There's a lot to be said for a return to simple, cheap, punishment for minor criminals.
Stocks are easy to make, and would cost next to nothing. I would even be prepared to manufacture them myself. 'Stocks-r-us' could be established almost over night.
I propose that small-time criminals (shoplifters, onesie wearers, bankers, etc) be sentenced to just a few weeks incarceration. The Stocks would be delivered to a public place near to the miscreants home, and he/she would just be left to get on with things. It would be the responsibility of the person's family to feed, clean, and look-after the poor fool. Passers-by would, of course, be encouraged to throw eggs, shout insults, and offer Coke bottles filled with vinegar. All good harmless fun.
A test run could begin almost at once, just to see how things go.
I would also reluctantly accept a small 10% commission on all money saved by HM's Prison Service.
So, come on Dave; now that you're no longer going to war, give us some old fashioned fun, save the country even more money, and make me rich!