Monday, 6 January 2025

What can we expect in '25?


I'm no soothsayer, but I suppose certain things are inevitable; and they aren't always nice!

There will be political scandals, accusations of celebs misbehaving, and certain royals making idiots of themselves. There will be 'shock-horror' celeb divorces, weather-based catastrophes, and embarrassing revelations from unforeseen quarters. There will also be 'rap singers' with silly names, killing each other.

Putin will do more saber-rattling, but whether he will escalate WW3 or not is anyone's guess. Trump will accede to the American throne, and will probably broker some peace formula between Russia and Ukraine. Watch his space!

I quite expect Israel will also come to some agreement with Gaza, and re-establish previous supplies of services, food, water, medical help, and hi-tech stuff. With Hamas and Hezbollah almost eradicated, Israel can now concentrate more on Iran.

Back in the UK, illegal immigration will continue to rise, as will taxes, business closures, and unemployment. The Socialists will squeeze every last penny out of us 'for our own good'.

Weather will be 'changeable'. There will be both drought and flooding. Record highs and record lows.

Mostly, there will be dissatisfaction, with people taking to the streets. Political pundits will continue to predict that Starmer will resign. They said he would be gone by Christmas, now they're saying he'll be gone before the end of 2025.

All in all it'll be another tediously annoying year, with price rises across the board, and services diminishing. There will be major problems with the NHS, schools, and domestic services. Bureaucratic Bosses will receive record salaries. There will also be strikes from the major Unions, and our farmers will continue their protests.

So, that's it then. Another typical year ahead. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that some of the more unpredictable world leaders don't have tantrums, and do something stupid.

Good luck!

Sunday, 5 January 2025


The most common objects I see dumped by the side of Rubbish Bins, are old Ironing Boards.

Why do people throw them away?

An Ironing Board is an Ironing Board, is an Ironing Board. They don't need changing or even updating. They aren't objects of fashion where this year's model is more desired than last year's. They are there to perform a simple service, not to be admired or derided. They are not 'designer' objects.

So, what can go wrong with an Ironing Board? The protective material can become burnt, but replacing it could be done by a two-year-old. The bit where you rest the iron itself can become damaged, but, again, it wouldn't be beyond a two-year-old to mend it.

I have no idea how much a new Ironing Board would cost; £30 maybe? So, why chuck the old one (and in such numbers) when a slight repair could be undertaken in minutes.

I would love to know how many Ironing Boards are thrown away each year. In Brighton alone it must be HUNDREDS.

The only other object that comes even close to the number of dumped Ironing Boards, is that of Office Swivel Chairs. They're EVERYWHERE too!


Saturday, 4 January 2025

Disposable Income.

We're all used to seeing comparative charts about the 'best and worst', or 'prettiest or ugliest', but this one was new to me.

It is generally accepted that Brighton residents are not short of a bob or two. You only have to drive around to see the huge expensive houses, and fancy cars. The city exudes an aura of wealth (which not all of us can claim to possess). It is just an hour from London, it's by the sea, and claims to have 600 restaurants; what more could you want. This chart (below) appeared in the press recently.

I find the chart quite interesting. A monthly disposable income of £1,300 is NOT really what I would describe as great wealth, with Londoners having £300 less.  A weekly spending facility of around £300 is not huge. A couple of meals out and a visit to the Theatre over the weekend, and you'd be back at the Food Bank before lunch on Tuesday.

I imagine by 'Disposable Income' they mean available money left over after all 'essential' expenses have been paid; i.e. money that we spend on food, drink, sweets, clothes, etc. Life is so expensive these days, that one wouldn't have thought that the sums they quote would go very far. Poorer families who live on tattoo ink and expensive takeaways would soon find that they are over their limits.

Of course things do tend to be a bit quite pricey down here. House prices are silly, rents are prohibitive, and enjoying yourself doesn't come cheaply. I am old, and no longer go out too much, so I'm not a big spender; a few pints now and again. Staying in to read a book costs nothing.

In the past decade or so, people have been selling-up in London, and moving down here en masse. Life in London is not what it was, and people feel unsafe with immigrant criminal gangs whizzing about on E bikes, stealing phones or stabbing people. Londoners move here and instantly feel safer and healthier, they also find that they have a bit of extra cash in their hands, as property prices in central London exceed those of Brighton.

Personally I do manage to save a wee bit of my Disposable Income each month, then usually something comes along to consume it all. One step forward, two steps back.

I've never actually cared too much about money, spending power, bank balances, etc. I've never chased after money, and as such have never had much of it. As long as I'm solvent at the end of each year; I'm HAPPY. But it's quite nice to know that my neighbours are all reasonably well-off.


Friday, 3 January 2025

Pêche aux écrevisses

Here are Arthur and Vincent, those cheeky Bons Vivants, doing what they do best; eating and drinking out in the French countryside.

Today they are in Toulouse, catching, preparing, and eating those pesky American écrevisses, that are destroying our European variety.

May I suggest that if you live near a stream, you buy yourself a cheap plastic Crayfish Pot, and do as the boys were doing. If you leave your baited pot overnight, you should have enough for a good meal.

Just listen to that Toulouse accent! It's much the same accent as where we live nearby in France. I love it. 

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Serious FRAUD. Watch How Yvette Cooper fooled the WASPI's.

"Get out there Yvette, and convince them that you support them! Then once they've voted for us we'll tell them we've changed our minds. It'll work, I promise you; they're just a bunch of gullible old women".

Sadly, this is exactly how it was. One minute you promise people one thing, then once you've gained their confidence, you kick them where it hurts.

Shouldn't this type of electoral fraud be punishable by law? If I had my way the fragrant Yvette Cooper would up before The Beak, and sentenced to five years hard Labour (which is what the rest of us have got!).

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

New year resolutions.


1. To run seven 'marathons' each week.

2. To become a strict vegan.

3. To visit N Korea for a fun-filled holiday.

4. To join Jeremy Corbyn's Fan Club.

5. To wear white Nike 'training shoes'.

6. To walk around using my mobile phone, and wearing a rucksack.

7. To buy all my clothes from Primark.

8. To pay a first visit to McDonalds.

9. To buy an electric car.

10. To go to church every Sunday.

Well, I didn't keep any of my last year's resolutions so I might as well try this lot for 2025.

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Goodbyes of 2024.

Annie Nightingale, radical radio DJ. 

Dave Myers, well-loved hairy biker (above). 

David Soul, 'Hutch'.

Rob Burrow, battling Rugby League player. 

Glynis Johns, lovely actress.

Ian Lavender, Dad's Army star.

O J Simpson, robber, kidnapper, and alleged murderer.

Dr Michael Mosley, health guru.

Francoise Hardy, French singer of 1962 hit Tous les garcons et les filles.

Arthur 'Gaps' Hendrickson, Ska singer with 'The Selector'.

Donald Sutherland, M*A*S*H

John Mayall, Blues man.

Bebe 6, Elsie 7, and Alice 9, three small girls murdered in Southport.

Graham Thorpe, Cricketer.

Alan Delon, French heart-throb.

Sven-Goran Eriksson, England football manager.

Peter Jay, Diplomat, journalist, and intellectual.

Dame Maggie Smith, actress and national treasure.

Liam Payne, teenage idol.

Alex Salmond, Caledonian independence crusader.

Geoff Capes. Strongman.

Ron Ely. Tarzan.

Sir John Nott. Astute politician.

Trevor Sorbie. Barber/Hairdresser.

John Prescott. Pugnacious, Jag loving, politician.

And finally (it should really have been firstly), last year I failed to mention the lovely Annabel Giles who died here in Brighton at the end of 2023. I heard about her death too late to include in my 2023 list. So RIP Annabel, albeit one year late!

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