Friday 27 September 2024



The revelations and accusations concerning Mohamed Fayed come as no surprise. Over 200 women have now come forward with accusations of rape or sexual assault.

He was well known for being one of the most scheming and underhand people of his era. He wheedled his way into the highest echelons of British society, whilst behaving like a monster behind closed doors.

He also managed to introduce his son, Dodi, to Diana Spencer (the ex-Princess of Wales), and encouraged their affair. She was no stranger to affairs, but Fayed made sure that everyone knew of his son's involvement this time round; for obvious reasons. As we all know, it ended badly, but Fayed had already successfully managed to infiltrate the royal family. He also claimed that Ms Spencer had been pregnant at the time of her death. It was said that Fayed very much hoped that Ms Spencer would marry his son, a Muslim, as a poke in the eye for GB.

Fayed was 'dodgy' from the beginning. His wealth came from dubious business deals, and he used his connections to pressurise. 

He seemed to think that he could act with impunity, which I suppose he did. But life always catches-up with you, even in death,

Personally I think it's a shame that Fayed's victims didn't come forward while he was still alive. A spell at Her/His Majesty's pleasure would have been extremely well deserved; it might have knocked some of that bloody arrogance out of him too.


  1. He graduated from the same class as Trump, full of their own importance, people are there to be used and discarded, with their team doing their bidding, whatever that might be. You can't change them, they always claim to win and talk up their victories.

    1. You're right, there are many similarities between Fayed and Trump; the worst being that of self-importance.

  2. Nasty little man, I never liked him. Like you I can't understand why the women didn't come forward earlier, especially after the Jimmy Savile thing. I heard one woman say that she didn't want to say anything in case it was only herself that was affected...but surely you'd mention it to your work colleagues, say to them 'have you had any bother with him or is it just me?' Surely you would, wouldn't you? Seems they might be after 'compensation'...but that doesn't change anything or take the memories away. Very odd all round.

    1. And another thing, was Dodi aware of all this? Conspiracy theory: Was it actually Dodi that was meant to be bumped off and Diana just happened to be there at the time?.... Don't mind me, haha!

    2. My theory about the Dodi/Diana crash is that the driver was blinded by a camera flash. The last photo of them shows the flash right in his face!

      Yes, it's very surprising that at least a few of the victims didn't get together and spill the beans.


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