Sunday, 1 December 2024

Confined to Barracks.


I've had a pretty awful couple of weeks, and it still ain't over yet!

Having not been ill for about 5 years, I caught a dreadful bloody cold/flu/covid; probably covid, and it's been very nasty.

Then a couple of days ago I somehow managed to twist my left ankle, and I can hardly walk.

I can't go for walks with Billy, and I have no idea how long it'll take to heal.

Of course, I also have to cope with my sciatica, arthritic hips, dodgy right knee, and painful shoulders.

What a bloody mess. Only time will heal, and I hope that time passes swiftly. My life is miserable at the moment.

And to add insult to injury, I have now gone about 98% DEAF. Whatever next!!!!

Gawd, I hate being ill. I'd almost forgotten what it was like!

p.s. My feet are size 10, and not long thin 18's as they appear in the photo.


  1. Oh dear, you do sound miserable. Hope you improve quickly.

    1. The foot is a little better this morning, but still not back to dog-walking condition.

  2. I'm so sorry to read this, I hope everything passes quickly and you feel better.

  3. Could the deafness be caused by a build up of wax following your cold thingy? Warm olive oil drops work well.

    1. I will buy some Otex, and I have a homemade syringe (don't ask).

  4. Same here with the cold. We've picked up something from somewhere. Better now than during the festivities. Hope you feel better soon. xx

    1. Quite right. There's nothing worse that being ill over Christmas. I hope yours goes quickly too.

  5. Perastika sou. You sound rather miserable and lots of reasons why. Only time will heal as you say. So stay sitting in that arm chair and find a few comic series on Netflix to entertain yourself. Time for you to be waited on. Don't grump at the waiters!

    1. Sadly I hate sitting around doing nothing, but I shall watch some TV, and order Tea and hot buttered Crumpets. Being ill does have some advantages.

  6. Commiserations regarding the left ankle..I twisted mine mid October...the sound of overstretching ligaments is awful isn't it.
    RICE as they say...and arnica cream outside, tablets working slowly..and massage to disperse swelling..and keeping moving...
    Ligaments take two or three months, and it is SO frustrating!!

    1. I hope my problem doesn't last that long. It already feels less painful, but I'm not going disco dancing quite yet.

  7. Sorry to hear you have been struck down by a bug. Your side description of being an optimist is certainly true. Form your posts of the last few weeks I would never have known you were feeling so rotten - unlike some people who seem to moan about the slightest of ailments.

    May it pass quickly and get those ears checked once you are more mobile.

    1. Everything suddenly seemed to build up to a crescendo, otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned it. I'll treat my ears myself. I've done it before and it worked perfectly.

    2. There is a nasty non COVID bug going around. A lot of people I know have had it. For most it has lasted a couple of weeks.

      But again, respect, wouldn’t have known you were not feeling well.

      A good opportunity to catch up on reading.

  8. So sorry to hear all of this Cro and I hope you are more like your old self at Christmastime. Have you tried "Dr Quack's Magic Elixir"? As we say up in Yorkshire, "Oh bugger it!"

    1. My current 'magic elixir' is stroking Billy. That always makes me feel better.

  9. Hope you feel better soon, but how about amusing yourself by finding things online to amuse us with? Always greatly appreciated!

  10. So sorry hope you improve quickly. It's a real pain getting older. I have vertigo as a lasting condition after vivid and that's ghastly. Wishing you well. Regards Sue H

  11. That should have read Covid not vivid! Sue H

    1. I don't have a test kit, but I think it's probably Covid. I had Covid before, and it seems very similar. I'd not heard of people suffering from Vertigo after Covid. That sounds very troubling.

  12. Lots of sympathy from me. I am currently undergoing a front tooth implant and wearing a temporary denture for 4 months to avoid a gappy smile, not that I am smiling much. It seems the older we get the less we can tolerate the inevitable dropping to pieces. Hope you mend soon,

    1. I have a 100% PHOBIA about teeth, which results from a bad experience when I was small, so you have my fullest sympathy.

  13. Sorry to hear you're suffering Cro. It does seem that the old adage of things happening in threes applies to your misfortunes. Hope you will soon be better and back to walking Billy again - he'll miss your daily outings as much as you will!

    1. I think Billy understands that I'm not well, and is showing sympathy. He's looking forward to our mutual walks again.

  14. Commiserations to you, get well soon Cro!

    1. Thank you Sue, I think the tide is turning.

  15. Cro, I too hate being ill... but (as you) it doesn't happen often. But use the time to comfort yourself - hot tea by a fire, buttered crumpets, and Billy! It is annoying, but this too will pass...

  16. OH and OWW, hugs to you . Hope that helps. Couldn't hurt anyway, like everything else.

    1. Thank you Gemma. All hugs are warmly accepted at the moment.

  17. This is no time to be under the weather. It is the holiday season, and you must bring on the holiday cheer.
    Get well soon, it is almost Christmas.

    1. I'm sure I'll be over it before Christmas. I shall be very annoyed if it isn't.


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