Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Decline and Fall.
Tuesday, 30 July 2024
Notre Jardin.

Monday, 29 July 2024
This year's crops

Sunday, 28 July 2024
I'm not showing the now-famous video of the horse being whipped, as I find it tasteless and upsetting.
Animal welfare has always been an important part of my life, and I totally abhor any mistreatment of animals.
Ms Charlotte Dujardin (above) is a three-time Olympic gold medalist in Dressage; what she doesn't know about training of Dressage horses ain't worth knowing. Dressage is totally unnatural to a horse. A horse wants to graze, run, and socialise with other horses; it does NOT want to trot with its knees in the air, walk sideways and backwards, or perform tricks in a ring in front of thousands of people.
Since the recent publishing of the short 'whipping video', Ms Dujardin has stepped back from the Olympic Games in some shame; although I do think there's considerable hypocrisy involved from the horse-community.
As with any 'performing animal' it has to be taught what the trainer wants it to do; nothing that is learned for the ring comes naturally. And we all know how performing animals are trained; with a certain amount of cajoling and pain.
Even that cute performing dog on a TV talent show has more than likely been 'encouraged' to do what it does.
We have almost entirely got rid of performing animals in circuses, and I think it's about time we now looked at other areas. I'm sure that horses love to run fast, and point-to-pointing must be fun for them. However, steeple chasing is not. There are always accidents at 'The Grand National', and often horses are put down in situ. Those jumps are simply far too dangerous.
Animals are still being exploited everywhere, and it's about time it stopped. Maybe our new PM (Starmer) could hold back International Aid from any country that allows serious cruelty to animals. Dancing Bears, Lions in cages, chained Elephants, they should all be outlawed.
And why not start at home with the ending of all Dressage events. All they say is "Look what I've made my horse do".
Saturday, 27 July 2024
Snake Oil.
Anyone who has read Solzhenitsyn's 'Cancer Ward' will probably remember the desperate search for a miracle cure amongst the Cancer sufferers in that dire crumbling Soviet hospital.
They become focused on 'The Root from Issyk-Kul', and were prepared to do almost anything to obtain some.
I remember, when I read the book in my youth, thinking of the futility of such quackery. People so desperate that they will believe that almost any crack-pot tincture might heal them. Surely, if such a potion existed, it would have been known to the medical world.
But such dreams are not limited to Stalin's cruel Soviet Russia. I myself have recently been looking around for a miracle cure for 'pain'; and chanced upon a cream that promised everything I dreamed of. Of course 99% of me didn't believe a word of it, but my irrational belief in miracles still led me to fork-out over £50 for something that intrinsically I suspected had no hope of working.
But I also have piles of other more mainstream cures that don't work either. Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Nurofen Extra Extra Extra strength, I could go on. Snake Oil sales-patter still exists, but now it's via the Mega Pharmaceutical groups. Those little white pills that we all take from time to time, may contain nothing but chalk. Who knows!
I still have a while to wait before I see my actual doctor, and I'm just hoping that he will eventually come-up trumps with a serious 'problem-solver'.
In between time, my Snake Oil has arrived via Mr Amazon, and it certainly does seem to be having some beneficial effect. I have my sister to thank for her recommendation.
Friday, 26 July 2024
Summer Bedroom
Thursday, 25 July 2024
I've known the name Penelope Lively for many years, but her work has never come my way; nor have I sought it out.
Lady M had just finished one of her books and suggested that I might enjoy it; although she had her reservations.
It may sound old-fashioned, but I like a good story, with preference for a good chronological one with a beginning, middle, and end. All this came together in Ms Lively's novel 'Consequences'.
It's a family saga that runs from the start of WW2 through to today (it was written in 2007). It is the story of a family that suffers highs and lows, with all that that entails, from mother to daughters to sons, and from house to house. I won't spoil the story, but a circle is joined.
Ms Lively writes beautifully in a clear and un-fussy prose that is deceptively simple. Her attention to detail never leaves us feeling uninformed.
Lady M said it brought her to tears on occasions, and she worried that it may not be my bag, but I found the story fascinating, and an absolute pleasure to read.
For me, my main pleasure comes from reading beautifully written prose, and Ms Lively certain fills that criteria. I recommend.
Wednesday, 24 July 2024
The 'Silly Season' continues.
Tuesday, 23 July 2024
Strictly Come Dancing is a BBC 'reality TV show' that began back in 2004, with professional dancers being teamed with amateurs in a dancing knock-out competition. I believe that the format has been sold to several other countries, where I'm sure they enjoy it as much as they do in the UK.
I've watched the show on several occasions, and one of my favourite participants was the ex-politician Anne Widdecombe (above on floor). She did her best, poor gal, and was thrown about by her pro-partner, Anton du Beke, like a bag of potatoes. All who saw that episode will never forget it.
The programme has recently come under fire from some of the amateurs, claiming that they were bullied, or even assaulted by their pro's. The papers have been running stories for the past few weeks. I noticed recently that even the lovely Anne Widdecombe herself has now joined the controversy, and has told many of the amateurs (especially the celeb-amateurs) to stop all their 'whingeing and whining'.
The truth is this. The professional dancers, who are responsible for teaching their amateur partners a routine, do not wish to be seen as amateurish themselves, and therefore are quite strict in their training. I believe they have just one week to learn the routine. They want their partners to look good, otherwise their own reputations might suffer. This isn't an excuse to punch or kick, but their partners who are being very well paid, need to pay attention and perform as well as possible.
Life on the ballroom floor isn't like the Lower IVth form playground. There is no room for "Sir, Sir, that boy just pulled my hair", you have to pick yourself up, get back into position, and do your very best. That 90 second example of how well you have learned, is soon over. No time for moaning about how hard the training's been. When my Rugby coach got a tad 'physical' during training, I never went off the field blubbing and complaining; so nor should they!
I have no idea if the show will survive all the controversy, which seems to be growing by the minute, but I hope it does. It's simply a bit of Saturday night light entertainment, and, frankly, I don't think that anyone who watches it gives a hoot if some minor celeb has been shouted at. We're there only for that final 90 seconds of 'dancing'; not to listen to a bunch of Moaning Minnies.
Monday, 22 July 2024
Happy (are you serious?) Birthday Cro.
I'm 78 years old today, and I feel about 90. We had planned a visit to our only remaining good nearby restaurant tonight, but I don't have the heart for it.
I shall prepare a simple Magret de Canard instead, with a few chips and some salad. I know it'll be lovely, and I'll save about 100 Euros. Now I really do know I'm getting old!
Sunday, 21 July 2024
We all experience aches and pains at some time or other; some are almost inconsequential, whilst others can be all-invading and debilitating.
For some time I've been suffering from Sciatica, onset of hip osteoarthritis, and a dodgy right knee. All of which were not really life-changing.
However, just recently my right hip has really started 'playing-up', and is extremely painful. Walking short distances has become a nightmare, and going up and down stairs takes me for ever.
Not only is the pain itself very unpleasant, but I'm not someone who likes to sit down and do nothing. I like to be active all day long, and I have a lot to do.
I have now made an appointment to see my old doctor; it is for August 5th (England is not alone in long waiting times). I need some serious pain killers, I've tried Ibuprofen and Diclofenac but neither seem to do much good. I now have to wait two bloody weeks before I can be prescribed something stronger; if indeed he'll give me something stronger!
Saturday, 20 July 2024
UK Riots, etc.
Friday, 19 July 2024
I was recently listening to a fascinating, yet quite frightening, report into the level of truancy in the UK.
During the initial Covid crisis, schools were closed in order to restrict the spread of infection, and it seems that since those days school attendance has become a matter of choice rather than obligation. Huge numbers of children in the State System now prefer to 'bunk-off' school, and hang around street corners instead.
Regardless of what one thinks about private education, the one thing one can guarantee is that truancy hardly exists. There are of course exceptions, but they are extremely rare.
It has been suggested by one Educational Advisory Group that teachers stop being cynical towards regular truants when (or if) they do turn-up at school. No more "How kind of you to honour us with your presence", instead to welcome them back with open arms.
Many children now become 'carers' at an early age, and have huge amounts of work to do at home before even thinking of school. A disabled parent to care for, siblings to dress, feed, and keep clean, washing, shopping, cooking, all can suddenly be dumped on the shoulders of a school-age child. Truancy in such cases is understandable, and the families should be helped.
But mostly the truants simply can't be bothered, they prefer to hang around with their mates and get up to all sorts of mischief. With little education, I fear what will become of them! Maybe some new form of National Service would help them back into the fold.
I believe that the new Minister for Edjukayshun, Ms Bridget Phillipson, will be looking into the matter.
Good luck!
Thursday, 18 July 2024
US Politics; a view from abroad.
I must admit that I know nothing at all of internal US politics, but like most people in the world I do pay attention to the USA's external image. i.e. The Biden/Trump Show.
I don't think I've ever experienced a nation's election-build-up being quite as bizarre and unpleasant as this current one in the USA.
We've had the sitting POTUS being told he should be in a hospice, we've had his felon opponent being shot at, and now we have Trump's new running-mate, J D Vance, being spoken of as 'one of the least liked' (I'm being kind here) man in US politics.
Here in Europe, we've all become extremely bored with recent British and French elections, but now we have to endure several months of these two elderly men fighting over The White House.
I don't wish to over simplify, but we are very lucky in Europe to have a good selection of capable, youngish, middle-aged, politicians from whom to choose; but given the choice of Biden or Trump, I think I might move to Hawaii.
Will Covid-stricken Biden eventually give way to a younger candidate? Will Trump survive another assassination attempt? Will there be some new 'Stormy' waiting in the wings?
We have several months of tedious campaigning ahead of us, which the UK press will happily bore us with, and frankly the sooner it's all over the better. As I said above, I don't know much about US politics, but I do know that Russia, China, and even N Korea, are all laughing their socks off, whilst we in The West watch as our hair turns grey!
Meanwhile, Biden's supporters say he's the best thing since sliced bread; and, guess what; Trump's supporters say the same of him! Good luck y'all, it seems to be 50/50.
Tuesday, 16 July 2024
JOLLITY FARM- The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band
Another local speciality.
p.s. In the top photo you might just see a hiding plateful of Cepes and Girolles. We are still eating our wonderful daily lunchtime omelets.
Monday, 15 July 2024
The half dozen shelves in the spare bedroom, that we amusingly call our 'Library', contain some surprisingly good books. Where many of them came from I have no idea, but most are ones that Lady M and myself have accumulated over the decades.
My intention this Summer had been to read some Dickens, but I have been seduced by D H Lawrence, Anton Chekov, Noel Coward, and a few other notables. I've even been re-reading one or two of my own offerings.
I'm currently reading a very large paperback book of Noel Coward's 'Short Stories', but the type face is VERY small (above), and it is extremely tiring to read. In fact I'm thinking of abandoning Mr Coward; I'm finding his writing style too heavy going. He seems to have written just for the sake of writing, and forgets the reader.
Anyway, I've mostly been reading other 'Short Stories', as one can put them down and take up again without losing any plot. The sort of books one might take on holiday.
Before coming to France, Lady M bought an old favourite; Graham Greene's 'Travels with my Aunt'. It's a book we both read many years ago, and with our current connection with Brighton, and the church, and the Dog show, we thought it would be fun to read again. I'm loving it.
Sunday, 14 July 2024
Saturday, 13 July 2024
CRASH $2 300 000 Lotus Crashes
Friday, 12 July 2024
Lost then found.
Thursday, 11 July 2024
Shock Horror!
Wednesday, 10 July 2024
Tuesday, 9 July 2024
Well, fancy that!
Monday, 8 July 2024
Do people still hold 'parties'?
Sunday, 7 July 2024
Holiday? What holiday!
Saturday, 6 July 2024
Friday, 5 July 2024
Firstly I'm disappointed with the Tory Party for getting themselves into such an unmitigated mess; all of their own making. Their losses were merited.
Secondly I'm disappointed with the public for believing Labour's promises; it's not unlike those famous Turkeys voting for Christmas! And what a Christmas it's going to be.
However, the UK still remains the world's 6th biggest economy, has a very low inflation level of 2.3%, and is currently the fastest growing economy in the G7. So, don't believe all that Labour has been telling you; Britain was doing quite well.
However, illegal immigration has been constantly increasing, and Rishi has continued to try to "Stop the Boats", whilst at the same time sending our Border Control boats to bring them in. The French just take our assistance money, and twiddle their thumbs. If Le Pen has any say, we can expect immigration figures to rise massively, and Labour will welcome them.
It's been far too easy for the Socialists to constantly vote against every serious proposal, but now they need to put their money where their mouths are, and show us how it should have been done. I suspect we might now see many of those Tory policies (that they previously rejected) being given a new pink tinge.
I for one will be extremely interested to see what happens. If they manage to achieve even a small part of their promises, without going broke (again), I shall be mightily impressed. But don't hold your breath.
It's true that Starmer has attempted to shift the Labour Party to the right (as did Blair before him). He has expelled some of the more extreme left-wingers, and has 'attempted' to control Labour's traditional antisemitism, but let's now wait and see how this manifests itself in the real world. Corbyn is back in tow, and that says a lot.
However, I must admit that Starmer isn't all bad, and he definitely has my approval on two counts. Firstly he's a fellow confirmed atheist; and secondly he has two Jewish children, which means he cannot allow himself to be a Hamas supporter, unlike most of his other Labour Party members (and his buddy Corbyn, of course).
So, over to you, Keir; and good luck!
Thursday, 4 July 2024
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
A sorry sight.
Tuesday, 2 July 2024
Russian/Ukranian deaths.
Statistics in times of war are never reliable. When looking online for the number of Russian Soldier deaths in Ukraine, I came across all sorts of estimates; some quite low, others unbelievably high.
Probably the most reliable current figure is 508,780. This comes from an 'official' source. The figure is almost approaching Napoleon's 600,000 disastrous number of deaths in Russia in 1812.
The number of Ukrainian Soldier deaths is given as 31,000. This sounds unreliably low!
Damage to buildings, businesses, industry, and agriculture is inestimable. Who, I wonder will rebuild?
It's a strange war. Very one-sided. I fail to understand why Moscow or St Petersburg haven't been bombed; not unlike the Falklands War where the British kindly allowed Buenos Aries to remain untouched. I wouldn't promise the Argies that that would be the case if they attacked again.
Putin and the Russian people must have very thick skins. They are losing vast amounts of men and kit. It must be costing a fortune, and Ukraine itself is being reduced to rubble, where or what is the advantage?
It's about time that the Russian people experienced what the Ukrainians are having to endure; maybe then they will understand what their 'heroic leader' is doing.
What is the purpose; other than Communist expansionism?