Sunday, 2 March 2025

Another week goes by.

I promise I won't mention Tr*mp.

Last Sunday, France's 6 Nations Rugby team beat Italy by 73 points to 24. I've never heard of such a score. They would hardly have had time for the occasional wet sponge. I missed the match; I was at the theatre.

The world is becoming a very dangerous place, even on the domestic front. One thing I really dislike writing about is the constant bad behaviour of asylum-seeking immigrants. Sadly so many are involved in criminal gangs, drug dealing, shoplifting, pickpocketing, anti-social behaviour, etc, that sometimes one wonders if any of them are honest at all.

The latest scandal has been over in Ireland where knife attacks (the above photo is actually in Leeds), drug turf wars, and general violence has made the streets of Dublin into no-go zones for many natives. They run-riot with machetes in the centre of Dublin, and, as they know they can get away with it, they simply do what they want. With their hoodies and face-masks, there's no-one to stop them other than a few vigilantes; and even they have no real powers. Very worrying and disappointing!

Drunken Socialist MP, Mike Amesbury, has been jailed for 10 weeks (now suspended for 2 years) after sucker-punching one of his constituents (see interesting video below). It was such a brutal punch that I might recommend him to play for Croydon Rugby Club. He would make a perfect addition to their team. Of course, he's been booted out of the Socialist Party, but luckily for him, his huge salary continues to be paid. Amesbury and fellow Socialist John Prescott would have made great sparring partners. It's good to know we can all go around knocking the lights out of innocent bystanders with impunity! Or is that only if you're an MP?

It's also good to know that the BBC spends our TV Licence Fee wisely. Their recent 'unbiased' view of Gaza was narrated by the young son of the Hamas Minister of Agriculture (whatever that means), and seemed to entirely forget that it was his father's terrorist chums who caused the recent conflict. I think it's about time that the BBC payed their own way if they're going to continue with their extreme terrorist-friendly political leanings. I don't want my Licence fee paying for that rubbish. It cost us £400,000; how much of which went direct to Hamas terrorists, they have yet to reveal.

Both our national treasure actress Susan Hampshire, and Lady Victoria Hervey were mugged in London this week for their phones. Even the rich, famous, and vulnerable aren't immune. Could someone please manufacture a faux, exploding phone that we would be happy to have stolen?

At last some common sense from Hamas. Billionaire Hamas leader, Mousa Abu Marzouk, has said he regrets the October 7th attack. Knowing now how the retaliation would have developed, he thinks it was a bad idea. A bit late mate! Did he honestly think that Israel wouldn't retaliate???

The charming Jas Athwal MP (Socialist) has stood down as a councillor in S London on account of the appalling state of his SEVEN rental properties; which includes a Children's Home. It seems that insect infestations and black mold have made the properties uninhabitable, but he doesn't seem to care as long as the money keeps rolling in. Hey Ho!

And finally, the Catholic church is hoping to boost it's funds after they admit to having spent $5 Billion in hush money to sex abuse victims over the past 20 years. Those naughty Catholic priests; it doesn't get any better, does it! 


  1. Thanks for the round up, I'm missing the news as I'm too busy.
    It seems we are beset with unsolvable problems most of which derivates from the Houses of Parliament. That looks odd, is derivates a word? Tis now.

    1. Not much 'good news' again this past week. Maybe one day there'll be something pleasant to report, but don't hold your breath.

  2. I thank you so much Cro for addressing an issue that so many ignore, the lies of the BBC and its dangerous influence on public opinion.

    1. The BBC is a despicable propaganda disseminating organisation and what's worse half the staff are queers or paedophiles, possibly both.

    2. The BBC used to be well known around the world for its impartiality; sadly that has now all gone. It has become a mouthpiece for the antisemitic left-wing; for which we have to pay around £170 pa for the pleasure of listening to them.

  3. You paint a horrible picture. Fortunately, for my mental health as much as anything, I don't really see things that way and that very much includes your absurd description of the BBC.

    1. The truth is often hard to swallow. My old school friend AY hoped to become DG of the BBC, but maybe his Jewish background stopped his election. These things still happen, and a lot more besides.

    2. On the other hand he was let off with a ticking off for faking interviews on Imagine when less senior staff had been dismissed for similar fakery.

  4. Well you’re a cheerful soul. I agree with YP, I don’t see things the sa,pre way as you thankfully.

  5. Let's be honest - the overwhelming majority of so-called 'asylum seekers' are illegal economic migrants, and any even halfway competent government would have deported them within hours of arrival.
    And as for MP Mike Amesbury, the latest example of two tier policing - physically assault an innocent individual and you get 10 weeks suspended, make an unfortunate comment on social media and you get 30 months not suspended.....

    1. A sign of the times. We all know what's going on, but the left-wing try to ignore. If Amesbury had been a Tory MP, there would have been no suspension of sentence; guaranteed!

  6. You paint a grim picture.

    1. Not me; the world about me. It's very grim at the moment.

  7. That was one helluva week. Hope the coming week will have a brighter write up. Though somehow I doubt it.
    Keep safe in Brighton!


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