Monday, 3 February 2025

Pak Choi (or Bok Choi)

Since about a year ago, I have never been without some Pak Choi in the fridge. I did grow some once in France, but since then I'd almost forgotten about it.

It's a very versatile vegetable, that cooks quickly, and tastes wonderful. When in doubt, grab some Pak Choi.

I had some last night. In just one large pan I fried some sausages, Mushrooms, and Pak Choi, to make a really simple and delicious meal. The whole dish cooked in less than 10 mins, and there was just one frying pan to clean.

The Pak Choi was almost the best bit. It was well cooked at the leafy end, but still with a little bit of bite at the root end. Just perfect.

I can't think of a single thing that Bok Choi doesn't enhance. Steak, Pork chops, Lamb, and even Fish, it's the prefect accompaniment to just about everything. I also pop it into noodle soup, Chinese style.

Verdict. 10/10


  1. I couldn’t agree more.. I love my Chinese vegetables. Anne

  2. I don't think I've ever seen it here. Our supermarkets tend to sell mostly home-growm veggies and fruit.

    1. It grows well almost everywhere. Ask your local greengrocer!

  3. I have never tried it. Perhaps I'll look out for some.


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