Saturday 12 October 2024

The morning ritual.

This morning (yesterday) I woke to 3 C. I had felt cold in bed, but had no idea that it was so cold outside. How can it go from 13 C one morning to 3 C the next?

Then, as if by magic, up came this photo on my laptop from our recent time spent at our home in France.

We take coffee by the pool in the early mornings, when the temperature is still at an acceptably cool 20-ish C.

It's a small pleasure. At home, drinking coffee in the early morning sunshine. It costs nothing, involves no-one, and is something that millions of people do the world over; but maybe not always by their own pool.

Here on the south coast, people flood to the beach in all weathers, and at all times of day. In times of cold or inclement weather, they may take their coffee indoors, but mostly they are at their favourite café to sit outside. In winter they are well-wrapped, and in summer half naked. They sip their coffees, watch the world go by, and look out to sea. It is a well-worn ritual.

Once Billy has had his morning walk, we still have our morning cup of home-ground coffee, but here in Brighton it is usually accompanied by the BBC morning news. Only after that does the day begin.



  1. It's 20 degrees here, the sun is shining and the sky is blue, I drank black coffee and walked 3 km like almost every morning, here too you can create a routine as if nothing is happening.

  2. The morning ritual. We have coffee inside at the moment and the sun shines straight onto our chairs.
    In the summer it's outside in the front of the house where there is shade and I can admire my garden, water and take off dry leaves and flowers.
    Today we will have another coffee around 10.30 with friends on the waterfront

  3. I have always enjoyed a cup of freshly brewed good coffee every morning to kick-start my day, until my current medical issues meant that I have now been forced to go without this pleasure. I really miss it.


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