Wednesday, 30 October 2024

When boys become men.


Take two teenage brothers in nice suits and some hard-earned cash in the bank; and what do they do?

When they told me that they were going to New York, somehow I imagined that they would be going with their father. But no!

They're using their own saved money, they've booked everything themselves, and they're off on their very first real big adventure together. A week in NY, seeing the sights, eating burgers, plus a visit to the Guggenheim. It's all been well planned in advance. 

For one whole post-election week, their studies in Cambridge will be put on hold, and they will immerse themselves in American life. I think they arrive in NY on election day, so it's anyone's guess who will be in The White House during their visit.

Frankly, at their age, I don't think I would have been too comfortable going to NY with a friend (or brother), but I was never the adventurous type. I just hope they stay safe. They're very used to traversing and enjoying London by themselves, so I have confidence in them.

The world seems much smaller to today's youth. Nothing is beyond them. I'm very much looking forward to a few trans-pond WhatsApp calls.


  1. It's a hard lesson when these kids go off on their own after school. All mine went off to a greek island for a weeks holiday with friends. Thank goodness they returned safe and very happy.
    They grow up and move on. Thank goodness no one had enough money to go overseas but it's happening. London seems to be on their radar now.
    I'm sure your boys will have a terrific time without supervision. Although New York does seem to be adventurous to us they have no doubts at all

    1. All three of my children went off around the world for their 'Gap Years', and all survived, but somehow this seems different. I suppose it's not though.

  2. At that age they have no fear of anything, they just enjoy it all.

  3. They have chosen an interesting week to go.

    1. I don't suppose it was chosen to coincide with the election; just by chance I suspect.

  4. I am sure they are sensible enough young men and will be aware of what to look out for. It should be a very interesting trip for them.

    1. Yes, they're really looking forward to it. A great adventure.

  5. They have each other to bounce off. As New York is strongly Democrat, there won't be so many MAGA nutters around bewailing Ms Harris's victory. I hope they have a super time.

    1. It seems to be anyone's game at the moment. As Clarkson said in last Sunday's Times, "One of the candidates is a complete lunatic, and the other is a complete lunatic". Good luck to all.

  6. Well done them!
    PS: I have added a couple of links to the Artrage comment for yesterday

    1. Very impressive. I like all the textures, etc. It looks very comprehensive.

    2. It is.... and your paper/canvas can be up to A0

  7. They will have a fantastic time. Such a brilliant city with so much to see and do. Have a great time boys. XXXX

  8. I sincerely hope we don't have any violence after this election, and if we do I hope your grandsons don't have to witness it. It's not exactly the best time for a visit, in my opinion, but I'm sure they'll be fine.

    1. It seems to be very close, so one side will certainly be very upset.

  9. My anticipated or planned trips to New York have always been thwarted by Fate. And so it will be. I shall not try again. I wish them great enjoyment and learning (of the informal type).

  10. I wish I had gone to London for a week at that age, I waited a decade or so. They should have a great time. New York is to the United States, as London is to the UK, A great city, but it does not show the depth of the country.

    1. I think they just want to see the sights. As you say, it doesn't represent the USA.

  11. Actually Biden will still be in the White House until January 6, 2025 when the newly elected president takes office. As much as I want Harris to be the new president, if she is elected, there will be lots of gatherings (mobs?) in the streets protesting, I am sure. If the young men steer clear of the edges of those places, they should be fine. And they should keep their mouths shut about what they are seeing until they are nowhere near. Doesn't that sound like they are going to be visiting some dark banana republic that is being overthrown? I cry for our country.

    1. I'm sure they wouldn't get involved in politics, in any way whatsoever. But it's bound to be around them in the days after the election.

  12. NY (aka: The Big Apple) has lots to offer, and this will be a great adventure.
    Your grandsons will have a wonderful time exploring and enjoying the city.

    1. They're very excited; and all arranged by themselves.

  13. We flew back from NY just yesterday. We had a great time. I'm sure they will too.

  14. It depends on where they go to visit New York City. Parts of it is a sh@thole. Tourist don't see the worst of it. I do read about migrants all over the streets and living in a few of the best hotels. Maybe that's just the news we hear about New York in the US. Do tell, I would like know.

    1. There are parts of London and Paris that are like that too, I'm afraid it's part of life. I'm sure I'll report back after their visit.
