Monday 28 October 2024



Sometimes I sit here, in front of my laptop, trying to think about what, if anything, I will write about. Will it be about something that makes me happy, or will it be about something that drives me bonkers. I'm equally driven to write about both.

As I get ever older, I do tend to think back more to past times, past events, and past delights. The present hasn't offered too many pleasures, in fact in recent times it has done the opposite. My failing mobility, a few unpleasant encounters, and old age (I'm 78), have slightly tarnished an otherwise pleasant life, but I try not to let them dominate.

At the other end of my laptop are people I care and worry about. We recently lost dear Weaver, and the bravery of Yael is often in my thoughts. Blogging is not a young person's activity; I imagine we are young-at-heart, middle-aged, and upwards. Blog writers are more likely to have health problems than ones 'of the heart'.

My favourite subjects of the moment are food (I'm a true foodie at heart), and the vagaries of those who attempt to rule us. I must say that I despair when I see certain people in positions of power who didn't even pass their 11+, let alone their Common Entrance. I enjoy (if that's the right word) writing about both.

Writing is addictive. At 5.30 am each morning (after breakfast) I am perched in front of the keyboard  just waiting to write about something that's been on my mind. I can't see that changing. I'm sure many others do the same.

So, just occasionally nothing specific comes to mind as subject matter, and I sit here twiddling my fingers and thinking that I might as well take Billy for a walk. After that I tend to have a clearer mind, and I feel more like having my say!

Something is bound to cross my mind!


  1. Even writing about writing is interesting. Writing a blog post everyday is a chore . I'd be tossing and turning every night wondering what I was going to write.
    As it is my posts get further and further apart. I have about 100 in drafts to finish off. I need time to think without interruption. You're assured of f that at 5.30 am. Far too early for me.
    Food is always a subject of interest!

    1. If in doubt, write about food. That sounds right to me!

  2. I lead such a boring life that I often have nothing to write about. I even resorted to writing about my new raincoat yesterday!

    1. I think I wrote about my raincoat once too. It's as good a subject as any.

  3. I've got about 20 blog ideas in drafts - despite doing nothing much!

    1. I have 1,274 drafts in waiting; I suppose I ought to have a look at some of them one day.

  4. I allow myself time to ponder first thing in the morning. I visit the bathroom, get back into bed, prop myself up with pillows, and ponder. I am constantly writing blog posts in my head. I have to get the words down pretty quick before they disintegrate into dust. I have a few in drafts but they get deleted if not used in a few days. This morning I had an idea. Write about the times when I was very worried about something. I struggled to recollect those times in my life. I will work on that.

    1. Most of my subjects come to me when I'm walking the dog. Good thinking time!

  5. In the fourteen years that I have kept chickens and they are my passion I have also kept my blog - Carol's Chickens. The difference is that it started out as a daily blog and has slipped to weekly and other subjects now come into it too. Even so I can't imagine letting it go until the day I can no longer keep chickens.

    1. I used to keep Chickens in France. Sadly my neighbour's dogs killed them. I didn't bother after that.

  6. Cro, you follow in the footsteps of Samuel Pepys... your "Blogiary" is of events and feelings as well as a day to day diary

    1. It's become a bit obsessive. Only illness or a lack of electricity would stop me now.

  7. I admire you so much to think of something to write about everyday . JayCee thinks her life is boring but she travels a lot and gets out and about. I'm stuck in most of the time looking after my husband so my life is definitely boring ! I could write about looking after someone with dementia but I think that would be quite depressing for everyone ! It wouldn't matter if you missed a day Cro but I bet you would feel awful if you did !!! XXXX

    1. It's crazy, but I would feel awful. It's become an important part of my life's routine.
      Of course, writing about coping with your husband's dementia could be of great interest to many in the same situation, or to those who are about to be.

    2. Jackie, I would not find it boring at all to read about your daily challenges in caring for your husband. I think we could all learn a lot from such posts xxx

  8. Even though this was a reflective, pondersome blogpost, it was certainly worth reading. I think that as we grow older, it is important to remind ourselves of bright moments in our lives, our successes and our achievements.

  9. Thank you Cro. I read your blog every morning, and there is always some interesting point that I think about even during the day.


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