Sunday, 23 March 2025

Another depressing week goes by.

The week started with big bruhaha on the government benches. It wasn't only the Tories who were complaining, Starmer's own backbenchers were also up in arms about cutting disability payments, affecting 3.6 Million claimants. Certain Labour MP's really didn't want to return to their constituencies having to face those who will be clobbered. They already have to deal with angry pensioners, farmers, and business people. A semi U-Turn looks likely. Who will they upset next? There's a mini-budget coming-up next week.

If you wondered what happened to amateur pugilist Mike Amesbury, he has now quit as an MP. No-one is surprised. The by-election should be interesting.

I do hope you don't need to catch trains on the East coast. Recently one of their train drivers was sacked, so the others, who are all paid a minimum of £72,223 p.a., will be going on strike for 56 days. The train drivers Union, Aslef, claims that the driver was 'unfairly dismissed'. Well, they would say that, wouldn't they!

STOP PRESS. The Africans occupying The Gaité Lyrique theatre in Paris, have now all been booted out by the CRS. I believe they were very 'firm' with their removal techniques. About bloody time.

It is now estimated that 286 excellent schools will close due to the Socialist 'Education Tax'. Have these people absolutely no idea about what they're doing? If you force the very best schools in the country to close, the inevitable result is a lowering of standards. One has to presume that that is their aim! 

On the High Street, 95 branches of the bank Santander will close (7 of which are here in Sussex), with the loss of 750 jobs. It doesn't get any better. Rachel from Accounts' plan is working well; everyone in the UK will soon be out of work. Poor old Britain!

In 'the olden days' it was expected that the taxes of the young would pay for the pensions of the old. These days the old continue to work after retirement age so that 1.3 Million people can sit around and do eff-all, claiming benefits. It's a funny old world! If Labour can sort this out; good for them!

And in the downtrodden People's Republic of Birmingham, the Rats are still running riot, and people are attacking the bin-men. Hey Ho.


  1. Dear me, so much doom and gloom. I hope at least the sun is shining.
    A good Sunday roast and a pint might help lift the mood too.

    1. A tiny bit of drizzle this morning, which stopped as soon as I stepped outside with Billy.

  2. Replies
    1. I'm not surprised. Maybe better news on Wednesday.

  3. I despair of the world at the moment 😞

  4. Not a pretty picture, Cro. Have you thought of settling back in France permanently - or are things even worse there (not counting your awful neighbours of course!).

    1. No. France has lost much of its appeal for me since some dreadful 'townie' neighbours moved in. I still love our house, the peace, and the countryside, but the atmosphere has totally changed.

  5. If you think it's bad there...!

  6. Something is in the air!
    Look at the US too.


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