Monday 23 September 2024

Life's essentials.


What do I really want out of life?

Well, really not that much. I'm not someone who wants fast cars, a huge house, or designer clothes. I'm quite content with the simpler things of life.

I do like to live in a pleasantly comfortable home in nice surroundings (below), but that doesn't have to be situated in some highly sought-after area, or even be wildly expensive. It is simply a question of 'choice'.

I like to eat well, to have access to both either open countryside or the sea, and to be within a reasonable distance of good quality shops. 

I am also very selective about my friends. I don't have that many, but the ones I do have are all very special. I have many more 'acquaintances' that I chat with on a daily basis, but they remain in a slightly different category. 

I've never fussed about having lots of money. As long as I remain solvent, I'm happy. There really is nothing on any wish-list that I'm desperate to obtain. If I was suddenly to become wealthy, I really don't know what I'd spend it on (other than a mews house in S Ken).

I like to have my cupboards, fridge, and freezer well stocked. And I like to have a good stock of simple red wines at hand.

Concerning things I can't control, I would like our country to be run by people I respect, who in turn respected us. I would like to see the back of all those people who denigrate the UK. And I would like all 'squiggle-merchants' to be locked-up.

I don't ask for much, but I would like some new legs and hips. I know I have to accept what I have, and I shouldn't complain.

Nothing on my life-essentials list is beyond the scope of most people. I'm a simple country lad at heart. Experiencing the peace and quiet of the countryside is possibly my greatest pleasure; and it's free. 

I've never really understood people who always want more and more, personally I'm perfectly happy with 'ENOUGH'.


  1. Good to hear you are so happy. You were going to see your G.P. when you got back to Brighton. Hope that went well.

    1. Oct 2nd. They're very busy here, the NHS is in a mess.

    2. So do I. They will take blood, etc.

    3. I thought you were having a phone appointment.

    4. I did have that some time back, he gave me some pain killers that DON'T kill pain.

  2. What or who are squiggle merchants?

    1. Make that three of us.

      "Squiggle merchant". Sounds exciting. Like Arthur Daley and his minder [Dennis Waterman].


    2. Actually, come to think of it Cro might refer to a doctor's signature - the squiggle. Except as Rachel points out to get one of those must be as magic as extracting blood over the phone.


    3. 'Squiggle Merchants' are those people who leave spray painted squiggles on walls, shop fronts, and national monuments. They are a blight on the nation, and should be quashed.


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