Thursday 3 October 2024

It was just waiting to happen!

This gentleman below is Inspector Charles Ehikioya. He was the Head of the Metropolitan's (London) Black Police Association.

He is about to be sacked (I presume) for his constant racist remarks on a WhatsApp page over a three year period. He's up before the Chief Constable for 'Gross Misconduct'. Naughty boy!

I have to say that I was very surprised when I originally heard that an 'association' had been established back in 1994, especially for black policemen and women. It always seemed to me that this was racist in itself. No such association exists for white policemen; nor should it.

We are all supposed to be equal in this country, and for The Met' itself to establish this divisive association, is appalling.

It is, of course, the perfect vehicle for racist feelings to surface. 

When Ehikioya is gone, I hope that The Met' will disband this 'blacks only' association. It should never have been allowed in the first place, and must be outlawed at once. 

We MUST have proper integration everywhere, especially in the police; but this will never happen whilst such institutions exist.



  1. I am not sure about this. Many police officers from black and Asian communities have suffered racist treatment from white officers over the years. Arguably, they need a voice.

    1. You are correct. I speak as the mother in law of a black police officer.

    2. Then it should be dealt with correctly and without prejudice. Creating division doesn't help; in fact it makes things worse.

  2. In the US, statistics show that people of color are pulled over far more frequently than white people. I believe there are problems in the police organizations everywhere.
    The police are currently under investigation in NYC and people are jumping ship in great numbers.

    1. Policing is not what it used to be. We used to respect our policemen; these days people don't. Too many bad apples.

  3. Interesting you should pick on this story to demonstrate the racism in the Met!

    1. It just happened to appear in the paper yesterday, and it didn't surprise me at all.
