Saturday, 23 July 2016

You just have to love this lady.


  1. I'm having internet problems this morning; probably due to a storm last night. So, I'm offering this wonderful clip as an infill.

  2. Internet failure comes with good timing, look at it from a positive point of view Cro, this means you can enjoy another wonderful day with your family without interuptions. I was thinking how lovely for you and Lady M. to be with family. Enjoy your second day of bithdaying :)
    Greetings Maria x

  3. Tears are rolling down my cheeks - not so much in sympathy with your Internet problems as with the clip you showed us

  4. Oh dear !!!!!!
    Profitez de plus de fêtes d'anniversaire Cro XXXX

  5. Life can be a bit complicated at that age ...


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