Thursday 26 September 2024

The ups and downs.

Life is never easy for politicians, even after a 'landslide victory' coming from a general election.

This survey, by a Co called 'Opinium', shows the popularity of our politicians after nearly 100 days since a new Socialist government was installed at No 10.

As you can see, Sir Freebie 'Sausage' Starmer has less approval than Farage, and more disapproval than Sunak.

Farage appears to be the most popular (which I find strange), and with Sir 'Jet-ski' Davey having the least disapproval.

I don't think I've ever known a new PM's popularity dropping so quickly (other than Liz Truss). But if you clobber old age pensioners, and hand out big money to paymaster Rail Union members (whilst accepting freebies left right and centre), what else could you expect.

On the 'Alternative Political Front', I see that the RHT boss, Mick 'the grinch' Lynch, is threatening to take control of the UK economy. He wants the economy to be controlled by the Unions, with powers to close down any industry that refuses to meet their demands. The last time a Union leader tried that was by Scargill, when he successfully closed down the whole of the UK's Coal Mining industry.

N.B. Mick 'the grinch' Lynch's Union (the RHT) controls Railways, Shipping, and all other Transport. If he really wanted to, he could easily do another Scargill.

I despair, yet again!



  1. Interesting numbers, one that I find alarming is that Millibrain is not more unpopular - after all his 2008 Climate Change act has cost all electricity and gas users in this country huge amounts of money on their bills. I have seen figure of up to £500/year of one kind of another of so-called "green" levies - subsidies for solar and wind, carbon taxes...
    And guess who benefits - the likes of Cameron's family raking in a fortune for hosting wind turbines.
    And he's back now hell bent on destroying what's left of UK gas and oil industry after wiping out any agricultural land for solar and any scenic areas with wind turbines. All in the name of addressing a non-existent problem.

    1. People have short memories. What I find the most strange on the list is the popularity of Farage; I, for one, have no idea what he stands for.

    2. I think it's obvious what Farage stands for. He has been vocal for a long time about various issues. He has been down at Dover watching the boats come it, even been out on the water to document what he has seen. I see him as a spokesperson for the honest working man or woman, who has had their livelihood stolen from them, to make way for the new incomers.

  2. This lot are only a little worse than the Conservatives. The only thing they do better is comedy.
    One thing that puzzles me is why politicians shout the rafters down whilst in opposition but rarely if ever rescind the objectionable law upon gaining power. The WFA was a Gordon Brown Job, I suspect his comrades are having a dig at him.
    Nothing adds up.
    Things that cause a £22bn Black Hole.
    £1.6bn WFA

    Things that have no effect.
    £3bn to Ukraine
    £11.6bn to African climate aid.
    £8.6bn on GB Energy
    £10bn on public sector wage increases.
    £100m for the train drivers.

    All politicians should be subject to an UWO. Almost without exception they seem to accumulate wealth far beyond any amount explainable.
    Remember these freebies are not gifts, they are bribes, as soon as they accept money, clothing, holidays they are bought and paid for.

    1. People don't hand out vast ums of money without wanting something in return. The Unions are no exception.

    2. I find it hard to believe that political donors do so without expecting something in return. With Bernie Ecclestone it was exempting F1 from Blair's smoking advertising ban, we shall see what the current crop of donors are getting. At least in Lord Alli's case it can't be a peerage as he already has one.

    3. And in Dale Vince's case he's probably on a promise on two fronts - nice fat contracts for his vegan food business when schools are forces to serve only vegan meals, and Millibrain following his Just Stop Oil agenda.

    4. All our PMs from Major onwards seem to have profited hugely from their association with Soros, as did the other Milliband, and he in turn profited from their actions - cheap assets from Blair ....

    5. David M simply took a VAST salary from 'International Rescue'; money that was given by small donors to help the needy.

  3. It's hard for me to comment on political issues that I don't understand much about, so I just say good morning and have a good day Cro.

    1. Hello Yael. Here in the UK we all know that things will go from bad to worse. It worries me.

  4. We now hear the Lord Ali gave KS another £20,000 so that Keir's son could find somewhere private to study for his GCSE's !!! He's donated zillions to them all ..... he will want something in return. XXXX

    1. Didn't he get the keys to No 10? He's done well so far!

  5. politicians were alledgely elected to represent the interests of the people. So far I have only seen them represent their own interests. The only one who didn't seem to accept freebies was Rishi Sunak and that's probably because he and his wife are billionaires anyway.

    1. Rishi is a decent and honest man, who was also dealing well with inflation, etc. All his good work could soon be undone.

  6. This scenario was always going to play out given the relentless mud-slinging from the right wing press - worst of which is the odious "Daily Mail". Personally, I think that Sir Keir and his front bench team have made an excellent start. They continue to have tough decisions to make and it is not a popularity contest.

    1. The only mud that's been slung, has been mud created by Labour. None of the revelations have been made-up by the right.

    2. p.s. About half the readership of The Mail are left-wing voters, which is why they now 'sit on the fence' so often. It's no longer that right wing paper of old.

    3. It is a popularity contest. If you want to win over hearts and minds, you have to be on their side. Politicians are supposed to be looking after the best interests of the working population who pay their taxes. Instead they hammer them, to squander the cash on the globalists who have their own agenda.

    4. That's certainly the case with this new lot. They're being driven by the unions, and big money.

    5. I doubt they are driven by the unions. It looks as if it's a cap called Ali doing the driving.

    6. Lord Alli is the big money, and Mick Lynch holds the Union whip. Watch this space!

    7. This mud slinging as you call it is not originating from the press. There are people close to Starmer releasing all this and I suspect more than one person or they'd have been identified by now. He's definitely not universally popular even within his own party.

  7. More revelations are being released about Starmer's freebies from Lord Alli. It just gets worse and worse!

  8. I do not claim to understand British politics so leave it up to those that have some knowledge. It appears like tough times are ahead.

    1. They're planning huge tax rises. I'm almost now feeling sorry for those people who unwittingly voted for them, thinking that better times were ahead. How wrong they were.


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