Sunday 7 July 2024

Holiday? What holiday!

I suppose most people would think we're on holiday; but we're not.

For us it's simply being at an alternative home. We do much the same, we eat much the same, and I do my shopping on the same days in the same old way, in the same car, at the same style of supermarket.

Here we have more outdoor space, but otherwise it's much the same. Of course we have a pool, which is nice, but it also brings a lot of extra work.

I purposefully landscaped the pool to become part of the house and garden. I can't stand pools that are built apart, away from the house, with a nasty wire fence around them. As you can see above, there is foliage everywhere; much of which falls into the pool. It's a daily task cleaning-out the skimmers, but I wouldn't have it any other way. It's a pleasant area to sit and read, even if one isn't swimming.

The weather, since we've returned, has been very 'on and off'. We've swum a bit, but not every day. We've had a lot of rain, and the sitting room wood-burner has seen plenty of action. The plus side has been a daily crop of mushrooms; both Girolles and a few Cepes.

However, mostly we've been coping with the results of our burglary. Cleaning, discovering what's missing, and generally tidying-away all that was strewn around the house. Burglars are not known for being tidy, or educated, individuals; and ours certainly was true to type. Lady Magnon lost some jewelry, some valuable watches, and a lot of smaller antique silver items. The TV's and Hi-Fi kit we don't really care about. I suppose one might say that it was our fault for leaving things here, but that's how we've always lived; by trusting people, as we would have them trust us.

Nothing much has changed here since last year. We have a new (and rather uninteresting) new neighbour behind us up at the barn. Our nearest restaurant seems to have new people, but is no better than last year. And my very good friend J seems to be coping well with his various ailments. 

No-one has died, got married, or been sent to prison. All is well with the world, and with any luck it'll remain that way for a while.


  1. Life sounds good chez Cro.

    1. It's OK. I wish Summer would start in earnest, and stay. I need warmth.

  2. Just as it should be upsets, quiet routine, a house you love , summer life with occasional sunshine, Lady M a glass or two of local red and a good book beside the pool. I hope any bumps don't break the pattern.
    Too many bumps ony life. I'm envious.

    1. As usual....missed a word. NO upsets
      Bumps in My life....
      But I'm sure you got it anyway

    2. We're still having a few minor 'bumps'. Our brand new water heater leaks, the phone wires are still all over the ground, and the 'temporary' electrical connection behind us is still there. But this is France after all.

  3. You seem to have taken the burglary in your stride. Just an unfortunate event that you have to deal with in a practical manner. But how is Lady Magnon feeling about it? Burglary victims often feel violated and their homes never feel quite the same again.

    1. You're right, she's feeling violated and is quite angry. I just think of objects as transitory, and am possibly more sanguine. Now't we can do about it.

  4. And you will return to your English home to a new government (won't give them capital letters yet - see how things go)!

    1. As long as they don't tax me to my eyeballs, I shall tolerate them. But like most people I can't really trust them!

  5. When the sun comes out, have a nice float in the pool and watch the fluffy clouds roll by.

    1. For some strange reason your comment went to 'spam'. Yes, we shall be in there a lot today; it's going to be hot.

  6. Youngest daughter is currently holidaying in Monpazier and introducing her new husband to the delights of France. I expect they will be cheering the TdF next week.

    1. No doubt she'll also be visiting the old home? TdF passes by Moncabrier to Fumel on the 11th, it's always fun to see the 'caravan' before the riders appear.

  7. Hopefully your weather will improve. The pool looks beautiful and must provide much enjoyment. Home updates/repairs seem ongoing as there is always something needing attention.

    1. Today is forecast to be about 30 C, so things are looking-up. Swimming and mowing today!

  8. Cro, I can understand how your wife feels about the burglary. I try to tell myself when things are stolen/missing/lost that they're just 'things'... and it's true, but it still hurts.
    And I love the greenery around your pool! You are right, that's how a pool should be... not just sitting in the middle of an area of concrete.

    1. Even now, if she can't find something she imagines it was stolen. Usually she finds it later on. I think he/they were only interested in things they could sell.

  9. Your pool looks so lovely. Be forwarned , burglers will often come around the second time, looking to take the stuff you replaced after the first time round. I hope you don't get hit again, but that seems to be what happens around here. Barb

    1. I think we have someone coming to live here through the winter; also we shall be taking certain 'valuables' back to the UK. We'd never thought about it before.

  10. My parents had a pool as well. It is a lot of work , but worth it to enjoy a swim whenever a person feels the need. Yours looks beautiful and inviting with the greenery and all around it.

    1. Yes, it's a lovely pool. Not too big (9 by 4 metres), and after about 15 years still in good condition. There is a very big Palm tree (out of picture) which needs to come down, so that'll be fun!


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