Wednesday 25 September 2024

51 years ago.

I think it was during the Easter school holidays in 1973; I was 25 years old, and was on holiday in S W France. I lived on the N Wales/Shropshire border at the time, but was teaching down in Sussex. 

We just happened to look in an Estate Agent's window, and saw a property advertised that grabbed my attention. The agent said he'd take us to look at it, and we drove quite some distance south to a tiny village in what looked like a perfect setting.

We pulled-up outside the gates (below), and I could immediately see that the property was not only extensive, but also very beautiful. It had a huge range of stone barns and outbuildings, and also came with one hectare of land and a very productive Chestnut wood.

"I'll have it" I said almost at once. It simply had that look about it that was difficult to say no.

The UK was still not yet in The Common Market at that time, and buying foreign property was filled with pitfalls. We had to pay a 10% deposit, and had six months to find the rest of the money (or lose the deposit). I had to return to Blighty, put my house on the market, and deal with all the seemingly endless administration (including a medical examination in Harley Street). It was a crazy six months. We actually arrived at the French lawyer's office with just one day to spare. 

I had driven down with all our furniture in the back of a hired van. When we arrived at the house, the wife of the vendor family was there to greet us (the house hadn't been lived in for a few years, and she'd ben doing some basic cleaning). She went to the barn, brought out a bale of hay, and placed it in the huge fireplace. When I saw her lighting it, I imagined the whole house burning to the ground. Luckily it didn't.

I cannot remember how or when we had the water and electricity connected.

That day was in September 1973, exactly 51 years ago.

In those carefree days, I took everything in my stride. The administration was endless, the financial side was a nightmare, and my French at that time was 'schoolboy rudimentary'. I certainly wouldn't do it today, even though the process is far more simple.

I must have been friggin' crazy.



  1. No, not crazy, just young, full of dreams and the energy to carry them out. All that hassle and hard work brought you a different lifestyle, the best for your family and future. You could write a book a out it.
    You know you can turn your blog into book?

    1. I have written a couple of books about France, and my life there.

  2. What a massive project to take on at a relatively young age Cro. When we are young we can deal with such things so much better. When I watch Escape to the Chateau DIY, I always think that I would like to have renovated a Chateau but that is a huge project and could be a money pit. You also have to be a Jack of all trades and have so many skills. That would have been too much for us. I admire you both so much for what you did and, it proved to be such a success. XXXX


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