Thursday 18 July 2024

US Politics; a view from abroad.


I must admit that I know nothing at all of internal US politics, but like most people in the world I do pay attention to the USA's external image. i.e. The Biden/Trump Show.

I don't think I've ever experienced a nation's election-build-up being quite as bizarre and unpleasant as this current one in the USA.

We've had the sitting POTUS being told he should be in a hospice, we've had his felon opponent being shot at, and now we have Trump's new running-mate, J D Vance, being spoken of as 'one of the least liked' (I'm being kind here) man in US politics.

Here in Europe, we've all become extremely bored with recent British and French elections, but now we have to endure several months of these two elderly men fighting over The White House.

I don't wish to over simplify, but we are very lucky in Europe to have a good selection of capable, youngish, middle-aged, politicians from whom to choose; but given the choice of Biden or Trump, I think I might move to Hawaii.

Will Covid-stricken Biden eventually give way to a younger candidate? Will Trump survive another assassination attempt? Will there be some new 'Stormy' waiting in the wings?

We have several months of tedious campaigning ahead of us, which the UK press will happily bore us with, and frankly the sooner it's all over the better. As I said above, I don't know much about US politics, but I do know that Russia, China, and even N Korea, are all laughing their socks off, whilst we in The West watch as our hair turns grey!

Meanwhile, Biden's supporters say he's the best thing since sliced bread; and, guess what; Trump's supporters say the same of him! Good luck y'all, it seems to be 50/50.


  1. I have been wondering for a long time, and I know there are many others like me, how it can be that in such a large country as the United States there are no more worthy candidates.

    1. Exactly. There must be people younger and more able. I quite expect that Biden will step aside, but not Trump.

  2. words so true. Two fossils fighting to be in charge one of the strongest countries in the world while the other big powers are just laughing their heads off. I would be too but it really is so tedious and hard to avoid.
    Its incredible they can't/wont find younger more fit candidates.

    1. I agree with all you say. And we'll be subjected to all their antics for months to come.

  3. Money talks. No brains required.

  4. I agree with thoughts entirely!

    1. Perhaps there should be an age cap on candidature.

  5. It's like a "Punch and Judy" show on Brighton Pier. "That's the way to do it!" yells Punch as he batters Judy with his stick. Hopefully, Mr Biden will step aside and allow a different, younger Democrat to take on The Felon.

    1. I'm awaiting an announcement at any moment.

  6. Yael's is the most intelligent comment on the situation that I've heard so far.

    1. It's just such a shame that the two candidates haven't yet realised the same thing.

  7. Can only agree with all the comments, especially Yael's. Are the two "contenders" a symptom of the very sorry state that U.S. politics finds itself?

    1. I still haven't heard what either of them actually stand for.

    2. And that is possibly the saddest part of all of it - how to choose when nothing has been offered

  8. I would rather discuss our restaurant or our midnight swims. Watching sunsets, reading books.
    I live in the U.S. and it isn't quite what you hear over there. Politics is harsh and one upmanship. A good and proper "real man" is called for now. One who will make America the feared superpower it used to be. Lying will only take one so far in life , then they all see his clothes or not there ,once the little boy points it out. We all need a country as it was meant to be not a third world dictatorsip where the government tells you every step you can make.I am off my soapbox now , diving in to the cool inviting waters of Cro's and Mdme 's pool where the water is soothing and the sky is blue. Be wise , be kind, live life to it's fullest for you are never guaranteed tomorrow.

    1. Your coverage of the contest is probably very different to what we get over here. Here we probably see the worst of it, or the most comical. We never hear anything of 'policies', other than 'Make America Great Again'; whatever that means.

  9. You must be a minimum 35 yrs old to run but there's no upper age limit as it was written in our constitution. We have our founding fathers to thank for that. Their belief was, with age comes wisdom. Of course, people generally died a whole lot younger way back then. Not having enough candidates is more than about big money. Having no control over the attacks (physical and verbal) that are aimed at anyone running for office including your spouse, children, family and friends has to be beyond daunting. Having your past peeled open and then squashed like a grape...well, most sane individuals say, no thanks. Politics has always been a dirty business, but never more so than at the current time.

    1. It does seem particularly nasty this time. It takes a strange type of person to stand for office.

  10. I wish the election was today.

    1. Get it all done and dusted; wouldn't that be nice!

  11. And if Trump wins, say goodbye to NATO and Project 2025. This will have worldwide impact. For this reason and many others I will vote for the lesser of two evils. Ideally, a young, smart, capable candidate should be on the ballot. Unfortunately, that is not the current case.

    1. I would have no idea who to vote for; in fact I would do as I did recently in the UK, and vote for neither!!!

  12. Correction: Welcome Project 2025.

    1. I have no idea what's what. It's not that different to the UK. They haven't a clue.

  13. Cro, it's a sad situation here. I can imagine the world is laughing at us. Biden has got his issues due to age, but at least he's a good man. The other... well, heaven help us if he should win. The US will be set back 60 years.

    1. I've just been listening to his speech on the radio. What a strange man he is!!!

  14. Cro, If you are truly interested in this subject. Please ,for me , watch his whole speech, with an open heart and open mind. I will give you my email address if you want to discuss further.

    1. I did listen to most of it on the radio, they transmitted it in full. I became a bit worried when he claimed that he was saved because 'god was on his side'.


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