Monday, 17 February 2025

The state of the nation.

Convicted terrorist, Farishta Jami 36, said she was extremely distressed by having her mug-shot showing her hair so, the woke-brigade came to her aid, and her photo was changed. 

This (below) is now her official mug-shot, showing no hair; and no face (don't laugh).

Sadly this is just one more example of how the Muslim world is influencing the British legal system.

Surely, the whole point of a mug-shot is so that we know, and can recognise, what people look like. Am I wrong?

Would Ms Jami be able to pass through Passport Control completely covered? Does her Passport Photo show her completely covered?

Personally I think that people should be recognisable AT ALL TIMES. There are too many people walking around with hoodies and face masks, looking like Hamas terrorists. Shoplifters cover their faces. Phone grabbers cover their faces. It has almost become a sign that the wearers are about to commit a crime (in Ms Jami's case, she was!)

Ms Jami pledged allegiance to ISIS, and was caught preparing acts of terrorism, including her children, between 2022 and 2024. She is now in prison, but whether she is allowed to wear a full face covering or not whilst there; I do not know.

Take a good look at Photo No 1. That is what she actually looks like. She'll be back on the streets again in a year's time!


  1. Best arrest any that look like her.

    1. This is why we need a law banning such clothing. They could wear it at home, but not outside in public.

  2. Sadly stories such as this in Britain are but a drop in the ocean now and in the bigger picture of the ruin of this country appear almost insignificant.

    1. Why do we give-in to such people? The legal system has no backbone any more.

    2. It's gone way past the legal system. I'd be seriously concerned if I had grandchildren.

    3. Sadly you're right on many counts!!!

  3. Well said Cro.
    It shows how dangerously stupid the legal system is to pander to these terrorists. Especially in a case like this where she becomes unrecognisable. Perhaps she should be sent back to her country of origin (or her ancestor's homeland) where they wouldn't tolerate her "antics" for one moment. Oh, and send the woke brigade back with her too!

    1. It's really quite worrying that we pander to these people. How dare she demand to have her mug-shot totally covered!!!

  4. Everyone should have their faiths, but whilst in our Christian country when they do wrong they should comply our rules. When we are in Arabic countries we obey they laws and follow their rules.

    1. That's why they escape from their native countries; they know that no-one would tolerate them.

  5. "The jury at Leicester Crown Court heard details of how she was planning to travel to Daesh in Afghanistan to martyr herself and the second charge related to her taking the children." In other words, this woman was apparently not planning any terrorist activity in our country. However, on the subject of face coverings, I am also against them for any reason apart from trying to keep warm in bitterly cold weather.

    1. I don't mind where she was planning her nasty attacks, a terrorist is a terrorist in any country.

  6. Immigrant terrorists should be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. Deportation seems right to me.
    Lawlessness must be avoided at all costs.

    1. This one will be back on the streets in no time. Why are we so nice to them?

  7. I can't understand (seriously) how that 2nd photo could be legit. I mean how would you identify that person? It's almost ludicrous.
    And I have to say this reminds me of the first time I went into my bank with my pandemic mask on... thought to myself, 'this feels really strange'.


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