Sunday 20 October 2024


When putting my socks on in the mornings, I ALWAYS put the left one on first.

The more I think about it, the more I realise that I live by quite strict routine. The time I get up every morning, the time I have lunch, the times I take Billy for his walks; all are preordained and strictly adhered to. It's a way of life that dates back to school days, when lack of punctuality was rewarded by a good flogging.

If it was possible to take a film of my life, and another two weeks later, or even a year later, and they were then superimposed, they would hardly differ. I'm that dedicated to routine. Sometimes I look at my life and think 'I did exactly the same things yesterday'.

I happen to think that there's something comforting about knowing exactly when you will do certain things, and I know I'm not alone. On my regular Saturday morning shopping trips, I see the exact same people in the same check-out queue, I notice their exact same purchases, and I see their cars parked in exactly the same spots. They are creatures of habit; just like me.

I suppose the world can be divided into those who organise their lives and those who don't. The disorganised folk must find life much more difficult; never knowing what they're doing next. The organised folk don't have to think of such things, it comes naturally.

A good example of my organisation must be my weekly shopping trip to my regular out-of-town Sainsbury's. My shopping list is perfectly arranged to follow the products from where I enter (fruit-n-veg), through all the other departments, and on to the far side wine department. The list is always perfectly planned, starting at the top and continuing down to payment time, and I pick-up my bits and pieces in a natural flow. That way I avoid any unnecessary visits to aisles that might otherwise tempt me.

Routine suits me very well.


  1. I like routine but I live with someone who hates it. I hate surprises too. I like to be prepared for whatever is coming.
    I don't quite go to the lengths of putting my sock on the same foot first. If I lived by myself I would be a person who went through the day doing more or less what I did everyday. Even eating the same meals.

    1. I make my supermarket list just like you, starting from when I walk in the door. Boy does it annoy me when they suddenly change everything around!

    2. I agree about shops that move things; surely they should know that it annoys their customers!!!

  2. I always put my left sock on first too. lol. Good job you don't shop in my local Sainsbury's.I went in yesterday and the layout of the whole shop has changed. Took me a bit longer to find the things I wanted.

    1. Mine had no Bananas yesterday, usually they have loads. Is there a Banana pickers strike?

  3. Not as bad as waiting at my bus stop in town...bus sailed past....Changed where it leaves notice about it. Good old Arriva. Plus we only get 1 bus an hour now. None to town on Sundays. Good job its walking distance.

    1. I expect the bus driver was one of those people who puts his right sock on first.

  4. I also like routine but like Local Alien I live with someone who's totally unpredictable and it really puts me out sometimes. And like you Cro, I do the shopping list by aisle as I go in the door and it's very annoying when they change everything around. At the checkout, heavy things go on the conveyer first and last are 'crushables' like eggs, lettuce, tomatoes. That way, at the other end I can just chuck the heavy stuff back in first and lettuces etc last so they don't get squashed. Saves time at the checkout, as you don't have to fiddle about with bags, that can be done when you get to the car.

    1. I do exactly the same. I've noticed in France than many people take great pains to select their fruit or vegs, then throw it into their trolly like rubbish. They do it with real flourish.

  5. My mother in law was very strict with her routine, she always shopped in a Saturday as she always had done, even after she had retired. She complained endlessly about how many people also did their shopping in a Saturday. I did suggest that she shop on a different day to avoid the crowds, but she refused.

    1. I do mine on Saturdays because the roads are quiet, and as my shop opens at 7 am, I can be assured that it's reasonably crowd free.

  6. Same here with the shopping list but too much going on to stick to a routine. Busy in the garden today so lunch was after 2 pm.

    1. We have less routine in France because we live outdoors, here I'm quite strict with myself.

  7. This all sounds very familiar. I find my routines quite comforting.

    1. Me too; one thing less to have to think about. It all comes naturally.

  8. Yes, definitely left sock first, also left shoe has to be first. I sometimes think what would happen if I did the shoes the other way, but never dared to try!
    Shopping list always has things from the same aisle together....Waitrose has recently moved things round though and I am not used to it yet!

    1. Yes, left shoe on first too; I cannot imagine putting my right sock/shoe on first. It would ruin my day!

  9. Are you an automaton and do you speak like a Dalek?

    1. Neither; I'm more of a fluffy kitten with attitude!

  10. May I assume you are right-handed? Most right handed people do put their left sock on first. And take it off first too. Same for putting legs into pants too apparently. (Left handers the right foot first.)

    1. Yes; right handed. And yes, I do put my left leg into trouser/shorts first. I hadn't thought of the link!


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