Tuesday 2 July 2024

Russian/Ukranian deaths.


Statistics in times of war are never reliable. When looking online for the number of Russian Soldier deaths in Ukraine, I came across all sorts of estimates; some quite low, others unbelievably high.

Probably the most reliable current figure is 508,780. This comes from an 'official' source. The figure is almost approaching Napoleon's 600,000 disastrous number of deaths in Russia in 1812. 

The number of Ukrainian Soldier deaths is given as 31,000. This sounds unreliably low!

Damage to buildings, businesses, industry, and agriculture is inestimable. Who, I wonder will rebuild?

It's a strange war. Very one-sided. I fail to understand why Moscow or St Petersburg haven't been bombed; not unlike the Falklands War where the British kindly allowed Buenos Aries to remain untouched. I wouldn't promise the Argies that that would be the case if they attacked again.

Putin and the Russian people must have very thick skins. They are losing vast amounts of men and kit. It must be costing a fortune, and Ukraine itself is being reduced to rubble, where or what is the advantage?

It's about time that the Russian people experienced what the Ukrainians are having to endure; maybe then they will understand what their 'heroic leader' is doing.

What is the purpose; other than Communist expansionism? 

Monday 1 July 2024

Slightly pissed-off

This electrical box has been annoying me for the past 4 or 5 years.

It was attached to the back our house to provide a temporary electrical connection to a house about 200 metres away. It was to be there for a MAXIMUM of 6 months. It's been a very long six months!

The red pipe comes from our house, into the above box, then out across a public footpath; ending-up at the man's house. It is above ground and has already caused one municipal grass-mower to nearly lose his life (having mowed over the live wires). Nothing was done. The wires were mended, and left as they were previously. A quick shrug of the shoulders, and that was that.

When we returned a couple of weeks ago, the box was exactly as you see it above. The door was open, plants were growing inside, and it all looked a bit of a mess. I looked inside and saw that the spinning meter-reading disc was not moving; and hasn't moved since. I have to presume that, without having said anything, the man has since got himself a permanent connection somewhere else, and has simply abandoned the bloody box and wires behind our house.

I had a word with the Mayor; he wasn't interested. No-one seems bothered that it's still there with live wires in it. I've even been told NOT to touch it.

How long do you think I'll have to wait before anyone comes to remove it? We've just had about 100 horses and riders passing by yesterday; I was hoping they'd do the job for me, sadly they didn't!!!

My telephone/internet cable had been left lying on the ground for the past few years. They put in a new post, but forgot to attach the wires to it. I've now done it for them. That's one problem solved; now for the bloody electrical box!

I ain't holding my breath.


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