Wednesday, 12 March 2025

The Gaité Theatre again.

You may remember that I mentioned the 'sit-in' at Paris's Gaité Lyrique Theatre back in January.

Well I'm saddened to say that the occupation still continues; they have been there for THREE MONTHS.

It all happened after a well-meaning radical left-wing group of theatre staff invited a bunch of immigrants to a 'Welcome to Refugees' conference, after which they REFUSED TO LEAVE.

Since then about young 450 African men have taken-over the theatre and are causing mayhem.

One local business, the small bistro next door, is now threatened with bankruptcy as a result of the Africans spreading themselves around outside (as well as inside). Other local businesses have been threatened with violence if they criticise the Africans, and the once popular theatre and its surrounding area has become a disaster zone.

In France the CRS (riot police) are known for not holding back, so quite why they haven't gone in and arrested each and every one of them, I cannot imagine. They've had three months to think about it. No doubt the 'European Convention on Human Rights' prevents them from being mean.

What a bloody state of affairs. No wonder so many immigrants think Europe is a 'soft touch'. It really has become a joke!



  1. Nowt to be done that wouldn't end up with one being personally punished. if we import the third world we become what the immigrants ran away from.

    1. If they are running away from one nightmare, why create another? It doesn't make sense.

    2. Because they are thick, it's only lefty liberals think they have value and they are only a step above the immigrants. I assume that it makes a liberal feel warm and fuzzy seeing folk dafter than they are.

  2. A previous work colleague was in Paris at the time of the late 1960s student riots, and from his description of how the police behaved then they must have gone soft!

    1. They're not known for wearing 'kid gloves'.

  3. They tried to help but .... be careful what you wish for!

    1. A good lesson for all of us. It reminds me of Lily Allen who allowed some refugees to live in her house, then they refused to leave. She later discovered that they were in fact diplomats working at their embassy. Charming.

  4. That's a bloody long play that they're watching. The actors must be knackered. Is it "Long Day's Journey Into Night" by Eugene O'Neill?

    1. The curtain must come down soon. It's been too long. It WILL happen one day, so why not three months ago?


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