I thought I'd end the tower's first year of existence by showing you how well all the plants have fared. Basically there are just 3 plants on the East side (the side you can see); a Vine, a Wisteria, and, protected from the animals, in the corner, a Fig. The big bushy thing in front of the interconnecting wall is a common pink flowering Lavatera, and I have made an arch with the vines over the gate.
Next year I expect all of these to really perform. In fact I hope it to be swamped by Summer.
On the North and West walls are two Clematis, a Nelly Moser, and a Montana; two classic 'doers' that have almost reached the roof. There is also a climbing Hydrangea 'Schizophragma' that has already started to send out healthy looking clinging shoots.
My aim is to have the whole building swathed in foliage so that the walls almost disappear. The fun part will then be to cut back and leave what will eventually become more permanent.
He Used To Be Mine
This isn’t a love song
It’s a song about change
And is all about self awareness
It’s One of the most moving pieces of musical theatre I know
12 hours ago