Friday, 25 October 2024

Yahya Sinwar

I imagine that anyone living as Sinwar did, hiding in bunkers, moving around underground corridors with his plastic bag of possessions, etc, must know that he is being sought-after for a very good reason. He must have known that his days were numbered.

You cannot head a vile terrorist group without knowing that there is a price on your head, and that that price will soon have to be paid.

Bad people know that they are bad people. Those who live their lives correctly and with respect for others, have no need to hide.

But as we all now know, if you live by the sword, you will die by the sword, and Sinwar knew that too.

Although he did eventually get his comeuppance, there are plenty of others who wish to replace him, and will in turn meet their own ends. At this very moment they are hiding away in other fox-holes, living the life of the hunted, and daring not show their faces in public.

Film has also now emerged of Sinwar's wife in the same tunnel as her husband, carrying a £25,000 Birkin Bag (whatever that is). Yasser Arafat was probably the biggest embezzler of Hamas/PLO funds, and it looks as if the habit is continuing. When Sinwar's body was found, allegedly with him was found 'Millions of Israeli Sheckles'. These millionaire terrorists don't deprive themselves. It must be great to live off money kindly donated to the people of Gaza.

It's a strange way to live, but some choose to live that way, causing misery to millions; and they have to be dealt with.

N.B. I now hear that the replacement head of Hezbollah, Hashem Safieddine, has also been eliminated. I can't imagine there'll be much of a queue wishing to take his place; although the huge wealth that comes with the job must be tempting.



  1. With a bit of luck the Pallies must be raking the bottom of the barrel looking for leaders.

    1. They like the riches, but they don't like being targeted.

  2. In the tunnel where he hid, he took with him six of the abductees who were taken from the party on the seventh of October or from their home in the kibbutz, they were in such a difficult situation after a year in the tunnels that he could not escape with them, so he gave the order to kill them by shooting. They were found by Israeli soldiers two days later, the signs of their abuse were shocking. Two young women and four young men.

    1. I hadn't heard about that. What nasty people they are, yet they still have their Fan Club over here. Horrible.

  3. Quiet on here today, seems the lefty snowflakes have been silenced.

    1. Hamas still have their supporters; we all know who they are!

  4. Another one down. Why can't these drones sniff out the rest of the world's ogres

    1. Yes, I can think of a few more who should be on the list.

  5. Until a 2-state solution is provided (like many US Presidents have suggested) war/death continues. Gaza is a war zone. The people living there refuse to leave their long-standing homes. They would rather die in their homes. Expect more death.
    Didn't you tell us that Lady M. went to school with Birkin (of Birkin Bags)?

    1. Yes, she did. Are the bags named after her? I didn't know she was a designer as well.

  6. I have no doubt that Israel's intelligence is invariably correct in locating terrorists and their weapons hidden in places such as schools and hospitals. We have seen how awesome that intelligence is. But to imply that any of your blog followers who comment to express unease about the large numbers of collateral deaths and injuries is a Hamas sympathiser (as in some of these responses), is rather insulting.

    1. I didn't say that, as you well know. Don't try to cause dissent where there isn't any. It's an old ploy, and it doesn't work.

    2. I'm not trying to create dissent, but sometimes feel a reaction to exchanges on here is genuinely warranted. For example "Quiet on here today, seems the lefty snowflakes have been silenced." "Hamas still have their supporters; we all know who they are!" to me implies that those supporters are regular or occasional commenters. I may be reading too much into things, or perhaps the implication was not intentional, but I do not believe that even your strongest critics are so unpleasant as to be terrorist sympathisers. If they are they are effectively terrorists themselves and should be named so we all know who they are, because I don't.

    3. What I should also have said is that I agree and support what you say in your post. It is a war situation.
      Some may also be surprised by how often I agree with, for example, columnists in the Daily Mail and other right-wing viewpoints.

  7. Cro is referring to Corbyn when he was leader of the Labour Party and to possible divisions in the Labour Party now. Cro is not referring to individuals who read the blog if that is what you were alluding to.

    1. Long time readers of this blog will know that Cro has rightly referred to Corbyn and his friendship with Hamas many times.
