Thursday, 19 December 2024

The wheels of change turn mighty slow.

We have just been sent a photo that proves that behind our house in France it appears that not much has changed since the beginning of June. There is still a temporary electrical meter box on the ground, and cables still lie on the surface; just as they did FIVE YEARS AGO.

However, over Summer, I did manage to arrange that the neighbour whose house it feeds, now has buried cables up to his front door, and a new meter installed on his own land, whether they are being used or not is another question; we simply don't know. Other than that I'm really not sure why all the cables are still all over the ground, or even if they're still 'live'. It doesn't make any sense.

I really went out of my way to help the man get his permanent electricity connection; I made phone calls, spoke to the Mayor, and welcomed about five different lots of EDF workers who came to fiddle with things. I didn't mind giving a helping hand, as the current situation remained extremely dangerous, and I really didn't want to see a repeat of when a local man was very nearly killed by mowing over the hidden grass-covered wires. 

Regardless of all this, the situation remains much the same, and I'd put a tenner on it being no different in 12 months time!!!

In between time, our own telephone/internet wires were still left trailing on the ground. I have attached them to the brand new post, just so I don't mow over them. I believe that a new Fibre Optic connection will arrive this winter, so maybe those wheels are beginning to turn. I hope I get to see, and use, it. Our current internet connection in France is appalling.



  1. You've done everything, even talking to the Mayor. Now if you were the Mayor's brother in law.... maybe. Other than the greasing of palms there's not much else you can do. And in this case, whose palm to grease
    Light a candle, say a prayer. Maybe someone on high is listening. Time foe a Xmas miracle!

    1. If only I believed in those miracles! Such things have become very frustrating about France; nothing seems to work as it once did.


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