Friday, 3 January 2025

Pêche aux écrevisses

Here are Arthur and Vincent, those cheeky Bons Vivants, doing what they do best; eating and drinking out in the French countryside.

Today they are in Toulouse, catching, preparing, and eating those pesky American écrevisses, that are destroying our European variety.

May I suggest that if you live near a stream, you buy yourself a cheap plastic Crayfish Pot, and do as the boys were doing. If you leave your baited pot overnight, you should have enough for a good meal.

Just listen to that Toulouse accent! It's much the same accent as where we live nearby in France. I love it. 


  1. Didn't understand a single word they said, but would love to spend an afternoon catching crayfish (crawdads) with the boys, cooking them up and eating good cheese too. What fun.

    1. As a French-speaker myself, I hardly notice the difference. I even spoke to Billy in French this morning. He comes from Toulouse!

    2. Perhaps you could use "Meander's Magnonings" as a vehicle for teaching basic French...
      Lesson Un: "Bon Jour = Good Day" Repeat after me...

    3. It's taken me 50 years (plus days at school) to learn to speak French. I'm not willing to share my secrets.

  2. My French language skills are too rusty these days to be of any use. I keep lapsing into Spanish when trying to converse in French or Italian.

    1. Lady M used to be much the same. She learned Spanish whilst living in Venezuela, and it came out naturally instead of French.

  3. Bloody delicious !!! My favourite kind of meal. XXXX

    1. Me too. Rustic, free, and delicious. And just outside Toulouse as well.

  4. Replies
    1. It's all that meat, alcohol, and tobacco. Obviously doing them good!

  5. Cro...let us go and be so happy and free. I grinned the whole way through , do not speak French, but got the whole story and it was a party. :)
    I have a creek such as that one but very few "crawdads" in it.

    1. Have you tried putting a trap in for them? There might be more in there than you think! Delicious.

    2. I might just do that! ;) Now you have me wondering.

  6. Cooking over an open fire and eating outside is always great.
    I've had crayfish in UK. Crayfish are equivalent to a tiny lobster. My preference is for King Crab or Lobster.

    1. King Crab or Lobster costs good money. These Crayfish come FREE. If one has a plentiful supply, they are superb.

  7. You can't get any fresher than that. Fried alive and sloshed with good wine. That's the crawfish and the lads.
    Love that they didn't stop there. They know how to eat, finishing off with steaks and more great nosh.
    C'est la vie!!

    1. They are great fun, and it all comes from my area in S W France.

  8. Living on Lewis I can buy them at the fish shop or off the pier still wriggling. Unfortunately much as I love them someone has to kill them for me first.

    1. I know what you mean, but I don't think they suffer for more than a second or two!

    2. Just boil the pot and look the other way when you dump them in G.E.

    3. And tell them to 'Think of England'.


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