Wednesday 9 October 2024

Our Street Parking.


I mentioned some time ago that our local council were wanting to introduce four resident's parking spaces into our otherwise very quiet, no-parking, street (we all have our own off-street parking). We were not happy.

Firstly every street resident received a letter from the council planning folk explaining their intentions, and asking for our thoughts on the matter. The letter explained that they always took residents opinions very seriously.

Every single person wrote back saying that we were 100% against the idea.

So, what did they do? They totally ignored us, and we now have a row of cars parked opposite our houses.

Our street is narrow (which is why there were previously no parking spaces), so the council have had to squeeze them in. The national 'official' size regulations for an on-street parking bay is 2.6 Metres by 5.00 Metres. The parking bays in our street are 1.8 Metres wide, with no separate length markings.

They are nearly a whole Metre too narrow. 

Of course, now there are always a few 'chancers' who park illegally there as well (purple van above), which often means that we have the whole length of the street littered with vans, delivery bikes, taxis, etc, where previously there was none.

What can we do about it? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

You buy a house in a nice quiet street, then along comes some petty bloody bureaucrat and changes everything.

Tuesday 8 October 2024



I was very sad to hear of Weaver's recent demise. We never met, but I always had a vision of her as a very special person.

I imagined that Pat's blog title was named in honour of Angus McPhee; a.k.a. The Weaver of Grass. I never thought to ask her, but I imagine that must be so.

McPhee, who came from a very poor Scottish crofting family, spent most of his life in mental hospitals where not only did he refuse to speak, but he also spent his time weaving items of clothing from grass. I believe he would hang the finished articles in the bushes surrounding the hospital. Luckily someone saved them.

I've always been fascinated by people who, suddenly out of the blue, begin to create wonderful things which are totally out of the ordinary. McPhee's clothes come into that category.

RIP the other Weaver of Grass; a.k.a. Pat Thistlethwaite.

Monday 7 October 2024

October 7th.

I suppose this must be the most iconic photo of the October 7th attack on Israel.

Young people who'd been innocently enjoying a music festival, running for their lives as Hamas attack, mutilate, and kill them.

Rather like September 11th, October 7th will go down in history as a date one will never forget.

It was just one year ago when Jews, and other Israeli residents, suffered the worse violence since The Holocaust. Hamas terrorists murdered, raped, tortured, and took hostages. The savagery was unparalleled. 1,139 were killed, and 250 hostages taken.

The result, of course, was for the Israeli IDF to attempt to reduce the terrorist activities of Hamas in Gaza, once and for all. The work continues; as it will with Hezbollah following their year-long assault.

The 1,139 dead were not 'martyrs' (as Islam would claim for their own); they were innocent VICTIMS of barbarity. 

There are several things that are never contested concerning Israel/Gaza/Lebanon. Firstly that Israel has the right to defend itself. Secondly both Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organisations. Israel's IDF are NOT classified as terrorists; as their name suggests they are a Defence Force.

RIP to all who lost their lives on October 7th. We will remember you!


Sunday 6 October 2024


Not all of us are lucky enough to have a magnificent Stained Glass window dedicated to our memory.

But down in Cornwall, in the village of Mawgan-in-Pydar, there is a stunning window in the Church of St Mawgan and St Nicholas that is dedicated to two of my wife's recent ancestors. 

The window was commissioned and installed in 1906 in memory of Sampson LeWarne, and his wife Nancy LeWarne. I'm not sure what happened to them, but they died within a few days of each other in December of 1858. Was there a pandemic in 1858?

Their oldest granddaughter erected the window in their memory.

As you can see, the quality of the window painting is superb. What a shame they never got to see it themselves.

I'll be lucky if I'm awarded a tiny brass plaque, let alone a huge window.

Saturday 5 October 2024



Since we returned from our Summer sojourn in France, I haven't once worn my waterproof Barbour, or my gumboots.

Yes, it has rained; but sensibly. It has lightly rained at night, in the early mornings, and occasionally in the late afternoons. Never when we actually need to go out.

However, I keep seeing news reports of torrential rain, flooding, and rivers breaking their banks. Many parts of Britain have had more than their fair share. 

Generally speaking, the south of the country will have the better weather. But I think that here on the south coast we are slightly protected by The South Downs. Often they will have inclement weather on the north side of the Downs, whilst here on the south side we may even have sunshine. 

I don't particularly dislike rain as long as I'm well protected. Umbrellas are useless here, as rain is usually accompanied by wind. The best protection are gumboots, a pukka raincoat, and a sou'wester. As long as no water can penetrate, then there is no need to worry. It's all a matter of being well prepared.

Talking of which, I really must buy myself a well-fitting, comfortable, not-too-silly-looking RAIN HAT. Then they can throw at me what they will.

Friday 4 October 2024

Keeping warm in winter. A Party Political Broadcast by The Labour Party

Timely advice before the cold weather arrives. 

Buy your sleeping bags NOW!

Bill Wyman – Si Si Je Suis Un Rock Star

Rock bands are not known for their sense of humour, but here's Mr Wyman showing that there's an exception to every rule.

'She took off her 'at, and she had lovely 'air'.

Go for it Bill!

Thursday 3 October 2024

It was just waiting to happen!

This gentleman below is Inspector Charles Ehikioya. He was the Head of the Metropolitan's (London) Black Police Association.

He is about to be sacked (I presume) for his constant racist remarks on a WhatsApp page over a three year period. He's up before the Chief Constable for 'Gross Misconduct'. Naughty boy!

I have to say that I was very surprised when I originally heard that an 'association' had been established back in 1994, especially for black policemen and women. It always seemed to me that this was racist in itself. No such association exists for white policemen; nor should it.

We are all supposed to be equal in this country, and for The Met' itself to establish this divisive association, is appalling.

It is, of course, the perfect vehicle for racist feelings to surface. 

When Ehikioya is gone, I hope that The Met' will disband this 'blacks only' association. It should never have been allowed in the first place, and must be outlawed at once. 

We MUST have proper integration everywhere, especially in the police; but this will never happen whilst such institutions exist.


Funniest Sketch Ever?

Has someone stolen my idea for a 'Celebrity Bomb Disposal' TV programme?

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Cepe harvest 2024.

Cepes (Boletus edulis) may not always look too wonderful, but they are probably the world's most delicious, and sought-after, mushroom.

Unfortunately slugs find them as tasty as we do, and the caps are often part eaten away (this doesn't deter the avid gastronome). Once trimmed and wiped with a damp sponge, they are perfectly good to eat.

I should add that if you were to buy Cepes at a market, or specialist store, you could pay anything up to 60 Euros a kilo; but they would probably be a lot better quality (not taste) than mine above.

On my Facebook page I keep seeing photographs of huge present harvests around my French village. I think we ate just these few (above) this year; Oh how I would love to be there now.


Tuesday 1 October 2024

A British Oddity.

England has always been known for being a bit eccentric, especially when it comes to clothing. Many English musicians have made a name for themselves by 'dressing-up', from Boy George to Elton John they made a statement through their sense of dress. It's a trend that continues.

How many of us have not grown up with a dressing-up box at home? They were always filled with strange colourful clothes and hats.

But many may not have heard of our London Pearly Kings and Queens. The 'Pearlies' (as they are commonly known) wear suits decorated with Mother of Pearl buttons. They are usually members of 'Pearly Societies' that represent different boroughs of London. The decoration on their clothing is mostly traditional, showing Bells, the flag of St George, Horses, etc. These days they use their decorative status for charity work.

I believe the whole Pearly business was started by a Mr Henry Croft in around 1870. Croft decorated his clothes to attract donors to his charity work.

If there was a world-wide rating for countries who like to dress-up the most, I think England might come in at Number 1. From the regalia surrounding The Royal Family, to our regimental uniforms, we never hold back. Even our Morris dancers go overboard to outdo each other. We still have 'Heralds' (think Alice in wonderland), we have parliamentary officials who dress in outdated uniforms, and we have town criers who love to dress-up to announce events.

England would be a very different, and less interesting, place if all these outfits disappeared. So, long live our eccentric ways, and may they never die-out.