Our toms have now started in ernest. The variety above is simply known as 'Le Portugais'; the (non F1 hybrid) seeds of which are carefully guarded from year to year. The fruit itself is very dense and solid, with no watery filled caveties inside. This is a 'carving' tomato.
The one above weighs in at 825 gms, and I can assure you that its flavour is magnifique. Exactly how a good tomato should be.
Tonight it shall worship at the altar of Pizza, and feed 6 people. I shall make two; one topping will be of green pesto spread all over the base (right to the edges), then thin slices of the above tomato, then thin slices of buffalo mozzarella, then anchovies olives and basil, and the other much the same, but with gently fried cepes instead of the anchovies. Both very simple and totally delicious.
Trump This IS a Statesman !
I’m working a long day today , so will leave you this video at dawn before
I go.
Integrity and gravitas
13 hours ago
What time did you say dinner was? I have been away so will go back and see what other yumminesss I have missed.
ReplyDeleteMaking my mouth water and as we have had a day of visits by "Needs Assessors" and Physiotherapists and a visit to the G.P. our meal is out of the freezer. Still it is not the season for tomatoes here anyway.
ReplyDeleteThat would never be seen in a British supermarket. It doesn't conform to their strict size/colour/shape or indeed watery tasteless flavour criteria
ReplyDeleteSad innit!
ReplyDeleteDo you deliver?
ReplyDeleteVisit the van, Chris.
ReplyDeleteDo you ever sun-dry some of your tomatoes Cro?
ReplyDeleteNo. Never tried. Any excess gets bottled with either courgettes or aubergines.
ReplyDeleteworshipping at the altar of pizza ....I like the line...I'm cooking my beefy toms at the moment with the rampaging courgettes and the fat onions with garlic coming out the door!!
ReplyDeleteWow! Look at that beautiful tomato...it's pallid cousins in the grocery store can't begin to compare.
ReplyDeleteIf I head to Ohare now, I should be at your door in about 12 hours (taking time to rent a sporty vehicle)If I bring lots of "artisan" soap will I be allowed a piece or two.?
ReplyDeletePizza. I am talking Pizza
Sounds like a fair exchange. See you tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteI am having such dreadful cases of garden envy reading your posts lately!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful tomato. It's so beautiful and juicy, I feel like sniffing the computer screen.
ReplyDeleteHold the anchovies, and extra mushrooms on mine, please. Those pizzas sound wonderful. Gonna post pictures to get us salivating even more?
ReplyDeleteInteresting to think of a tomato so dense it doesn't have juicy cavities. It's those juicy cavities that make a 'mater sandwich so irresistibly sloppy and good.
Oh man!!! My mouth is watering!!!