Sunday 25 December 2011

The BIG Day.

By this evening I'm expecting us to resemble the above happy couple; we too are bound to make pigs of ourselves!

Nos meilleurs voeux pour Noël et la nouvelle année, God Jul, Frohe Weihnachten, HAPPY CHRISTMAS. Cro. xxx


  1. Happy Christmas to you too, Cro!!

  2. the little porkers in this house will be as stuffed as the turkey come it is meant to be. Merry Christmas.

  3. We call it National Pig-Out in our house. Bring on the bacon!
    Merry Christmas, Cro!

  4. Merry Christmas Mr and Mrs M
    Happy Holidays and don't get too over-stuffed.

  5. Very Merry Everything! Hugs xxxx

  6. My daughters have christened it "a great day of munching." I concur. Tomorrow we shall show more restraint.

  7. We have just tried the piccalilli - and it is, undoubtedly, the best we have ever had. Thank you for sharing that recipe with us. It definitely makes it into our family recipe book (with credit to you, of course!). x

  8. Merry Christmas Cro and Lady M,by now it is all over and a great time had by all,may the coming year be full of everything you wish for ,for you and your family...Christmas is either fantastic or lonely or undermined by small little unrests,I pray that yours was he first one..bless your home and loved ones for they are truly blessed.

  9. Elaine. We shall try ours tomorrow (with some cold turkey, of course). I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


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