Saturday 26 October 2024

'Working People'.


I didn't vote at the last election, simply because where I vote there was absolutely no point. I'm not a supporter of hard-left politics, but, like many others, I was always willing to give Labour a chance.

But dear Sir Keir 'freebie' Starmer is really starting to get people's backs up. He has now stated that people who own 'Shares, Property, and Savings' are not 'Working People'.

Yes you did read that correctly, and that's exactly what he said.

Of course, his statement has come under instant criticism from all quarters, as so often happens, but this time it's really hit home. What the hell was he thinking? Actually, it sounds as if he wasn't thinking!

How does he think that people (like him) obtain their shares, property, and savings? By sitting around on their backsides? According to official records, even 42 of his own Labour MP's own rental properties. Are they not 'working people'?

No, these people get where they are BY WORKING of course! These are people who probably work a bloody sight harder than most of his beloved civil servants or Union members, They are people who risk their own capital, who work all hours, and who probably employ people. These are the people who should be praised, encouraged, and nurtured; not treated like a cash-cow. In his party manifesto, Starmer promised not to raise taxes for working people, but he seems to have changed his mind. It seems that 'hard working people' are no longer 'working people'. We simply can't trust him.

Next Wednesday (I think), we will see the true extent of Labour's venom against the wealth makers of this country. As far as we can predict, they will make life much more difficult for 'employers'.

What have they got against 'enterprise'!


  1. Britain is having a hard time with this government. You needed someone with experience and ministers with common sense behind him.

    1. So many people had confidence in their big 'change', but they're already realising what a mistake they made. They just don't have the experience. I don't think any of their front bench has ever run their own business.

  2. I so agree with you, they will punish anyone who has pulled themselves up and 'worked' to improve their lives. They have tunnel vision when it comes to who they need to help and who they get to pay.

    1. They should be encouraging enterprise, not punishing it.

  3. This is the predictable end result of a "professional" political class, whose only life experience is to have licked the boots of the previous generation of politicians. They have absolutely zero idea of what life is like for real workers of all classes - the hard graft of a plummer, farmer or electrician, the never-ending stress of the self employed, the risk taking of entrepreneurs. They live their feather beaded life on taxpayer funded expense accounts. They just totally don't "get" real, outside "Westminster" life, and consequently virtually all of their acts will destroy the productive part of the economy.

  4. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking of politicians as being malicious, I'm sure they are not and are just totally incompetent.
    May was awful, the others precious little better but Starmer redefines the word useless. He's an example of a square peg in a round hole. He can't manage, he can't speak with any authority on anything, he's just one sound bite after another. " My father was a toolmaker." "Twenty billion black hole." On it goes and he's so occupied hiding his lies and dishonesty he really hasn't the time or intellect for much else which is a blessing.


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