Thursday, 6 March 2025


It makes a bit of a change, so when Susie and Kimbo came for Sunday Lunch, I offered them Poussin rather than the usual leg of Lamb or roast Pork.

Half a Poussin is enough for anyone; a whole Poussin is too much.

I lightly seasoned them, and swathed them in streaky bacon. An hour in the oven accompanied by some spuds, and Bob's your Uncle. 

As with a roast Chicken, there are plenty of bones left over for stock. We eat Vegetable Soup every day for lunch, so a good supply of stock is essential.

Poussin are not very exciting, but there's plenty of meat on them, and they look nice. Two birds is the equivalent of one Chicken. A Poussin is basically a small Chicken of less than 28 days old, and weighing between 400 and 450 gms.

As an aside; the 'Guy Degrenne' stainless steel serving dish (above) comes from France. Back in the 70's and 80's EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE, had a set of these. We have everything from round bowls to tiny saucers for Olives. They came as a set of about 12 different shaped and sized pieces, and have proved extremely useful ever since I bought them. Sadly I think they are no longer made, otherwise I would buy more as gifts.


Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Wild-ish Mushrooms?

Whilst Kimbo was recently galivanting out in the Sussex countryside, buying wood for his fire, he also popped into a nearby Farmer's Market, where he bought me this fabulous boxed selection of mushrooms. The only one's I recognised, and have previously eaten, were the pale grey Oyster Mushrooms. The others were all a bit of a mystery.

The rather thick stemmed ones in the top middle are becoming very popular in the UK, but don't ask me what they're called.

Of course, the best thing to do with such delights is to make an omelet.

And, it was totally delicious. If you should see such a selection of wild-ish mushrooms on your travels, don't hesitate. They are superb.


Tuesday, 4 March 2025

New proof?

Some very wise, and no doubt well-paid, boffins have recently declared that The Shroud of Turin is 100% GENUINE.

Oh dear, oh dear. Let's start with the basics. Looking at the human figure imprinted on the cloth, the cloth would have to have been rigid, flat, and laid lengthways, like a sheet of glass, floating over the figure for any 'photographic' image to have been magically imprinted. This, of course, never happens when a body is wrapped for burial. Bodies are 'swathed' in cloth; round and round, not up and down in one long rigid piece.

No, I'm sorry folks, but this is an artists image. An image of a Caucasian hippy with long hair and a beard. The classic image from story-books that we are now told would have looked nothing like the true subject matter at all.

It is 'possible' that the artist got some model to lie down, covered him in paint, then manually pressed a cloth all over to create the image, but even that I think is a bit far-fetched. Much easier to have painted it directly.

I doubt if the image was originally designed to fool anyone, it is simply an 'illustration' to decorate a chapel, or other religious building. Such things were created in an age when reading and writing was rare, and 'easy to understand' images were used to illustrate religious stories. What better way to illustrate a story than with a 'visual relic'.

Of course, if any religious tale, activity, or object, gives comfort to their followers, then that is fine by me. It simply proves that it is effective!

Obviously the 'Turin shroud effect' is still working.

Monday, 3 March 2025


Now that my 'Rugby knee' no longer allows me to ride a push bike, I would really like to buy myself a motorised version.

This one (above) is my sort of bike. A bike that could go anywhere. It has a polished fuel tank, nice chunky tyres, and a great look. I might change the seat for something less 'podgy', and remove the 43 number, but otherwise both me and Steve McQueen would happily be seen on board this baby.

My only problem is that I never learned how to change gears on a bike, so maybe an 'automatic' version could be made.

I'd buy a cheeky black peaked helmet, and some black leather gloves; and maybe even a MOTORHEAD T Shirt.

So, look out Brighton; there could soon be a new biker on the loose. Tally Ho!


Sunday, 2 March 2025

Another week goes by.

I promise I won't mention Tr*mp.

Last Sunday, France's 6 Nations Rugby team beat Italy by 73 points to 24. I've never heard of such a score. They would hardly have had time for the occasional wet sponge. I missed the match; I was at the theatre.

The world is becoming a very dangerous place, even on the domestic front. One thing I really dislike writing about is the constant bad behaviour of asylum-seeking immigrants. Sadly so many are involved in criminal gangs, drug dealing, shoplifting, pickpocketing, anti-social behaviour, etc, that sometimes one wonders if any of them are honest at all.

The latest scandal has been over in Ireland where knife attacks (the above photo is actually in Leeds), drug turf wars, and general violence has made the streets of Dublin into no-go zones for many natives. They run-riot with machetes in the centre of Dublin, and, as they know they can get away with it, they simply do what they want. With their hoodies and face-masks, there's no-one to stop them other than a few vigilantes; and even they have no real powers. Very worrying and disappointing!

Drunken Socialist MP, Mike Amesbury, has been jailed for 10 weeks (now suspended for 2 years) after sucker-punching one of his constituents (see interesting video below). It was such a brutal punch that I might recommend him to play for Croydon Rugby Club. He would make a perfect addition to their team. Of course, he's been booted out of the Socialist Party, but luckily for him, his huge salary continues to be paid. Amesbury and fellow Socialist John Prescott would have made great sparring partners. It's good to know we can all go around knocking the lights out of innocent bystanders with impunity! Or is that only if you're an MP?

It's also good to know that the BBC spends our TV Licence Fee wisely. Their recent 'unbiased' view of Gaza was narrated by the young son of the Hamas Minister of Agriculture (whatever that means), and seemed to entirely forget that it was his father's terrorist chums who caused the recent conflict. I think it's about time that the BBC payed their own way if they're going to continue with their extreme terrorist-friendly political leanings. I don't want my Licence fee paying for that rubbish. It cost us £400,000; how much of which went direct to Hamas terrorists, they have yet to reveal.

Both our national treasure actress Susan Hampshire, and Lady Victoria Hervey were mugged in London this week for their phones. Even the rich, famous, and vulnerable aren't immune. Could someone please manufacture a faux, exploding phone that we would be happy to have stolen?

At last some common sense from Hamas. Billionaire Hamas leader, Mousa Abu Marzouk, has said he regrets the October 7th attack. Knowing now how the retaliation would have developed, he thinks it was a bad idea. A bit late mate! Did he honestly think that Israel wouldn't retaliate???

The charming Jas Athwal MP (Socialist) has stood down as a councillor in S London on account of the appalling state of his SEVEN rental properties; which includes a Children's Home. It seems that insect infestations and black mold have made the properties uninhabitable, but he doesn't seem to care as long as the money keeps rolling in. Hey Ho!

And finally, the Catholic church is hoping to boost it's funds after they admit to having spent $5 Billion in hush money to sex abuse victims over the past 20 years. Those naughty Catholic priests; it doesn't get any better, does it! 

Saturday, 1 March 2025



The word 'Scum' is not one I use willy-nilly. However, in this case it is perfectly warranted.

I cannot understand why young people should go into our lovely churchyard (or anywhere else) on a sunny lunchtime, to eat their McSandwich and drink their McBlotto, then simply leave all their detritus around where they were sitting.

When I was small there were two things that were totally forbidden; dropping litter, and eating in the street. Both of these now seem obligatory to the Gen Z'ers. I would no more have left an empty bottle on the ground, than I would have punched a Policeman. It was something we simply DID NOT DO!

So WHY? Why do they do it? Did no-one mention to them that it is anti-social? Did their parents, sadly, lead by example? What goes through their effing minds? Why-o-why do young people leave so much bloody rubbish behind them, everywhere they go?

We have Parking wardens who issue tickets to illegal parkers, so why don't we have Litter wardens to fine these scumbags. They would need a camera with a good telephoto lens (proof), a tazer, a pair of handcuffs and the power to issue an instant £500 fine (or be sent to a compound until they pay-up). The service would pay for itself and probably even make a profit. We really do need to be tough with these scumbags.

It makes me so angry!

Friday, 28 February 2025

Bacon; the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I don't buy cheap bacon, but here in the UK it hardly seems to matter what one buys, as it all contains water and 'gunk'. I have never seen so much white 'gunk' coming from a frying rasher of bacon as I see here. It really is quite disgusting.

When frying most UK bacon, both water and 'gunk' flood out, leaving a watery white goo in the pan (see below). This is easily removed, but why is it there in the first place?

In France I can buy superb bacon, but I often make my own. I buy a large slab of Belly Pork, cover in salt, sugar, and freshly ground pepper, leave for about 4 days, then brush away all the salt and hang in an airy place for a few weeks (below in our fireplace). Yes, it really is that simple!

The resulting bacon (pancetta) is delicious, and no 'gunk' appears when frying.

If you have a reliable source of good quality Belly Pork, and you eat bacon regularly, then this is a good method to provide yourself with the cheapest and best (see below).

I seem to remember that Hugh Fearnley-Thing gave a simple recipe for home-made bacon in his first River Cottage book.

Here's one I made earlier (below).


Thursday, 27 February 2025

The Communards - Don't Leave Me This Way

This song from 1986 features Jimmy Somerville and guest singer Sarah Jane Morris.

The Communards were very much a major part of 'The Sound of the 80's', and this particular song is a classic of its era.  Jimmy's falsetto voice was unmistakable.

A slightly strange video; but they all were in the 80's.

You may not have heard this for a while; so, enjoy!

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

All Change.

We have received news from across the pond. The world is changing fast, and this is how North America will soon look.

I can hardly remember how it used to be last year, but this is how it will soon be.

Canada is, of course, part of The Commonwealth, and King Charles 111 of Canada is the current 'nominal' sovereign.

So, the whole of North America is now back under UK sovereignty; just as it always was.

I'm not sure if I approve of The Gulf of Brighton being renamed The Gulf of Canada, but the rest is OK. We'll send Penny Mordaunt over to be the next Canadian President.


Tuesday, 25 February 2025

It works!!!

I've been meaning to try this for ages, so yesterday morning I threw caution to the winds, and had a go.

Everyone has been telling me that I should stop frying eggs, but poach them instead. I've always been very fond of poached eggs, so I really don't understand why I haven't tried this method before.

You fill a mug with boiling water, drop in your egg, and zap in the microwave for a minute. Hey Presto, your egg is done.

Well I followed the instructions and out came my lovely looking poached egg. Unfortunately it was slightly overcooked; I think I should have zapped for 40 seconds. Otherwise it was delicious, and I have yet to glow in the dark.

However, there was one small hiccup. There was some sort of explosion half way through the cooking time. I have no idea what happened, but it required a certain amount of cleaning later (see below).

The yolk remained intact. It was the white that exploded.


All in all it was a success. Next time I shall reduce the cooking time, and be ready for that BANG.

Maybe the explosion is all part of the fun experience; have you had the same thing happen? And how does one avoid it?

Monday, 24 February 2025

The Repair Shop.

The Repair Shop usually comes from Sussex's 'Weald and Downland Museum', but yesterday (for us) it came from The Brighton Dome.

We really had no idea what to expect, and made a point of not trying to find out. It would have ruined the surprise.

It turned-out to be a 'meet the craftsmen/women' type of show, with many of the main suspects on stage. Steve Fletcher and his sister Suzie, Will Kirk, Lucia Scalisi, and Kirsten Ramsay.

The first thing I said to Lady M, as we sat down, was "What do you think the average age of the audience is?" "About 60?" she replied. "More like 70 or 80" I said "look at all the grey or balding heads in front of us".

It certainly wasn't a show for a young audience.

Brighton was the first show of a nation-wide tour. The production team are based here, and several of the cast members live here, so a perfect spot to kick off. The Repair Shop barn isn't far away.

No Teddies were re-furred, no clocks repaired, and no smashed pots re-assembled, but we really enjoyed ourselves. 

A great afternoon. It was raining slightly when we came out, so we made a quick dash for home.

If you're a fan of the show, you'd enjoy it. No point going if you're not. The theatre was packed!

Sunday, 23 February 2025

So, what happened this last week?


It's been a funny old week in The People's Republic of Great Britain.

Wes Streeting, our current Health Minister, is looking to imitate Gordon Brown's disastrous privatisation schemes (PFI) for the NHS, and is suggesting that he will invite yet more private money into the system.

Since Gordon Brown's days we still owe £160 Billion on private investments worth £57 Billion. A disaster in anyone's language. Yet Streeting intends to lumber the British taxpayer with even more privatisation debt of the same ilk. I can remember when Labour used to constantly accuse the Tories of wishing to privatise the NHS. What a joke!

An Algerian Asylum-Seeker, Khaled Aribi, was found dead this week, suspended from a skylight in a house he'd broken into. Aribi broke into the uninhabited house through the roof, and became suspended from the Velux-type skylight. Unable to free himself he died several days later, suspended in the air. An estate agent, who was showing some potential buyers around the home, discovered his lifeless body. Don't laugh!

The leader of the Conservative Party, Kemi Badenoch, has blasted 'The UK government's poisonous woke culture', and the Left's 'useful idiots' who promote it. She has warned Britain that "The very fabric of Western Civilisation could soon be lost". Well, Kemi, I think you might be a tad too late dear. The damage has been done, and cannot be undone. Warnings were given, and ignored. There is little point giving even more warnings after the horse has bolted. Even over in the USA, J D Vance asked the question "Which will be the first Muslim country to have a nuclear weapon?". His answer... "The UK". 

A whole week couldn't go by without news of more disasters from Downing Street. 'Rachel from Accounts' new Education Tax is apparently predicted to send inflation soaring to a 10 month high, and dear Angela Rayner's new Workers Rights Bill is set to make 1/3rd of small business-owners reduce their staff. 

And we now hear that it's not only the fragrant 'Reeves and Rayner' who have been caught lying about their qualifications. Jonathan Reynolds MP (also Socialist) has always claimed to have been a Solicitor before becoming an MP; it seems he 'made a mistake'. It doesn't get any better, does it!

And finally, the whole world has been watching the Russia/Ukraine War talks unfold, and maybe I have the solution. Perhaps Putin could be persuaded to keep the areas of Ukraine that he has totally destroyed, and let Zelensky keep the parts that are still untouched and habitable; what's left of them. Sounds fair to me!

Tears of Blood (A Sunday Special)

It has to be said that all religions are based on spurious claims, speculation, and fraud. I think that everyone knows this, but some still enjoy the comfort of a mutual 'believers club'. Frankly, if a belief is based on a handful of 'invisibles', it's for a reason; and it usually means they don't exist.

From the Shroud of Turin, to apparitions at Lourdes, the fakery continues apace, and each bit of nonsense has its devotees.

One of the more recent 'miracles' has been The Madonna di Trevignano; a small statue of the virgin Mary, the owner of which claims to regularly cry tears of blood. Since 2016 the small figure has been placed in front of the much bigger statue (below) once a month, and devotees are invited to witness the 'miracle' (and presumably make donations).

Gisella Cardia who owns the statue has been accepting donations since she revealed the miraculous 'bleeding', and has been under investigation as a result. The Vatican has already declared it a fraud. The fragrant Ms Cardia had previously been found guilty of bank fraud. Naughty!

It was originally thought that the blood was Pig's blood, but recent DNA investigations have revealed that it was, in fact, Gisella's own. Visitors (donors) were invited to see the statue on the 3rd day of every month. Probably what she saw as her 'pay day'.

Local police who went to arrest her have now revealed that Ms Cardia has miraculously disappeared. I wonder why?


Saturday, 22 February 2025



It's '6 Nations Rugby' season again. We saw plenty of action last weekend, and will expect more today.

I have often wondered what makes people play 'contact' team sports.

My oldest, Kimbo, still regularly plays Cricket in the Summer. I used to play myself as a schoolboy, and loved the relaxed gentility of the game. People are rarely hurt playing Cricket. But that cannot be said for all sports!

After my school days I played Club Rugby which is a totally different kettle of fish to School Rugby. Quite why I played it, I'm not sure. I was working in The City at the time, and eventually my Co's partners suggested I stop. Seeing me limp into the office, bruised, every Monday morning was too much for them; and for me. However, I did manage to play against London Irish, London Welsh, and the thoroughly brutal Croydon RC; I still have a dodgy right knee to show for it.

I'm not sure why people play games where they know they'll end-up being hurt. It's rare to play a game of Rugby without being 'wounded' in some form or other. Even in Football, occasionally a player will have his ankle hurt, and he'll roll around in 'agony' for a while.

In Boxing the aim of the game is to 'demolish' your opponent, but it shouldn't be in most other sports. Ice Hocky is famously brutal, and there are other sports where injuries are common, but not caused by opponents. I did enjoy my School Rugby days, but not Club Rugby. Players were often simply out for a brawl (i.e. Croydon RC). They were THUGS.

Friday, 21 February 2025

Lone Welsh fan belts out anthem at Stade de France

We are mid 6 Nations Rugby matches (England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, France, and Italy).

I just love this sole Welshman singing the Welsh anthem amongst a whole crowd of French supporters.

Had this been a Football match he'd have been torn to shreds, but Rugby fans always remain friends with the opposition, and stand side by side as spectators. 

It is always said that Football is a gentlemen's game played by hooligans, and Rugby is a hooligans game played by gentlemen. I think that applies to their supporters too.

Wales play Ireland tomorrow. Not an easy match, they'll need a lot of singing.

I will (of course) be rooting for Wales!!!

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Lady M's Mushrooms

Our village in France has a warranted reputation for its wild mushrooms. The most prized are the Cêpes (Bolitus Edulis), as well as Girolles (Cantharellus Cibarius).

A year without both these mushrooms would be a sad one indeed. A Cêpe or Girolle omelet for lunch in Summer is almost obligatory, and both are totally delicious.

Lady M, being a Watercolour painter, has always painted mushrooms, and her Mycological Series has been a popular seller. These below are just a couple that we've recently saved from the loft.

Now that we only spend three months of the year in France, the very first thing I do is to go to the woods, where in early June there is usually a good crop of Girolles.

Girolle omelet on day1 is the best way to welcome ourselves home.


Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Brighton Wildlife.

As far as wildlife is concerned, Brighton is probably best known for its Starling murmuration. Usually seen around the Palace Pier, they do also perform further inland. I've even seen them flying low over my Dog Park. An amazing sight.

I don't suppose we're that much different to other towns and cities. Our wildlife is quite 'bog standard'.

Other than the Starlings we have huge amounts of both Seagulls and Pigeons; who doesn't!

Of course we also now have a large obligatory Fox population who seem to have little fear of humans (or of Billy). I recently saw a family of five adults. We also have plenty of Grey Squirrels who run around from branch to branch in all wooded areas.

As far as small birds are concerned, I regularly see Blackbirds, Magpies, Rooks/Crows (?), Robins, Great Tits, Wrens, and Wagtails.

I did also recently see a small Mouse heading home through a tiny crack in a mausoleum, but it was the only one I've ever seen here. I've not seen Rats, Snakes, Lizards, or Badgers; they must all live in Eastbourne. 

We are also remarkably free from insects. We have no Cockroaches, very few Wasps, no Ants, and as far as I know, no Ticks. Nothing stings us, bites us, or tries to eat/kill us. 

In fact I would say that our wildlife is generally well behaved, attractive, and very welcome to live amongst us.


Tuesday, 18 February 2025


My son Kimbo is a man of many talents, and this last weekend he aimed that talent towards bread-making.

Personally I've not had much success with bread baking (other than Soda Bread), mine tends to come-out a bit 'cakey'. I don't think I have enough patience.

Kimbo's was an International co-operation. The wholemeal flour he bought recently in France, and the yeast in England. It seems as if the union was a perfect one. Entente cordiale.

I tested his skills as Toast and Marmalade; in this case with Rose's 'Lemon and Lime'.

Well, his bread-making skills are far superior to mine. It was really very good. As good as any Bio Wholemeal Bread I've ever bought.


If he's thinking of changing profession, I would suggest that baking could be a good option.

Monday, 17 February 2025

The state of the nation.

Convicted terrorist, Farishta Jami 36, said she was extremely distressed by having her mug-shot showing her hair so, the woke-brigade came to her aid, and her photo was changed. 

This (below) is now her official mug-shot, showing no hair; and no face (don't laugh).

Sadly this is just one more example of how the Muslim world is influencing the British legal system.

Surely, the whole point of a mug-shot is so that we know, and can recognise, what people look like. Am I wrong?

Would Ms Jami be able to pass through Passport Control completely covered? Does her Passport Photo show her completely covered?

Personally I think that people should be recognisable AT ALL TIMES. There are too many people walking around with hoodies and face masks, looking like Hamas terrorists. Shoplifters cover their faces. Phone grabbers cover their faces. It has almost become a sign that the wearers are about to commit a crime (in Ms Jami's case, she was!)

Ms Jami pledged allegiance to ISIS, and was caught preparing acts of terrorism, including her children, between 2022 and 2024. She is now in prison, but whether she is allowed to wear a full face covering or not whilst there; I do not know.

Take a good look at Photo No 1. That is what she actually looks like. She'll be back on the streets again in a year's time!

Sunday, 16 February 2025

The week's news you may have missed.


Andrew Gwynne MP (Socialist) has been given the boot. When asked by a constituent about the poor standard of rubbish collection, this non-Labour voter was told "Dear Resident. Fuck your bins. I'm re-elected and without your vote. Screw you", he then continued by saying he hoped his 'constituent' would die. Another (Socialist) MP, Oliver Ryan was his sidekick in a series of horrible antisemitic, sexist, and homophobic exchanges on WhatsApp. No doubt Ryan will have his bottom smacked too. What a disgusting couple of charmers. Labour's sobriquet of 'The Nasty Party' is certainly warranted.  Gwynne was part of Corbyn's short-lived shadow cabinet; which explains a lot. The BBC tells us that both men have now apologised. Well, like everyone else, I find that a tad too late. When asked about the scandal, Angela Eagle (Socialist) MP (yes, her) said "Anyone can make a mistake". Further investigations have continued into those nasty WhatsApp messages, and another 11 Socialist councilors have now been suspended from the party.

Harry and Meghan (remember them?) have been called many things since her tantrum caused their exile; most of which are unrepeatable. One of the earliest favourites was 'Ginge and Whinge'. Then came 'The Kardashians of Windsor', and  'Wonderboy and Wondergirl'. Meghan herself has been called 'Me-Gain', 'Duchess Difficult', and 'MeMeMeghan'. Whilst Harry was named after the TV comedy character 'Tim nice but dim'. I believe that the fragrant Meghan has recently been referred-to as 'Terrible' by a well-known US politician. Any further suggestions would be welcome.

Another mixture of politics and rubbish collection has also recently surfaced. In many Socialist run cities, the lack of rubbish collection is causing huge infestations of RATS. I hear that in Birmingham (below) and Southampton people are afraid to open their doors in case rats should run in and take-over. A tad exaggerated methinks, but rats are never pleasant; even of the animal kind.

The UK courts made two interesting decisions this week. Firstly an Albanian criminal escaped deportation because of his son's love of English 'Chicken Nuggets', and a Pakistani paedophile also escaped deportation because it might 'upset his children'. Well done those Judges; I hope they pay you well. 

The latest 'country folk' to be harassed are Shotgun owners. They really don't like the 'Huntin' and Shootin' fraternity (Fishin' is OK, as it's a lower class sport), and they wish to reduce shotgun ownership. That weekend shooting party on Lord Snooty's Cotswold estate may well soon become a thing of the past, with another few thousands unemployed.

This may well be the most important news of the century; but don't hold your breath. Boffins in Oxford have just achieved a basic form of teleportation. We're on the way to instant travel. Press a button and you could be in New York, Sydney, or Paris in an instant. (I'll believe that when I experience it)

Some good news you may have missed. The UK government has stated that any immigrant arriving illegally will NEVER be allowed citizenship. Well said!!! I didn't think I'd ever support anything from this government, but at last some real common sense!

And finally, the fragrant Rachel Reeves is under investigation again. Previously it was her CV, this time it's her expenses whilst working for HBOS. I never thought I'd be on the side of Ms Reeves, but in this case I am. It's a load of nonsensical muck-raking that serves absolutely no purpose.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

2060 ?

I am assured that the English polymath Sir Isaac Newton was a genius of exceptional rarity.

We tend to associate him with the science of gravity, but a letter of his (above) has recently come to light where he predicts the date of the End of the World.

In just 35 years (2060) all will end. He predicts that a war between God and the Kings of the earth, will reek total destruction.

My basic maths tells me that I should reach the age of 113 in 2060, so not much chance of my witnessing the event, however I can almost believe Newton's prediction which doesn't seem too outrageous or far-fetched.

We have so many loonies who can't wait to press the nuclear button that a disaster is bound to happen at some time or other. If indeed it does happen in 2060, I'm just pleased I won't be here to witness it.


Friday, 14 February 2025

St Jock's Day

Today, as well as being St Valentine's Day, is also St Jock's Day.

My old friend, the infamous Jock Veitch was born on February 14th, so I am never able to forget it. It's a bit like being born on Christmas Day.

Here we were (below) together at our favourite restaurant in France. We went as often as possible. The photo was taken when I still wore a watch, and smoked Gauloises.

So, Happy birthday Jock (in absentia). Gone but not forgotten. RIP. Unfortunately his obit is no longer available without a subscription to The Sydney Morning Herald. 

May I also be so bold as to wish a very Happy St Valentine's Day to Lady M, and all the lovely ladies out there in Blogland who read this page. xx


Thursday, 13 February 2025


I'm a big fan of both Squid and Octopus. Sadly such things are only rarely available fresh here in England; unlike in France where they are commonly sold everywhere. I wonder why this should be? Fish needs a regular and quick turnover, so if there is no market for it, it would soon be curling at the edges. I presume that's the explanation.

However, I do often buy jars of mixed Octopus/Squid in oil (below), but frankly it's not that wonderful.

I think the English have a problem eating anything that doesn't look like a maiden's buttocks. Anything fishy that has tentacles, eyes, or looks as if it was once alive, is a no-no. I cannot tell you how many times I've heard people saying "Oh, I couldn't eat that!" whilst looking at something that isn't perfectly round and beige. Hide it under batter or breadcrumbs and it's OK, but people are reluctant to eat it if it looks like what it actually is.

It's a well known saying that people first eat with their eyes, but this is nonsense. It's taste/flavour that counts. Personally I couldn't care less what something looks like as long as it tastes good, and Octopus certainly passes that test.

Just ask any Greek person.


Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Modern day France.


Last year, after our burglary in France, Lady M and Kimbo went over to the house to change the locks, tidy-up the house, and try to make the place secure again.

After a few days work they returned home having turned everything off, locked-up, and mostly cleaned off a white sticky film that covered everything, after the idiots had let-off a couple of Fire Extinguishers all over the house.

Before they locked-up, they drained the water system (it was mid Winter, and there was a risk of pipes freezing), and turned off the main outside tap, leaving the kitchen tap open (as is recommended). 

(N.B. The above photo isn't our meter, but a stock photo as illustration only)

Little did they know, however, that the outside tap, on the far side of the meter, which belongs to the French water Co (SAUR), was broken and didn't close properly. When we returned in June, water was running from the kitchen tap.

We phoned SAUR, and they sent their plumber. He replaced their tap, and all was well. Before leaving he wrote on his report that the fault was with THEIR tap. I joked with him about not wanting to pay for all that lost water, as it was basically their fault; he assured me that we wouldn't.

About two weeks ago we received our water bill from SAUR. It was for £1,500.

Since then we have tried to reason with SAUR, but they will have none of it. The water came out of our tap, so we HAVE TO PAY FOR IT.

You can't fight these people, they are typical effing French bureaucrats. When my son went to see them recently he was insulted and in effect told to 'eff off'. So we have decided to pay-up, try to forget about it, and look forwards.

Even so, it makes my blood boil knowing how they've actively cheated us. We did everything right, the broken tap was THEIRS, yet WE have to pay.

I can only imagine what would have happened to us if it had genuinely been our fault!!! The Guillotine?

I'm really beginning to dislike France; and it used to be such a lovely country (50 years ago).

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Breakfast with Kimbo.


We've been doing this for quite a while. When work allows, Kimbo and I will have quite spectacular breakfasts together, at about 6 am, or before; usually on a Wednesday.

Before catching his early train to London, he will pop in for a 'Full English', and we sort-out the world's problems for 20 mins or so. It's become something of a tradition.

Kimbo's been down in S W France for a few days. He flew to Bordeaux, picked-up a hire car, spent a few days at the cottage, then returned to Bordeaux on Sunday evening. He was staying overnight in Bordeaux, so I suggested he visit Rick Stein's favourite restaurant La Tupina. Anyone who has seen his programme 'Long Weekends' will remember him visiting La Tupina. He ate Grattons with radishes, and their famous Côte de Boeuf. Kimbo sent me an amazing photo of their wine list which included two different vintages of Pétrus. I think he plumped for a good Péchamant instead. Here he is (below) at the restaurant chatting with the new lady chef.

It goes without saying that Kimbo is something of a 'foodie'. He takes after his father. There's nothing we enjoy more that sitting down at table together with plenty of good food and wine.

Our tete-a-tete breakfasts usually include Bacon, Black Pudding, Haggis, Beans, Mushrooms, and a fried Egg on toast. Nothing too fancy, but plenty of calories. The next meeting is destined for tomorrow.

Anyway, I was pleased to hear that we've had no more burglaries, the roof is still on, and everything was where it should be. It makes a change from last year!!!

Monday, 10 February 2025

The Perfect Breakfast.

Take four ingredients. A slice of wholemeal bread, some butter, an egg, and some Worcessscesstershire sauce (I'm not counting Salt-n-Pepper).

The wholemeal bread is a good source of fibre, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. It is nutrient rich, containing the bran and germ from the whole wheat kernel.

Eggs are also an important food. They contain protein, vitamins, mineral, healthy fats, and essential amino acids.

Butter is surprisingly good for you. It contains vitamins, calcium, and essential Omega 3 fatty acids.

As for the Worcessscesstershire sauce, it simply contains niceness.

There you are. The perfect breakfast. A fried egg on toast with LOTS of freshly ground pepper. Quick, easy, cheap, and most of all; it's GOOD FOR YOU and tastes nice.


Sunday, 9 February 2025

Another week of wonderment and intrigue


We started the week with news that Boy George and his band Culture Club are £12 Million in debt. How on earth does that happen to one of the most iconic band's of their era? Boy George also risks losing the trademark on HIS OWN NAME. Oh dear!

We also hear that Scotland wishes to ban domestic Cats, or at least restrict them to indoors. They are not happy with the amount of wildlife that they kill (which is frighteningly high). Presumably they will also wish to ban Buzzards, Golden Eagles, Foxes, etc, who all live on caught wildlife. And whilst they're at it, why not ban cars which are responsible for the huge reduction in Hedgehog and Badger numbers.

It was Grammy Awards time in the USA, and the son of some well known person attended wearing a black cardboard 'Castle' on his head. Another person turned-up naked. It's quite pathetic what people will do to attract attention to themselves!!! Have they nothing else of interest to say about themselves?

It is estimated that 100's of farm shops will have to close in the UK; up to about 700. With the minimum wage up, raised employer's National Insurance payments, and the lowering of the threshold by which employers have to pay, has all made many Farm Shops unviable. The UK will soon be a very different place under Socialism. I preferred it before!

Trump is rarely out of the news, and, true to form. he's grabbing the headlines again. He's going to send some of the USA's worst criminals to be incarcerated in El Salvador's very tough jails. Now, why didn't the UK think of that? Our prisons are overflowing, and I'm sure the prisoners would enjoy some S American sunshine; even if they never got to see it.

Down in Bristol, The Green Party led Council has decided that they will only collect rubbish ONCE A MONTH. Critics have said it will only increase 'fly tipping'; personally I think it will only increase FLIES. Is this really what The Green Party stands for? Nothing surprises me!

I feel so sorry for Sweden, they are going through really rough times. Having always been a very liberal, and welcoming country, they are now reaping the rewards of their generosity. Sweden, who used to boast of having the lowest crime rate in Europe, is currently experiencing at least one BOMBING a day, a massive crime-wave, and immigrants making life very unpleasant for native Swedes. Also, a recent school shooting killed 11 children; the shooter killed himself. It seems as if the killer was a 'troubled loner'. Sweden has now become just another member of the European gun/knife crazy club.

The Lucy Letby case continues to grab the UK headlines. Letby was a nurse accused, and found guilty of, killing 7 newborn babies, and attempting to kill a further 6. She is currently in prison. However, there have always been those who claim that she is innocent (as she does herself), and with 'new evidence' it looks as if there might now be a future retrial.

Think what you will of Trump, but his idea of turning Gaza into a Middle Eastern Riviera is a good one. The only reasons why this has not been done before (they don't even have a port) is because Hamas spends all the money on arms, and the people themselves are not the most industrious. It could become a wonderful, peaceful, and wealthy country. The people of Gaza deserve so much better than Hamas, they deserve to live in peace, they deserve good jobs, and they deserve proper working infrastructure. The idea of creating a whole new country is interesting, but how it would work is anyone's guess. The Gazan population should surely be employed to rebuild, and must learn new skills. Everyone wants a peaceful Gaza; maybe this is the answer. It's certainly an interesting idea.

Just as a matter of interest, did you know that the word 'Bookkeeper' is the only word in the English language to have three pairs of double letters one after the other?

AND FINALLY. Yes, political correctness is still with us. Nasty, facially tattooed criminal, Daniel Reid from N Wales stole a phone. When he was finally caught he claimed that the phone was his and that it contained 'personal information'. The wonderful Welsh Police decided that it would be against his 'human rights' under the 'General Data Protection Regulations' to have to return the phone to its rightful owner. The Judge later told the Police what bloody idiots they were, and jailed Reid for 4 years.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

People we should have thanked.

I'm sure we can all think of a number of people in our pasts that we should have thanked but failed to do so.

Most, I would imagine, date back to our school days. We spend years at school being taught all that we need to know for when we leave, then fail to thank those who taught us. I can think of many of my teachers who I would liked to have thanked, but didn't. I can also think of a few that I would like to have presented with a custard pie.

Strangely, I did bump into my old Art Teacher who had a great influence on me. I met him totally by chance whilst walking through a small Sussex village. He was with his wife/girlfriend, and didn't look in good health, either physically or mentally. I tried to explain that I'd ended up with a 1st Class Hons Degree in Fine Art, but I don't think he either remembered me or knew what I was talking about. What a shame. I expect he was suffering from extreme dementia.

In my teaching days I did forget to thank the two 'Heads' that I worked under. I really should have made a point of visiting them to thank them and say 'goodbye'. One sadly committed suicide just after I left.

I suppose most importantly I should have thanked my people for all they did for me. A comfortable home, a good education, and their constant support, was all that any son could have wished for.

And I shouldn't forget the senior lecturers at college who saw fit to offer me that good degree. What degree I would eventually end-up with had never crossed my mind, so it came as a big surprise.

Friday, 7 February 2025

Cosy, cosy, cosy.

She'd phoned to say that she'd landed at Gatwick, and I was expecting Lady M at any moment, so I lit a cosy fire.

Having been out in Thailand for 3 weeks, I presumed she was used to warmer weather than we're having here at the moment.

Welcome home Lady M; I'll make you a cup of Tea. I've missed you!



We often see perfectly usable objects (books, ironing boards, office chairs, etc) left by the side of the large municipal rubbish bins. It is a small form of recycling that works very well.

A few days ago someone left this pair of ladies bootees by our nearest bin. Whoever left them there placed them on a 'new-looking' folded green plastic Waitrose shopping bag.

I can now report that the Waitrose bag has gone, but not the bootees!

What a snobbish bunch they are here in Brighton. Too proud to take a pair of shoes, but very happy to have a free Waitrose bag! C'est la vie.


Thursday, 6 February 2025

Oh, how I miss Haddock's.

I am suffering from potager deprivation.

Haddock's used to be a big part of my life. We bought very little fruit or vegetables throughout the year, and our annual preserves were more than adequate. Even with such a small actual growing plot, there was always far more produced than we required. We gave a lot away.

At this time of year I begin to get itchy spade, trowel, and dibber. My brain is telling me that I should be preparing for the year's crops, but I have nowhere to plant them. When you are used to having a productive vegetable and fruit garden, not planting anything is difficult to cope with.

At the moment there would still have been Kale, Cavelo Nero, and Chard from the previous year. I never took anything out until every last leaf had been eaten. 

I didn't bother to grow much from seed as we had a wonderful garden store nearby (Gamme Vert) that provided all the small plants I required. Now is the time I would start to visit, and buy the first seedlings that would cope with the cold weather. Other plants would be bought after the 11th 12th and 13th of May (The Ice Saints) after which one was guaranteed that nothing would die of frostbite. 

In the photo above, I can see my old white plastic chair beneath the Yellow Cherry tree. That's where I would sit and admire, and watch the world go by as my crops grew.


Wednesday, 5 February 2025

England my England.

England represents very different things to different people.

Many see her as 'El Dorado' where everything is free. Housing, money, health care, education, etc; all are handed to them on a plate, and they are prepared to take great risks to come here to get at it. As a result they mostly hate us.

Others see her as a place of opportunity. A place where if one works hard one is well rewarded.

Personally I see England as a place where freedom and liberalism are cherished, in a country of beautiful villages, country Pubs, and well-managed farming. My mental image of England is rural, even though I live at the very centre of a busy south coast city. 'Jerusalem' is the constant soundtrack accompanying my bucolic vision, and I travel around thanks to a Land Rover Series 3. Yes; I live in a dream-world.

Some sadly see our country as a battle ground where the past is despised and the future is uncertain. They have real difficulty with those who made our country great, and are unable to forgive whatever faults they may have possessed. They hate certain ethnic groups, and love no-one. They are a strange phenomenon of 21st Century Woke youth culture. 

Luckily England is still a country of great innovation. We led the Industrial Revolution, and are at present amongst the world leaders in AI. We also took civilisation to much of the world, along with France, Spain, and Holland; even though the Wokies detest all we achieved. We used to be a great manufacturing country but, alas, the Trades Unions put a halt to much of that. Sadly we no longer have the great Ship Builders and we no longer have any Coal to fire our metal-bashing industries. The Unions who were there to protect workers rights, actually ended-up causing their unemployment.

It is interesting to note here that the Trade's Unions in Russia are there to provide health and education facilities, as well as holiday destinations for their members. If they went on strike they'd probably all end-up in a gulag! Why on earth can't our Communist unions be more like their Russian cousins?

But, regardless of the enemies within, we are still a world leader on many fronts. Our financial institutions are still very powerful, we are world leaders in medical advancement, and we are still great innovators. Let's just hope that things aren't made too difficult for them. Many wealth makers are quitting England for more fiscally friendly climes, but they'll be back again when there's a new government in place. 

It might sound old-fashioned, but I still feel privileged to have been born English. It remains one of the greatest freedom-loving countries in the world. We are peace-loving, tolerant, and mostly friendly.

We are also known as being a tea-drinking and dog-loving country, and I think that says as much about us as anything.


Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Champers in the Church.

How many amongst you have drunk Champagne in a church?

Here are 'yours truly', Canadian friend Sami, and Kimbo, all enjoying a glass or two of Épernay's finest, in my local church on Sunday evening. It was the birthday of another friend, and the nearest place that would hold the large number of 'surprise' guests was the church. Thank you Father Dominic.

There were plenty of guests, plenty of nibbles (we took M & S mini pork pies), and plenty of good conversation.

I'm not a church-goer, other than for the annual Carol Service, but when there's a glass or two of Champagne on offer I make an exception. It was filled with friends, and I even had a long chat with Father Pete, who is Father Dominic's right hand man. Father D wasn't there.

Our friend was celebrating her 80th, and she was genuinely surprised when she came through the door exactly on time, and we all sang the obligatory 'Happy Birthday to you'.

A good time was had by all. Well, they would wouldn't they!



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