Thursday 19 September 2024

Over the Pond.


Just as we don't expect the USA to comment on UK politics, we in turn shouldn't really talk too much about their politics, or politicians.

HOWEVER, their current electioneering is more like pantomime than serious debate, with accusations of dog/cat eating immigrants grabbing the headlines.

I know very little of Ms Harris other than she claims to be black. She must be one of the whitest black people on earth. Most of her policies sound sensible, and I understand that she's a gun owner.

As for the unpredictable Mr Trump, his huge ever-expanding ego has still not been clipped, and he goes from one blunder to the next. I enjoy listening to him just for the comic entertainment value. He apparently has the support of Elon Musk, but I don't know if that's a good, or bad, thing!

So, who will win? I have no idea, and wouldn't be surprised by any outcome.

I shall be pleased when it's all over; as I suspect will most Americans.


  1. I didn't even know Kamala was 'black' either! Doesn't matter either way to me as long as she does a good job - but why is a very slightly coffee coloured person called 'black' but a very slightly coffee coloured person is not called 'white'? If you get what I mean. Not that I think they should be called anything at all, their colour is immaterial.

    1. I totally agree. Why she should want to make a point about being 'black', I have no idea. Perhaps Trump should claim to be 'white'.

    2. Kamala Harris is half Black (her father was Jamaican) and half Indian. The reason her biracial identity is even a topic of discussion is because Trump has been horribly, horribly racist for years. He's the one who made a big deal of whether she had "just turned Black one day" and continually brings up race. She's proud of her biracial identity, as she should be.

    3. Colour is so unimportant here, that it always surprises me when it's brought up.

    4. Evidently color is important in the USA, as the far right is “suspicious” of Ms. Harris’ ethnicity and using that damaging rhetoric against her. Maybe she doesn’t look “black” enough to you, but believe me, she’s definitely faced racism due to her genetic heritage.
      What does “black” or “white” look like, anyway? It’s unfair to judge people based on their race, yet here in the good ol’ USA hatred thrives. It’s reprehensible, self-defeating, moronic, and unjustified. And the right-wingers are wallowing in it…shouting their ridiculous fantasies from the rooftops.

    5. The left is so racist they don't even see it themselves. If you noticed the left normally calls the right whatever they are so no one notices their opinions.
      Forever more, if they wouldn't divide white from black it would be a far better world, we are all people who cares what color they are. It is the Dems that keep bringing up everyones color to divide us, it isnot the Right.

    6. You are surprised it is brought up! Read the first sentence of the third paragraph that you wrote

  2. I wish they'd get those darn elections over and done with. I too am tired of them being nightly on our news. Whoever wins we will live them. What will be will be

    1. We probably won't notice any difference, whoever gets elected.

  3. Trump is a cartoon character - like Bluto in "Popeye The Sailorman". In contrast, Ms Harris is intelligent and presidential. The world needs her in The White House - not just America. Perhaps she acknowledges her black heritage simply because her father was Jamaican.

    1. Trump's spray tan makes him look 'blacker' than Harris. I imagine she'll win, I just hope she does a good job.

    2. Haha! That spray tan is the weirdest thing ever! Why someone would purposely spray themselves orange is a mystery to me. Maybe he thinks it looks good. (It doesn't!)

    3. In the U.S. one drop of blood makes you able to call yourself whatever race that is.
      The orange is gone, if that is all that concerns you , that is you. I don't care if he is purple.

  4. We're all anxious for it to be over, too. This election year is dragging on and on and on.....

  5. Sometimes it's hard not to comment on the USA elections when there's a character like Trump involved. He defies belief with what he says and does and yet has so many followers.

    1. I wonder what it is about him that people find appealing? He keeps it well hidden!

    2. He is SO pro America.
      He doesn't hide his feelings they show on him. The left politicians/media keep telling lie after lie that sounds like the truth if you say it so many times and you believe it, even if it isn't so.
      KH is a fine actress to have so many people fooled. She was not elected by the Democrat party to run for president...they thrust her in after JB bowed out. So the population didn't get a say on her just the higher up Dems that are singing her praises after they said she wasn't presidential material. Her poll numbers were so low before all the lies started building her up. She is not a very smart person at all.She slept her way to the positions she got.
      The leaders of other countries think the U.S. is weak with them in office.
      With Trump in office they know he will do what he says, not pat them on the back and say now now children, we can't have you doing that.
      The economy was better with Trump in office. Food prices, gasoline prices, have all risen. People have lost jobs, businesses are going under by the tons.
      Biden/Harris have let so many illegals cross the border and are giving them free housing , free food, free healthcare, free IDs. It is going to bankrupt the country and states that have to supply this money for them.
      Not to mention all of the gang members from down south of the border and the terrorists from all kinds of other countries. They are taking over buildings in cities and taking over sanctuary cities.
      We are becoming a third world country without any rules for illegal immigrants that are flowing over the borders.
      He just speaks his mind...who cares if he isnt' Rico Suave or a politician who lies every time they open their mouths. The politicians are afraid of what he will investigate and find that they have been doing all these years. Such as becoming millionaires along with their families. Not serving the best interest of the country. Is that enough? It is for me.
      Trump will start deporting them.

    3. Deporting the illegals, not the politicians.

    4. So "Gemma's person" what do you make of Trump's lies regarding Haitian immigrants eating pets in Springfield, Ohio? Such jaw dropping ignorance.

    5. Surprise surprise🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Kamala's father was of African descent, from the island of Jamaica, her mother was from India.

    1. And she ends-up whiter than white. Bizarre.

    2. Not all Jamaicans are of African descent..some are mixed all kinds even white.

  7. It's bad enough worrying about what's going on here let alone wade through American politics as well. I don't know who or what to believe anymore so I find it all pointless. It seems to me that they are all out for themselves and how much money they can make so I'm totally disillusioned by all of them ! XXXX

    1. The problem is that it affects the whole world. Keep your fingers crossed.

  8. KH is the hope for the future of America. Her parents met at university, married and had two daughters. KH states she was brought up by her five foot tall (small but mighty and hard working) mother and her parents divorced when she was quite young. Her mother was a scientist and father an economist.
    I will be happy when the election is over.
    DT continues to defy all standards of ethics, civility and morality. His actions are deplorable. His latest stunt regarding pets is a total lie. Beyond reality.

    1. The 'eating pets' business really shocked us. I honestly thought he'd gone crazy.

  9. I feel like Tolkien's Treebeard: “I am not altogether on anybody’s side, because nobody is altogether on my side..." Elections drag on and on over here until I don't even care who wins anymore.

    1. I don't mind who wins, as long as it's not Trump.

    2. We really don't want to become a Marxist /communist society which is where KH is headed.
      If they want that why don't the just move to Russia and have all the fun they want and leave the U.S. citizens out of it.

    3. Oh Gemma’s person - do look up the definition of communism and Marxism

    4. If Kamala is a communist then I'm a banana.

  10. Sorry Cro, I have just had enough of all of the lies and rumors that are spreading around about Kamala that make her look so good.
    I would like to have the forum to tell some truths .
    Thank you for letting me get all this out. Please all read and take in what I have told you. She is a wolf in lamb's clothing . A master of side stepping questions. Doesn't have a platform to stand on. No plans , no ideas to share. She says" we need to discuss that" a lot.
    If you need to ban me, it's been fun having you as a friend thanks for all the good times we have had. I really am that person. I am just passionate about my country.

    1. I think the problem with both of them is that they offer no concrete policies. I certainly won't ban you, I like to see all sides of any question.

    2. Didn't KH bomb out when she tried to run in the primaries in 2020, the voters took one look and said no way, even Sleepy Joe would be better.

    3. You actually think a rapist, felon, compulsive liar, demented moron is fit to be president? Gemma's Person, look at your values please.

  11. Cro, I'm not one to make religious or political comments. It does no good. But I tend to believe that people should mind their own business. Live and let live. And although I'm Catholic, I don't believe that religion and politics mix well. And I also can't understand how people can actually believe that DT would be good for democracy. We'd be going backwards!

    1. And yet he has a huge following. All very strange.

  12. Love him or hate him DT appears to tap into feeling of voter disenfranchisement from the 'old guard' of establishment politicians. And as I recall he was the first recent POTUS not to have started a war somewhere...

    1. Every time I see him talking, I see someone slightly deranged. It's that Mussolini type arrogance that gets to me.

  13. Omg, you have no idea how silly it has all become here. It's one side bashing the other, on and on until you just want to scream. How they plan to do the job or make things better for all of us citizens is rarely discussed.


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