Friday, 21 March 2025

Panic Stations.

His Royal Highness President Macron is to issue every home in France with a 20 page guide on 'How to survive a Nuclear War', or something of that sort.

The pamphlet which will arrive before Summer will advise on keeping tinned food, batteries, bottled water, first aid pack, penknife, and even board-games, in the house.

It, apparently, also advises in case of Nuclear attack, to close all doors and windows. And says to join your local 'Civil Defence' group, if there is one.

Well, I think I'm already reasonably kitted-out. I have plenty of canned food in the house, I have wine, loads of candles, and a good supply of logs for the fire and cooking. I also have 'self defence' kit (ahem).

I shall probably need extra Silver Foil for hats etc. and anti-radiation cream for my face and hands.

So, if Putin can find me (and if I'm in France when it happens) I'm ready for him.

Put your dukes up Vlad... I'll be ready and waiting!



  1. You get em Cro. I'd be hoping to be vaporised in the first few minutes.
    No advice about digging shelters underground?

    1. That's my attitude too. Get it over and done with. No, no underground shelters, just advice about locking doors.

  2. Read about that in our local paper.

    1. News gets around. It's all rather silly. I think (after Covid) we all know how to hunker down.

  3. Didn't we have a film about this many years ago?

  4. I have absolutely no wish to be one of the few survivors in a post-nuclear world. Weirdly, I would want to be at home if it is going to happen.

    1. Quite right. Open that 'best bottle' you'd been keeping for a special occasion, and let it all happen.

  5. Thankfully we have just bought two cases of fizz on special offer so we shall survive.

    1. That's the way. Stock-up on the essentials.

  6. The French information pack sounds very much like "Protect and Survive" that was issued to all British households in May 1980. It is horrendous that Putin has stirred those old demons and is sending shockwaves through the western world. I hope that he drops down dead before this month is over.

    1. The problem would be, who would replace him? They're all as crazy as each other!

  7. I have reached the time in life where in case of nuclear war, please make it fast. Andrews airforce base is only 3-4 miles away, a hit there, should cook this hilltop in a matter of minutes.

    1. Yes, if it does come, let it be quick. And let Putin be burnt to a cinder at the same time.

  8. Is Macron preparing for WWIII.
    At this time, given the world state of affairs, it could happen.
    I hope not. But.

    1. Someone should deal with Putin. He's become obsessed by killing.

  9. I am afraid we wouldn't and I don't want to survive a nuclear war. Hugs to you in case it happens.

    1. Thank you, from my smoldering pile of dust!


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