Sunday 27 October 2024


This photo of me, Lady M, and Kimbo, was taken in the French village of Beaumont du Périgord. We had just eaten a hearty meal, and were about to go dancing at the local hop.

The restaurant where we had just eaten was probably one of the world's greatest. It was generally known as 'Chez Popaul', but was officially called the 'Hotel des Voyageurs'.

It was situated about 50 kms away, making a 100 km round journey. We went on several occasions, and it was worth every kilometer. Sadly it closed quite a while back.

It was said that Germans would fly into nearby Bergerac, just to eat there, then fly home again. I can believe that.

The sumptuousness of the food was legendary. Like most French restaurants, the ambiance was basic, but we weren't there for the décor.

We would always start with a Lobster Bisque soup which was out of this world, then a Plateau de Fruits de Mer (similar to above) which was a huge meal in itself, Then either a steak or Confit. A wonderful selection of desserts, and a cheeseboard fit for a king. Such restaurants will never again see the light of day. Some may offer one or two of the courses, but a similar whole menu is a thing of the past.

It wasn't cheap, but it wasn't overly expensive either. Oh how I miss it.

That particular evening, there just happened to be a Fête in the village square, so we had a twirl or two.

RIP Chez Popaul.



  1. It's wonderful to see your old family photos. We've heard so much about all of you.
    The restaurant reminds me of a taverna about 45 minutes for us. It's the best country taverna in Greece. Of course I would never compare the food. Your French menu sounds and looks beyond comparison!!
    Our taverna is still open, still great but now you need a reservation.

    1. Popaul was simply amazing. It was always full, and the food always spectacular. I expect that the reason why they closed was because they didn't make any money.

  2. A lovely photo of you all there.
    I was just imagining trying to eat my way through all that food but I stopped after the second course!

    1. We used to take 'doggy bags' which started to fill with the steak course. The steaks were huge and so tender. We'd live off them for days.

  3. Replies
    1. I just wish that everyone could have experienced it.

  4. Replies
    1. In fact, it was always a two tier platter, with one tier dedicated to Oysters.

  5. I'm in love. Your gorgeous family and the food.

    1. You would have loved Popaul. It was a very rare experience. What a shame that it closed.


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