Friday 20 September 2024

Crime in the UK.


The crime rate in the UK is on the decline. Crime peaked in 1994, and has been steadily falling ever since.

At the same time, certain 'crimes' are no longer investigated, and therefore presumably aren't in the equation. Small cases of theft are seldom reported, and shoplifting has almost become legalised. People know that they don't stand a chance of criminals being caught, and simply accept the fact.

But regardless of the above, it does seem to the average 'man in the street' that crime is on the increase. Maybe it is 'lawlessness' that's on the increase, but with people seemingly dressed ready to commit crime on every street corner (hoodies, masks, etc), it isn't surprising that people are taking more security measures than ever.

Criminals seem more brazen; they charge into shops firing shotguns, and cause chaos and mayhem before stealing whatever they want. Teenage shoplifters often work in large gangs and simply rush into shops and steal en masse, escaping in all directions with their arms full. Burglars knock on doors and if there's no reply they just kick the door in, and steal at leisure. There also seem to be more weapons used in crime than ever before; and that's not including knives. In a recent survey, people said they feared crime now more than they ever had in the past.

It is a very sad fact that many foreign criminals move to the UK because they can ply their trade with more ease; foreign pickpocket-gangs exploits are legendary. Even when caught they risk very little punishment. On a less serious note, Romanian begging gangs are everywhere.

OK, the number of reported crimes may have halved since 1994, but it certainly doesn't feel like it.


  1. That's sad. It doesn't sound like the U.K. I remember.

    1. We are reasonably lucky down here in the south, but there are areas of the UK that are now lawless, and have become no-go areas even for the police.

  2. The picture you paint does not reflect the England that I know. It seems more like the kind of hysterical stuff one might find in "The Daily Mail" - tarring the entire country with the same brush. Fundamentally, this remains a nation of honesty, fairness and decent behaviour.

    1. If only that was so. I believe the government when they say that crime has dropped steadily since 1994, but I think it's mostly because people don't report minor crime any more. If burglary, shoplifting, and drug offenses aren't taken into account, then it does sound much better, but behind the figures it's a very different matter. It's more the anti-social crime that's on the increase.

    2. I now see that The Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, is so appalled by the level of street crime that she wants almost everything in shops to be security tagged.

  3. Replies
    1. I woke recently at 3.45 am, to flashing lights, dog barking, and police cars tearing about. It looked as if they were searching for someone, who the dog eventually found. One of my neighbours had it all on her CCTV.

  4. Smash and grab happens occasionally in our high end jewelry and fashion stores in Boston. No arrests were made at the last two. I've noticed cameras everywhere and believe this is to deter theft. Hopefully it is working.

    1. In the UK the police tend to follow 'crimes' they know they can solve, and those are usually motoring offenses.

  5. I am fortunate enough to live in what has been named as one of the safest towns in England. Fareham in Hampshire. Crime down here is mostly theft from vehicles and shoplifting.

    1. It's not too bad down here, but shoplifting is common.


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