "Everyone in Britain knows that the Socialists are the party of unemployment" is a false statement. Perhaps it should read, "Right wingers in Britain wrongly imagine that Labour are the party of unemployment". Please understand that Labour is just one of several political parties that proudly fly the banner of socialism so it is confusing when you interchange the two words - "Labour" and "Socialist".

    1. Records show that NEVER EVER have Labour left a period of power with higher employment than when they started. They create unemployment by the shovel load. Just look at what they're doing at the moment!!!

  6. It amuses me when people complain about people flying business class. I used to fly transatlantic monthly plus other longer haul flights. There is no way I could have managed my work schedule flying in economy. It was, therefore, cost effective for my firm to pay for business class.

    1. Not everyone NEEDS to fly. We have computers, and can speak to people at once, anywhere in the world. It costs nothing.

    2. I agree, a lot can be done electronically now. And you are right not everyone needs to fly. I did.

      Does Kimbo fly business class when travelling in business?

    3. Possibly, but he's a senior executive with a huge global Co. He's in Thailand at the moment, but flew 'economy'.

    4. Exactly, senior executives in global organizations travel in business. Am pleased to say that my PA also travelled in business class when travelling with me.

  7. Thanks for the low-down on last weeks "events", Cro. I like a good laugh interspersed with gasps of shock and horror. The Labour party (currently Starmer's lot) has always been full of those who like as many "jollies" as they can wangle, spending money while fleecing the poor British taxpayers to cough up more.

    1. They're a bit like Stockbrokers, They 'invest' your money until it's all gone!

  8. I am willing to lay odds that the actual number of NHS England employees genuinely leaving the public sector payroll will be less than 100, the rest will simply move sideways or upwards to other equally remunerative roles in other quangos, just as they have always done.
    And let's not forget that Two Tier Kier has already been creating new quangos at the rate of several a week during his time as PM....
    As for Charles, he's not a patch on his mother or father, Liz understood the role of monarch much more keenly, and Philip had his head screwed on and was far less likely to have been taken in by the Climate Change scam than Charles. As for the next generation, William has all the appearances of terminal woke, so I seriously worry about the future of the monarchy.

    1. It was really the position, rather than the characters themselves, which is revered.
      As for the NHS England employees, no doubt they are all members of some contributing Union, so leaving them on the dole would be difficult. They'll all end-up OK.

  9. Global warming is indeed cyclical. Of course we should do as much as we can to keep our 'celestial mudball' - as Edison called planet Earth - clean and happy. A really good scientific read is Springer and Avery's 'Unstoppable Global Warming - Every 1500 years.' Continue to be optimistic! It won't change anything, but you'll live longer.

    1. Hello Tim. We must all do our bit to respect this wonderful Earth, but taking extreme measures to try to change nature is a non-starter.

  10. Poor babies! DT and EM must be livid seeing VZ having tea with Prince Charles.
    Things might be shifting again, last Winter Massachusetts got far greater snow and cold. The last of the snow/ice disappeared only last week.


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