Friday, 17 January 2025


The future of the Chagos Archipelago is up for grabs.

This UK territory, just south of the Maldives, contains seven atolls, and 60 islands. The US Naval Support Facility has a base on Diego Garcia, which is the only currently occupied island.

Mauritius is claiming sovereignty, and weak-willed Sir Keir 'freebie' Starmer has been talking of handing the territory over willy-nilly. For some bizarre reason he has also offered Mauritius an eyewatering sum of £99 Million per annum for a period of 99 years. A total sum of around £90 Billion. If it was really essential to rid ourselves of the islands, wouldn't it have been wiser to SELL them to someone; rather than paying them to take it away? It IS OURS for goodness sake!!!

It's a good thing that Starmer wasn't in charge when Argentina attacked the Falkland Islands. He would have laid down, rolled on his back, and surrendered. You can't just come along as a rookie PM and start giving away UK territory.

It used to be said that 'Britain Ruled the Seas', but not now. These days we'll actually pay people to take away our territory.

The Maldives have been developed into a staggeringly beautiful holiday destination. Why have we not done the same with a few of the Chagos islands? Forget this stupid deal, and spend the £90 Billion on developing some of the islands.

The government keeps harping on about a highly disputed 'Black Hole' of £20 Billion left by The Tories. Well, if they really believed their own propaganda they wouldn't be wanting to make an unprecedented gift of over £90 Billion to Mauritius. It doesn't make sense.

I expect Trump will be having words with Starmer. Keep your heads down!

p.s. I have an idea. Why not give the islands to me, and I'll only accept £50 Billion as compensation. That must be Starmer's bargain of the year !!!



  1. I can understand our relinquishing the Chagos archipelago. Mauritius has the UN's backing for sovereignty but I don't know why as the Seychelles are closer and we've already given them away. It could be that coconut oil is expected to become worth a fortune.
    The eye watering sums of money only make sense if there's 10% commision for Us Labors negotiators.
    The Seychelles are a grand part of the world and well worth a visit.

    1. The UK could probably claim sovereignty over parts of France, and get support from the UN, but that doesn't mean that it's right. If this goes ahead, Spain will want Gibraltar, Argentina will want the Falklands, and the USA will want Greenland. If Mauritius really do want Chagos, let them BUY it.

    2. You are forgetting that Mauritius hasn't any money so before they can show their gratitude we have to give them some.
      The days of us needing overseas territory are long gone. It's just a shame we have to import the third world to the UK. If diversity brought any value the imports would be making the most of their own countries whereas as soon as westerners leave the locals turn them into shit holes.

    3. As I said above, it would make a wonderful holiday destination, like the Maldives. What's wrong with that? Rayner could build some of her 1.5 Million homes there.

  2. Perhaps they could give both the island's and the compensation to the descendants of the Chagos Islanders who were forcibly evacuated to make way for military uses. Now that would be novel.

    1. That's another MUCH better idea. No mention has been made about them!

  3. Though I am not very knowledgeable about the history and politics of The Chagos Islands, I know that the situation is much more complicated than you imply. I am surprised that you didn't add "fragrant" to your description of Keir Starmer. Besides, it's not about him personally giving the islands away. He just happens to be in Number 10 as the process evolves towards an ending. Since 1903, The Chagos Archipelago has been attached to Mauritius for administrative purposes.

    1. The Chagos islands are UK property and should remain so. They have strategic importance, and must not be sacrificed for political ideology.

  4. I'm surprised that the government want to sell them off. They will be running out of places to escape to when it all goes really wrong and the UK population goes after them yelling for blood!

    1. They're not even 'selling' them off, they're actually paying people to take them from us. The UK must be the only country in the world to do such a thing.

  5. From what I remember our relatively recent annexation of what has become the British Indian Ocean Territories wasn't that simple. I can't be bothered looking up the details but I'm pretty sure that Britain lost its case over its removal of the occupants. Basically Britain can no longer afford to 'own' and maintain half the world. Strategically Britain couldn't defend the Islands in the event of conflict anyway.

    1. Over the years, the one difference I've noted between the UK and France, is that France is really proud of their culture, past, and achievements, and the UK is the opposite. We seem to want to rid ourselves of any trace of 'empire', etc.

  6. I haven't heard of the Chagos group but I have heard Diego Garcia. There are all sorts of conspiracy theories swirling around that. It's a secret CIA base. Flight MH370 was diverted there when it disappeared. Heaven knows why.
    Maybe Trump will offer to buy them too

    1. I don' t think Trump is too pleased about the UK getting rid of them. Diego Garcia is very important to them.

  7. I do not know the intricate details of this give-away, but it seems odd.
    That said, the US trumpets interest in buying Greenland and making Canada part of the US. It's a strange new world.


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