I have no trouble finding Cepes, Girolles, Parasols, etc; but Morels, non!
Nature has decided that these delights are for others to enjoy; NOT for Cro!
A diverse offering twixt the interesting, the unusual, and the amusing.
Many years ago, back in Brighton, I had taken some rubbish to the local tip, when I encountered a very irate and red-faced man, 'chucking' (and I mean 'chucking') perfectly good looking stuff out of the back of his car. Amongst the pile were several brand new hockey sticks, piles of women's clothing, expensive looking shoes, books, kitchen equipment, suitcases, radios, etc.
Amongst all this stuff I spotted the aforementioned brand new florist's pot, and I asked the man if I could take it.
"Take what you effing like" he shouted. "You can have the whole effing lot, for all I effing care!".
I took the pot and left. It was pretty obvious what was going on, and I didn't want to get involved. What his wife/girlfriend thought when she returned to get her things; I can't imagine. There must have been one hell of a fight; if not a court case!
Anyway, she's not getting her galvanised florist's pot back; it was given to me fair-n-square!
I've just received my bill for this year's insurance. Both Lady Magnon and myself are insured to drive the family Compact Royce, and for that pleasure my annual charge is an outrageous €182 (£160 or $256).
Considering that Lady M and myself are both extremely cautious drivers, I consider this no more than THEFT.
Amazingly he's just twigged (the public always knew this) that all the foreign aid money given to Africa over the years, has been money down the drain.
Even the late-arrivals threw their hands up in horror when the 'Merc's for Malawi' scandal broke in 2000. The Scottish Parliament's cash for a fleet of 37 luxury Merc's for the lads, was a Merc' too far.
So why has Mandy only now discovered the truth, or been prepared to tell the truth, when the rest of us knew yonks ago. And why do the Swiss bankers (who are the recipients of so much of this 'filtered' cash) continue not to inform the naive benefactors?
Be warned; Mandy wouldn't now be saying this, if there wasn't something behind it all. The only question is WHAT!
He's got his gong. He's got his over-paid jobs. Perhaps like his chum Blair before him, he wishes to become an 'envoy'; to Africa maybe?
The Middle East has proved nothing but trouble since Tony took over HIS 'envoy' job, so what could we expect from Africa, with Mandy at the helm? Boggle... Boggle... Boggle...
In both the top and middle pictures you will see carefully positioned flowers in glass vases. Every time I've visited this church, there's been a ragbag of dusty plastic flowers in old baked bean tins; even for this tiny hamlet of about 50 (max) inhabitants, one would have expected at least one person to devote some time to decent flowers (France has no WI).
France is a secular country, so all marriages are performed by the Mayor of your village, town, or city (you can only have a 'blessing' in a church). But wouldn't this have made a spectacular setting for a big-hat wedding!
One of the greatest pleasures of living in Europe, is being surrounded by its early architecture. Whether it be a tiny cottage, a chateau, or an ancient church, there are buildings around every corner that make us gasp.
Medieval churches are everywhere. Yesterday I passed through the tiny village of Martignac, near Puy L'Eveque in The Lot, where the church is filled with very early primative murals (unfortunately I forgot my camera; but I'll return), and these are not uncommon. In many countries, Martignac's church would be a building of national importance; here it is just taken for granted, and rather neglected.
Above is a good example of what is almost commonplace. The 11th Century church of St Martin in Besse; a village about 15 Kms from us, complete with its original stone roof, a few recently discovered interior paintings, and a spectacular carved doorway. Luckily, all very well cared for.
When I see the abundance of fairy-tale vernacular domestic building in my area, I just wonder if the original builders realised how beautiful they were; or simply did things as they'd always been done? I do like to think that they were all men of impeccable taste.
In England our milk was always delivered to the house aboard an electric milk float, and the one-pint glass bottles placed on the doorstep at about 5.30am each morning. The milkman was paid every two weeks.
Then 40 years ago, when we first moved to France, I bought our milk from my friend José's father's farm, about 400 metres away. I fetched it each morning in a small, aluminium, one litre, churn; direct from the milking parlour.
Now I buy at the supermarket. Semi-skimmed, in half-litre plastic-bottled six-packs that, if unopened, would last for months. The six-pack above cost €5,46 (£4,80).
This very pretty evergreen Clematis (armandii) has just started to flower, against the wall of our pool pump-house.
It doesn't do as well as I'd expected, here in France; we planted one back in England that is the same age, yet ten times the size, and needs to be seriously cut back annually.
However, it's all part of the springtime awakening process, and its annual appearance gives us hope for the days ahead.
p.s. When I built the pump-house, I commissioned a young local potter to make two traditional bird-topped, tall, green glazed, pinnacles, for the roof. The two birds (in the window) later fell off. Perhaps I should have asked an 'older' potter to have made them. Inexperience; I suspect. Never mind; at least he and his young family ate that week!
Have I missed out on some Bilderberg conspiracy? Has the government decided that in future we shall have only 6-day-weeks? Have The Ides of March spread their influence?
Why does my calendar have no 17th? Could this be the end of the world? I thought THAT was supposed to be next year!
Are 'they' keeping something from us? I think we should be told!
Every part of the human body (other than tonsils and appendices) seems to be essential. But it's only when you damage one tiny bit that you realise how essential.
I'm engaged in some building work at the moment, and I've gone and got a stupid bloody SPLINTER in the fleshy part of my right thumb. I know; poor diddums etc etc. But it bloody hurts and I can't dig the wretched thing out.
So I'm temporarily disabled, but unable to take time off. It's just a matter of continuing as per normal, but with the occasional blood-curdling scream thrown in for luck.
Any advice about winkling out deep set splinters would be gratefully received, although I'm really just hoping it'll come out by itself (Yes, I'm a male wimp). Thank goodness I don't use my thumb for clicking on the mouse!
Aren't vet's surgeries depressing places. Sterile, usually over heated, and filled with sick and dying animals.
Monty waits patiently. He's already said 'Hi' to all the other patients, and watches intently as they all take their turn in the torture chamber.
His turn soon arrives. He's poked, has his boy's bits counted, and his insides listened to. Then he has an electronic chip planted under his skin, and receives a jab against all those nasty doggy things.I've just fitted a new blade to my trusty smallish Husqvarna, and it glides through these hefty oak logs in an instant. We both heat and cook with wood, so when you have to do as much log-sawing as we do; a good blade is essential.
My neighbour has just offered me a whole load more Chestnut; the type that comes in 'tree' form. It'll keep me and the Husqvarna busy for weeks. As I've said before; there's nowt like a good stock of logs; we'll soon have enough for up until 2015 (or even later).
There's an old saying that 'Sawing (or chopping) wood, warms you twice'. It certainly does!
Here boy....... fetch!
At just 10 weeks, Monty is growing at an alarming rate, and I've already started to teach him the basics.
He now happily understands that outdoors is one huge welcoming lavatory (and indoors isn't), he's also learning to 'sit', and I've just begun working on 'find gold coins'.
Find the coins Monty....... find the coins!