Thursday, 6 March 2025
Wednesday, 5 March 2025
Wild-ish Mushrooms?

Tuesday, 4 March 2025
New proof?
Monday, 3 March 2025
Sunday, 2 March 2025
Another week goes by.
I promise I won't mention Tr*mp.
Last Sunday, France's 6 Nations Rugby team beat Italy by 73 points to 24. I've never heard of such a score. They would hardly have had time for the occasional wet sponge. I missed the match; I was at the theatre.
The world is becoming a very dangerous place, even on the domestic front. One thing I really dislike writing about is the constant bad behaviour of asylum-seeking immigrants. Sadly so many are involved in criminal gangs, drug dealing, shoplifting, pickpocketing, anti-social behaviour, etc, that sometimes one wonders if any of them are honest at all.
The latest scandal has been over in Ireland where knife attacks (the above photo is actually in Leeds), drug turf wars, and general violence has made the streets of Dublin into no-go zones for many natives. They run-riot with machetes in the centre of Dublin, and, as they know they can get away with it, they simply do what they want. With their hoodies and face-masks, there's no-one to stop them other than a few vigilantes; and even they have no real powers. Very worrying and disappointing!
Drunken Socialist MP, Mike Amesbury, has been jailed for 10 weeks (now suspended for 2 years) after sucker-punching one of his constituents (see interesting video below). It was such a brutal punch that I might recommend him to play for Croydon Rugby Club. He would make a perfect addition to their team. Of course, he's been booted out of the Socialist Party, but luckily for him, his huge salary continues to be paid. Amesbury and fellow Socialist John Prescott would have made great sparring partners. It's good to know we can all go around knocking the lights out of innocent bystanders with impunity! Or is that only if you're an MP?
Saturday, 1 March 2025
The word 'Scum' is not one I use willy-nilly. However, in this case it is perfectly warranted.
I cannot understand why young people should go into our lovely churchyard (or anywhere else) on a sunny lunchtime, to eat their McSandwich and drink their McBlotto, then simply leave all their detritus around where they were sitting.
When I was small there were two things that were totally forbidden; dropping litter, and eating in the street. Both of these now seem obligatory to the Gen Z'ers. I would no more have left an empty bottle on the ground, than I would have punched a Policeman. It was something we simply DID NOT DO!
So WHY? Why do they do it? Did no-one mention to them that it is anti-social? Did their parents, sadly, lead by example? What goes through their effing minds? Why-o-why do young people leave so much bloody rubbish behind them, everywhere they go?
We have Parking wardens who issue tickets to illegal parkers, so why don't we have Litter wardens to fine these scumbags. They would need a camera with a good telephoto lens (proof), a tazer, a pair of handcuffs and the power to issue an instant £500 fine (or be sent to a compound until they pay-up). The service would pay for itself and probably even make a profit. We really do need to be tough with these scumbags.
It makes me so angry!
Friday, 28 February 2025
Bacon; the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Thursday, 27 February 2025
The Communards - Don't Leave Me This Way
Wednesday, 26 February 2025
All Change.
Tuesday, 25 February 2025
It works!!!

All in all it was a success. Next time I shall reduce the cooking time, and be ready for that BANG.
Maybe the explosion is all part of the fun experience; have you had the same thing happen? And how does one avoid it?
Monday, 24 February 2025
The Repair Shop.
Sunday, 23 February 2025
So, what happened this last week?
It's been a funny old week in The People's Republic of Great Britain.
Wes Streeting, our current Health Minister, is looking to imitate Gordon Brown's disastrous privatisation schemes (PFI) for the NHS, and is suggesting that he will invite yet more private money into the system.
Since Gordon Brown's days we still owe £160 Billion on private investments worth £57 Billion. A disaster in anyone's language. Yet Streeting intends to lumber the British taxpayer with even more privatisation debt of the same ilk. I can remember when Labour used to constantly accuse the Tories of wishing to privatise the NHS. What a joke!
An Algerian Asylum-Seeker, Khaled Aribi, was found dead this week, suspended from a skylight in a house he'd broken into. Aribi broke into the uninhabited house through the roof, and became suspended from the Velux-type skylight. Unable to free himself he died several days later, suspended in the air. An estate agent, who was showing some potential buyers around the home, discovered his lifeless body. Don't laugh!
The leader of the Conservative Party, Kemi Badenoch, has blasted 'The UK government's poisonous woke culture', and the Left's 'useful idiots' who promote it. She has warned Britain that "The very fabric of Western Civilisation could soon be lost". Well, Kemi, I think you might be a tad too late dear. The damage has been done, and cannot be undone. Warnings were given, and ignored. There is little point giving even more warnings after the horse has bolted. Even over in the USA, J D Vance asked the question "Which will be the first Muslim country to have a nuclear weapon?". His answer... "The UK".
A whole week couldn't go by without news of more disasters from Downing Street. 'Rachel from Accounts' new Education Tax is apparently predicted to send inflation soaring to a 10 month high, and dear Angela Rayner's new Workers Rights Bill is set to make 1/3rd of small business-owners reduce their staff.
And we now hear that it's not only the fragrant 'Reeves and Rayner' who have been caught lying about their qualifications. Jonathan Reynolds MP (also Socialist) has always claimed to have been a Solicitor before becoming an MP; it seems he 'made a mistake'. It doesn't get any better, does it!
And finally, the whole world has been watching the Russia/Ukraine War talks unfold, and maybe I have the solution. Perhaps Putin could be persuaded to keep the areas of Ukraine that he has totally destroyed, and let Zelensky keep the parts that are still untouched and habitable; what's left of them. Sounds fair to me!
Tears of Blood (A Sunday Special)
Saturday, 22 February 2025
It's '6 Nations Rugby' season again. We saw plenty of action last weekend, and will expect more today.
I have often wondered what makes people play 'contact' team sports.
My oldest, Kimbo, still regularly plays Cricket in the Summer. I used to play myself as a schoolboy, and loved the relaxed gentility of the game. People are rarely hurt playing Cricket. But that cannot be said for all sports!
After my school days I played Club Rugby which is a totally different kettle of fish to School Rugby. Quite why I played it, I'm not sure. I was working in The City at the time, and eventually my Co's partners suggested I stop. Seeing me limp into the office, bruised, every Monday morning was too much for them; and for me. However, I did manage to play against London Irish, London Welsh, and the thoroughly brutal Croydon RC; I still have a dodgy right knee to show for it.
I'm not sure why people play games where they know they'll end-up being hurt. It's rare to play a game of Rugby without being 'wounded' in some form or other. Even in Football, occasionally a player will have his ankle hurt, and he'll roll around in 'agony' for a while.
In Boxing the aim of the game is to 'demolish' your opponent, but it shouldn't be in most other sports. Ice Hocky is famously brutal, and there are other sports where injuries are common, but not caused by opponents. I did enjoy my School Rugby days, but not Club Rugby. Players were often simply out for a brawl (i.e. Croydon RC). They were THUGS.
Friday, 21 February 2025
Lone Welsh fan belts out anthem at Stade de France
Thursday, 20 February 2025
Lady M's Mushrooms
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Brighton Wildlife.
Tuesday, 18 February 2025

If he's thinking of changing profession, I would suggest that baking could be a good option.
Monday, 17 February 2025
The state of the nation.
Sunday, 16 February 2025
The week's news you may have missed.
Andrew Gwynne MP (Socialist) has been given the boot. When asked by a constituent about the poor standard of rubbish collection, this non-Labour voter was told "Dear Resident. Fuck your bins. I'm re-elected and without your vote. Screw you", he then continued by saying he hoped his 'constituent' would die. Another (Socialist) MP, Oliver Ryan was his sidekick in a series of horrible antisemitic, sexist, and homophobic exchanges on WhatsApp. No doubt Ryan will have his bottom smacked too. What a disgusting couple of charmers. Labour's sobriquet of 'The Nasty Party' is certainly warranted. Gwynne was part of Corbyn's short-lived shadow cabinet; which explains a lot. The BBC tells us that both men have now apologised. Well, like everyone else, I find that a tad too late. When asked about the scandal, Angela Eagle (Socialist) MP (yes, her) said "Anyone can make a mistake". Further investigations have continued into those nasty WhatsApp messages, and another 11 Socialist councilors have now been suspended from the party.
Harry and Meghan (remember them?) have been called many things since her tantrum caused their exile; most of which are unrepeatable. One of the earliest favourites was 'Ginge and Whinge'. Then came 'The Kardashians of Windsor', and 'Wonderboy and Wondergirl'. Meghan herself has been called 'Me-Gain', 'Duchess Difficult', and 'MeMeMeghan'. Whilst Harry was named after the TV comedy character 'Tim nice but dim'. I believe that the fragrant Meghan has recently been referred-to as 'Terrible' by a well-known US politician. Any further suggestions would be welcome.
Another mixture of politics and rubbish collection has also recently surfaced. In many Socialist run cities, the lack of rubbish collection is causing huge infestations of RATS. I hear that in Birmingham (below) and Southampton people are afraid to open their doors in case rats should run in and take-over. A tad exaggerated methinks, but rats are never pleasant; even of the animal kind.
Saturday, 15 February 2025
2060 ?
Friday, 14 February 2025
St Jock's Day
Thursday, 13 February 2025
Wednesday, 12 February 2025
Modern day France.
Last year, after our burglary in France, Lady M and Kimbo went over to the house to change the locks, tidy-up the house, and try to make the place secure again.
After a few days work they returned home having turned everything off, locked-up, and mostly cleaned off a white sticky film that covered everything, after the idiots had let-off a couple of Fire Extinguishers all over the house.
Before they locked-up, they drained the water system (it was mid Winter, and there was a risk of pipes freezing), and turned off the main outside tap, leaving the kitchen tap open (as is recommended).
(N.B. The above photo isn't our meter, but a stock photo as illustration only)
Little did they know, however, that the outside tap, on the far side of the meter, which belongs to the French water Co (SAUR), was broken and didn't close properly. When we returned in June, water was running from the kitchen tap.
We phoned SAUR, and they sent their plumber. He replaced their tap, and all was well. Before leaving he wrote on his report that the fault was with THEIR tap. I joked with him about not wanting to pay for all that lost water, as it was basically their fault; he assured me that we wouldn't.
About two weeks ago we received our water bill from SAUR. It was for £1,500.
Since then we have tried to reason with SAUR, but they will have none of it. The water came out of our tap, so we HAVE TO PAY FOR IT.
You can't fight these people, they are typical effing French bureaucrats. When my son went to see them recently he was insulted and in effect told to 'eff off'. So we have decided to pay-up, try to forget about it, and look forwards.
Even so, it makes my blood boil knowing how they've actively cheated us. We did everything right, the broken tap was THEIRS, yet WE have to pay.
I can only imagine what would have happened to us if it had genuinely been our fault!!! The Guillotine?
I'm really beginning to dislike France; and it used to be such a lovely country (50 years ago).
Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Breakfast with Kimbo.
We've been doing this for quite a while. When work allows, Kimbo and I will have quite spectacular breakfasts together, at about 6 am, or before; usually on a Wednesday.
Before catching his early train to London, he will pop in for a 'Full English', and we sort-out the world's problems for 20 mins or so. It's become something of a tradition.
Kimbo's been down in S W France for a few days. He flew to Bordeaux, picked-up a hire car, spent a few days at the cottage, then returned to Bordeaux on Sunday evening. He was staying overnight in Bordeaux, so I suggested he visit Rick Stein's favourite restaurant La Tupina. Anyone who has seen his programme 'Long Weekends' will remember him visiting La Tupina. He ate Grattons with radishes, and their famous Côte de Boeuf. Kimbo sent me an amazing photo of their wine list which included two different vintages of Pétrus. I think he plumped for a good Péchamant instead. Here he is (below) at the restaurant chatting with the new lady chef.
Monday, 10 February 2025
The Perfect Breakfast.
Sunday, 9 February 2025
Another week of wonderment and intrigue
We started the week with news that Boy George and his band Culture Club are £12 Million in debt. How on earth does that happen to one of the most iconic band's of their era? Boy George also risks losing the trademark on HIS OWN NAME. Oh dear!
We also hear that Scotland wishes to ban domestic Cats, or at least restrict them to indoors. They are not happy with the amount of wildlife that they kill (which is frighteningly high). Presumably they will also wish to ban Buzzards, Golden Eagles, Foxes, etc, who all live on caught wildlife. And whilst they're at it, why not ban cars which are responsible for the huge reduction in Hedgehog and Badger numbers.
It was Grammy Awards time in the USA, and the son of some well known person attended wearing a black cardboard 'Castle' on his head. Another person turned-up naked. It's quite pathetic what people will do to attract attention to themselves!!! Have they nothing else of interest to say about themselves?
It is estimated that 100's of farm shops will have to close in the UK; up to about 700. With the minimum wage up, raised employer's National Insurance payments, and the lowering of the threshold by which employers have to pay, has all made many Farm Shops unviable. The UK will soon be a very different place under Socialism. I preferred it before!
Trump is rarely out of the news, and, true to form. he's grabbing the headlines again. He's going to send some of the USA's worst criminals to be incarcerated in El Salvador's very tough jails. Now, why didn't the UK think of that? Our prisons are overflowing, and I'm sure the prisoners would enjoy some S American sunshine; even if they never got to see it.
Down in Bristol, The Green Party led Council has decided that they will only collect rubbish ONCE A MONTH. Critics have said it will only increase 'fly tipping'; personally I think it will only increase FLIES. Is this really what The Green Party stands for? Nothing surprises me!
I feel so sorry for Sweden, they are going through really rough times. Having always been a very liberal, and welcoming country, they are now reaping the rewards of their generosity. Sweden, who used to boast of having the lowest crime rate in Europe, is currently experiencing at least one BOMBING a day, a massive crime-wave, and immigrants making life very unpleasant for native Swedes. Also, a recent school shooting killed 11 children; the shooter killed himself. It seems as if the killer was a 'troubled loner'. Sweden has now become just another member of the European gun/knife crazy club.
The Lucy Letby case continues to grab the UK headlines. Letby was a nurse accused, and found guilty of, killing 7 newborn babies, and attempting to kill a further 6. She is currently in prison. However, there have always been those who claim that she is innocent (as she does herself), and with 'new evidence' it looks as if there might now be a future retrial.
Think what you will of Trump, but his idea of turning Gaza into a Middle Eastern Riviera is a good one. The only reasons why this has not been done before (they don't even have a port) is because Hamas spends all the money on arms, and the people themselves are not the most industrious. It could become a wonderful, peaceful, and wealthy country. The people of Gaza deserve so much better than Hamas, they deserve to live in peace, they deserve good jobs, and they deserve proper working infrastructure. The idea of creating a whole new country is interesting, but how it would work is anyone's guess. The Gazan population should surely be employed to rebuild, and must learn new skills. Everyone wants a peaceful Gaza; maybe this is the answer. It's certainly an interesting idea.
Just as a matter of interest, did you know that the word 'Bookkeeper' is the only word in the English language to have three pairs of double letters one after the other?
AND FINALLY. Yes, political correctness is still with us. Nasty, facially tattooed criminal, Daniel Reid from N Wales stole a phone. When he was finally caught he claimed that the phone was his and that it contained 'personal information'. The wonderful Welsh Police decided that it would be against his 'human rights' under the 'General Data Protection Regulations' to have to return the phone to its rightful owner. The Judge later told the Police what bloody idiots they were, and jailed Reid for 4 years.
Saturday, 8 February 2025
People we should have thanked.
I'm sure we can all think of a number of people in our pasts that we should have thanked but failed to do so.
Most, I would imagine, date back to our school days. We spend years at school being taught all that we need to know for when we leave, then fail to thank those who taught us. I can think of many of my teachers who I would liked to have thanked, but didn't. I can also think of a few that I would like to have presented with a custard pie.
Strangely, I did bump into my old Art Teacher who had a great influence on me. I met him totally by chance whilst walking through a small Sussex village. He was with his wife/girlfriend, and didn't look in good health, either physically or mentally. I tried to explain that I'd ended up with a 1st Class Hons Degree in Fine Art, but I don't think he either remembered me or knew what I was talking about. What a shame. I expect he was suffering from extreme dementia.
In my teaching days I did forget to thank the two 'Heads' that I worked under. I really should have made a point of visiting them to thank them and say 'goodbye'. One sadly committed suicide just after I left.
I suppose most importantly I should have thanked my people for all they did for me. A comfortable home, a good education, and their constant support, was all that any son could have wished for.
And I shouldn't forget the senior lecturers at college who saw fit to offer me that good degree. What degree I would eventually end-up with had never crossed my mind, so it came as a big surprise.