Angela Rayner is the UK's Deputy Prime Minister. No, she really is!
She doesn't have any of the classic attributes of a senior British politician, in fact she left school aged 16 (whilst 'with child'), and with no qualifications. She later became a Trade Union representative with the powerful Unison Union, before deciding to enter politics. Amazingly she found enough people to vote for her, and she became an MP.
A video has recently surfaced of her discussing certain English school children.
She described them collectively as a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, banana republic, pile of scum. I'm not quite sure what she meant by 'banana republic'.
The children she was referring to attend one of Britain's most exclusive schools. Everything about Eton College spells 'excellence'. Entry requirements are possibly the most rigorous in the country, and anything other than constant hard work, and good behaviour, is rewarded by expulsion. Many of our most eminent politicians, military personnel, and businessmen, are alumni. Yet Rayner describes them all as SCUM.
I'm sure that none of them would describe HER as scum, they are too well educated, but Ms Rayner seems to think that anyone who didn't follow in her own lowly footsteps is fair game for her particular form of bile.
One doesn't wish to be too harsh on Ms Rayner. Most of us understand that her upbringing wasn't perfect, so we can forgive her much of her mindlessness. But to attack people because they are 'bright' is appalling; even for a Labour Deputy Prime Minister. Frankly, after such revelations as we saw in the video, I'm astounded that she hasn't resigned. But I suppose 'doing the decent thing' isn't something you'd associate with Ms Rayner.
Can you imagine a senior Tory politician describing all Comprehensive School children as 'scum'? It simply would never happen!
I'll correct you if I may. I'm sure she described them as 'Thcum.' as she can't say her ethes.
ReplyDeleteI think she's okay. She is what she is unlike most politicians who are what it's expediente to be at a given point in time.
Strangely, I don't dislike her otherwise; she speaks her mind! But this sort of outburst is unforgivable. There is no place for this type of class hatred in politics.
DeleteSadly, it was ever thus, from Anthony Crossland's determination to destroy the UK's Grammar schools under Harold Wilson's 1960s government onwards. Left wing parties hate the very idea of meritocracy, as it gives individuals the power to think and act for themselves, a total anathema to their collectivist mindset.
ReplyDeleteThey just don't like high standards in any form; it's against their religion.
DeleteAngela Rayner is quite a character - like a modern day version of the late John Prescott. She is a great ruffler of feathers.
ReplyDeleteI don't dislike her, but she should be careful who she insults. I wonder if Starmer has had words with her?
DeleteShe reminds me of a Barbara Castle kind of politician. She cares little about privilege and champions the poor.
ReplyDeleteThat's right, whereas she should care as much for the poor as the rich, for the employers and the employees. To be so overtly one-sided is not on!
DeleteThat is a good one Cro, criticizing for being overtly one-sided. Pot, kettle, black comes to mind.
DeleteI don't know what you're talking about (yet again). I have said several times that I'm not anti-Rayner per se. But this type of nastiness, from wherever it comes, is not in the spirit of British politics.
DeleteI await your criticism of a Conservative MP. I await you calling a Conservative female MP “fragrant”.
DeleteThere's a lot less choice; as we all know!
DeleteThere are scum at all levels in society, some just hide it better than others. It's better to put her remarks down the "green eyed monster" She's already shown herself to be a hypocrite with the council house fiasco. She hasn't yet learned that it's better to lead by example and not a good idea to "do as I say and not as I do"!
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid that to 'lead by example' in her case is almost impossible. As you say, Hypocrisy is her middle name.