Monday 28 October 2024



Sometimes I sit here, in front of my laptop, trying to think about what, if anything, I will write about. Will it be about something that makes me happy, or will it be about something that drives me bonkers. I'm equally driven to write about both.

As I get ever older, I do tend to think back more to past times, past events, and past delights. The present hasn't offered too many pleasures, in fact in recent times it has done the opposite. My failing mobility, a few unpleasant encounters, and old age (I'm 78), have slightly tarnished an otherwise pleasant life, but I try not to let them dominate.

At the other end of my laptop are people I care and worry about. We recently lost dear Weaver, and the bravery of Yael is often in my thoughts. Blogging is not a young person's activity; I imagine we are young-at-heart, middle-aged, and upwards. Blog writers are more likely to have health problems than ones 'of the heart'.

My favourite subjects of the moment are food (I'm a true foodie at heart), and the vagaries of those who attempt to rule us. I must say that I despair when I see certain people in positions of power who didn't even pass their 11+, let alone their Common Entrance. I enjoy (if that's the right word) writing about both.

Writing is addictive. At 5.30 am each morning (after breakfast) I am perched in front of the keyboard  just waiting to write about something that's been on my mind. I can't see that changing. I'm sure many others do the same.

So, just occasionally nothing specific comes to mind as subject matter, and I sit here twiddling my fingers and thinking that I might as well take Billy for a walk. After that I tend to have a clearer mind, and I feel more like having my say!

Something is bound to cross my mind!

Sunday 27 October 2024


This photo of me, Lady M, and Kimbo, was taken in the French village of Beaumont du Périgord. We had just eaten a hearty meal, and were about to go dancing at the local hop.

The restaurant where we had just eaten was probably one of the world's greatest. It was generally known as 'Chez Popaul', but was officially called the 'Hotel des Voyageurs'.

It was situated about 50 kms away, making a 100 km round journey. We went on several occasions, and it was worth every kilometer. Sadly it closed quite a while back.

It was said that Germans would fly into nearby Bergerac, just to eat there, then fly home again. I can believe that.

The sumptuousness of the food was legendary. Like most French restaurants, the ambiance was basic, but we weren't there for the décor.

We would always start with a Lobster Bisque soup which was out of this world, then a Plateau de Fruits de Mer (similar to above) which was a huge meal in itself, Then either a steak or Confit. A wonderful selection of desserts, and a cheeseboard fit for a king. Such restaurants will never again see the light of day. Some may offer one or two of the courses, but a similar whole menu is a thing of the past.

It wasn't cheap, but it wasn't overly expensive either. Oh how I miss it.

That particular evening, there just happened to be a Fête in the village square, so we had a twirl or two.

RIP Chez Popaul.


Saturday 26 October 2024

'Working People'.


I didn't vote at the last election, simply because where I vote there was absolutely no point. I'm not a supporter of hard-left politics, but, like many others, I was always willing to give Labour a chance.

But dear Sir Keir 'freebie' Starmer is really starting to get people's backs up. He has now stated that people who own 'Shares, Property, and Savings' are not 'Working People'.

Yes you did read that correctly, and that's exactly what he said.

Of course, his statement has come under instant criticism from all quarters, as so often happens, but this time it's really hit home. What the hell was he thinking? Actually, it sounds as if he wasn't thinking!

How does he think that people (like him) obtain their shares, property, and savings? By sitting around on their backsides? According to official records, even 42 of his own Labour MP's own rental properties. Are they not 'working people'?

No, these people get where they are BY WORKING of course! These are people who probably work a bloody sight harder than most of his beloved civil servants or Union members, They are people who risk their own capital, who work all hours, and who probably employ people. These are the people who should be praised, encouraged, and nurtured; not treated like a cash-cow. In his party manifesto, Starmer promised not to raise taxes for working people, but he seems to have changed his mind. It seems that 'hard working people' are no longer 'working people'. We simply can't trust him.

Next Wednesday (I think), we will see the true extent of Labour's venom against the wealth makers of this country. As far as we can predict, they will make life much more difficult for 'employers'.

What have they got against 'enterprise'!

Growing-up in a foreign country


When I first went to live in France in 1973, I had two small children (above). Kimbo must have been about 3, and Tenpin about 1. At that age they didn't really know that they were in a different country.

All they knew was they had a lovely big house to live in, with plenty of old straw-filled barns and land. Along with Hamlet, our dog, they were in paradise.

Lady Magnon had moved around a lot when she was young, from Moscow, to Caracas, to Washington DC, to Porto Rico, etc; but maybe not in that order. She later returned to school in England.

The children soon settled in, and it wasn't long before they started at the nearby Maternelle (Infants school). At first the mini Kimbo spoke in Gibberish, that's how he heard them speaking, so he replied in the same way. However, it wasn't too long before he began to speak fluent French, and soon became confident in being bilingual. My daughter did much the same a couple of years later.

Our local roofer's wife was the school cook, and both children really enjoyed their lunchtime meals. I often asked Kimbo what he'd eaten, and invariable he'd reply "Flat meat". I imagine this was any form of thinly sliced meat. 

They stayed at school in France for several years, before returning to continue in England.

My third child was born in France but never got to immerse himself into the French school system. He speaks various languages, including French, but none was learned in the same way as his siblings.

I think their early upbringing was wonderful, and I wouldn't have changed a thing.

Tenpin, then and now.

I wonder if you can see the similarity between these two pictures. The one above was painted when she was about 3 or 4. The photo below, was taken considerably later.

Personally I don't think that she's changed too much, but maybe that's a father's view.


She was a very good sitter, and sat still for about 20 minutes; just enough to paint the face. The rest I did later.

When I painted a portrait of young Kimbo, aged about 2, he was quite a good sitter too. I failed to finish his picture and it remains half unpainted. However, he now looks nothing like how he did when he was small; so no point doing a comparison.

Friday 25 October 2024

Yahya Sinwar

I imagine that anyone living as Sinwar did, hiding in bunkers, moving around underground corridors with his plastic bag of possessions, etc, must know that he is being sought-after for a very good reason. He must have known that his days were numbered.

You cannot head a vile terrorist group without knowing that there is a price on your head, and that that price will soon have to be paid.

Bad people know that they are bad people. Those who live their lives correctly and with respect for others, have no need to hide.

But as we all now know, if you live by the sword, you will die by the sword, and Sinwar knew that too.

Although he did eventually get his comeuppance, there are plenty of others who wish to replace him, and will in turn meet their own ends. At this very moment they are hiding away in other fox-holes, living the life of the hunted, and daring not show their faces in public.

Film has also now emerged of Sinwar's wife in the same tunnel as her husband, carrying a £25,000 Birkin Bag (whatever that is). Yasser Arafat was probably the biggest embezzler of Hamas/PLO funds, and it looks as if the habit is continuing. When Sinwar's body was found, allegedly with him was found 'Millions of Israeli Sheckles'. These millionaire terrorists don't deprive themselves. It must be great to live off money kindly donated to the people of Gaza.

It's a strange way to live, but some choose to live that way, causing misery to millions; and they have to be dealt with.

N.B. I now hear that the replacement head of Hezbollah, Hashem Safieddine, has also been eliminated. I can't imagine there'll be much of a queue wishing to take his place; although the huge wealth that comes with the job must be tempting.


Thursday 24 October 2024

Bully Beef

I'm not quite prepared to re-acquaint myself with SPAM, as yet; that's a step too far!

However, I felt reasonably confident buying this small tin of Corned Beef, with the idea of seeing if it tasted anything like how I remember it from my childhood.

I was amused to see that the tin still has that bizarre key system for opening. It worked perfectly.

So, what exactly is Corned Beef? As far as I remember it is Beef Brisket cured in brine, before being coarsely minced and tinned. Most of the world's production comes from S America; Brazil in particular.

I was rather looking forward to tasting this strange old-fashioned product, and opened it for lunch when I returned from my shopping trip. Lady M turned-up her nose, and refused to taste it.

Personally I found it rather disappointing. It was ground finer than I remember, and didn't have much flavour. It wasn't at all as I remember it, but that could be on account of the maker. I don't think mother used to buy 'Princes'. I'm sure the one she bought had a picture of a bull on the label; Fray Bentos maybe?

Verdict: 3/10. I shan't buy it again

p.s. I had a small amount of Corned Beef left over in the fridge, and decided to have it fried for my next morning's breakfast, with one rasher of bacon, and a fried egg.

The Corned Beef was really awful and I had to chuck it.

Revised verdict: 0/10. Horrible. It made me think of dog food.

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