Tuesday, 11 March 2025

News from the street


Nothing much happens here, but I suppose our biggest news of recent times is that we now have a BISHOP in residence in our little bijou street.

My senior school was positioned next door to a cathedral, and it played a very important part in our daily lives. As such I did get to meet the Bish' from time to time. He invited me to Tea on a couple of occasions, but I can't say that he was a particularly interesting person.

I have yet to meet my new Bishop neighbour, so I can't offer a character report; but from what I see of him on our WhatsApp page, he seems like a nice chap.

He originates from Australia, but his job in the UK was as Bishop to a large nearby W Sussex town.

So, how do I address him when we meet in the street? 'Your Grace', 'Your worship' maybe? Or just plain 'Good morning Bishop'!

I'm just waiting for him to name his house 'The Bishop's Palace', after which I will name ours 'Pandemonium'.

Do you have a Bishop in your road? No, I didn't think you did!


  1. I don't have a Bishop in my road but when mother was alive she was Secretary to one. We also called him 'the Bish' 😂

  2. You could try calling him Bruce? Or Shane?

  3. I'd be inclined not to address him as anything worthy, you might regret it later on....he might be one of the good ones though, so just a simple 'good morning sir' would do.

  4. You might hear the bishop bashing the bishop - if he leaves his bedroom window open.

    1. I don't know that expression, but I can imagine what it means.

    2. What did the actress say to the bishop?

    3. "Is that a chalice in your pocket, or are just pleased to see me!"

  5. "Wotcher mate" isn't quite the right address is it - unless he's a de-frocked Bishop of course, then you can call him whatever you like!

    1. Oy, you! comes to mind, but it sounds a bit disrespectful.

  6. No bishops on my lane, mere pawns.

    Round my part the bishops are revered to as “Bishop Cro” though Google tells me it should be “Bishop Magnon”.

    As a dyed in the wool atheist who doesn’t believe anyone believes I am surprised you are worried about how to address the bishop. must admit I share the same views as Sue G.

    1. As a fellow atheist, I do already address my local vicar as 'Father'. I think I shall address him as 'Bishop' if we meet in the street. And I shall expect him to call me 'Sir'.

    2. Only ever called one person that and he was married to my mother.

  7. No Bishop sightings in my neighborhood, but I just discovered I do have a porcupine living up my oak tree.The excitement never ends.

    You greet a Bishop as "Your Excellency", but only if you feel so inclined. Perhaps a polite nod and keep moving forward will work best. How will you know its actually him? Do Bishops always walk around wearing a big funny hat, bright red robes and carry a shepherd's crook? Or is that perhaps only when they're in a movie or on duty?

    1. How wonderful to have a Porcupine up in your tree. All we have are Pigeons, Seagulls, and Squirrels.

  8. Will the new neighbor increase property values?

    1. Somehow I doubt it; except in our case of course!

  9. In Greece an Orthodox Bishop resides, presides, in a monastery and you'd kiss his ring (hand) if you ever met him.
    Your street is honoured.
    I too wondered if property values in your little cul de sac will rise

    1. I don't think I shall be exchanging kisses with this old boy. He might get the wrong idea!

  10. A Bishop in the neighborhood? Does this bring some added advantage?
    He might have some interesting stories to tell.

  11. No, but I have a good friend who's brother is an Archbishop.


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