Thursday 12 September 2024

A Day in the Life of Cro.


We needed a different sitting room coffee table.

Our existing table was a 1940's Lloyd Loom monstrosity that Lady M thought was stylish, but I simply thought ugly and impractical.

Here in Brighton & Hove we have a wonderful Hospice called The Martlets (Martlets, or Swifts, are the symbol of Sussex). The hospice is a highly regarded and treasured local institution, and everyone supports them as much as possible.

So, looking for a new (second hand) coffee table my first thought was to visit The Martlets Charity Shop, which just happens to be en route to my out-of-town supermarket; Lady M accompanied me.

It was my first visit to their shop, and after a good look around I finally came across a table which was exactly what we were looking for. Plain, simple, and made from knotty Pine.

The price tag said £35, so I wasn't arguing. A new one would have cost well over £100.

It may not be the most elegant or stylish table, but it does what's asked of it (other than having a lower shelf), and has even already had seal of approval.

The Turkish rug beneath it came back with us from France recently. It's one of those things we really didn't want to have stolen!


  1. Very nice. Looks strong. The only thing I wouldn't sell is my coffee table.Its a "London Scene" design on top.By Terence Conran. Had it years.They fetch quite a bit on Ebay. I did sell my Conran Maclamp tho. Got £95 which I was happy with. I have a rug very similar to yours but it is silk. Present from son.His father in law has an expensive carpet shop ( only sells rugs.)so he bought it from him. Not sure if mine is Turkish tho.

    1. My late Father-in-Law was a carpet dealer in Turkey before becoming a diplomat. We still have three of his better rugs; one of which is silk-on-silk. The silk one has now been put away.

  2. You probably know of the designer of the picture on the coffee table. John Piper.

    1. We are fans of John Piper. We have a couple of prints hanging in our living room.

    2. John Piper was a very good artist. He has work in Chichester Cathedral.

  3. It's such a good idea to look in the charity shops first. You got a bargain. PS I like the rug very much.

    1. The rug is beautiful. Lady M is 'hoovering' it almost daily to remove dog hair!!!

  4. I do like a glimpse into you way of life. The table is one I would have chosen too. We have a similar one from IKEA. Yours is far superior. The table does have a shelf underneath. It's piled up with photo albums, magazines, books and general 'stuff'. Much better if it was shelf free

    1. If it had a shelf it would accommodate TWICE the amount of our rubbish. Maybe it's a good thing it doesn't.

  5. I like it. Knotty pine is a favourite of mine ...a decent size too.

    1. Yes more room for essential rubbish. The previous one was far too small.

  6. Plain, simple, and made from knotty pine - just like a lad from Sussex. Nice to see it has an undershelf for storing your art magazines - "Playboy" and "Raunchy Birds".

    1. It DOESN'T have an under-shelf; my copies of 'Naughty Night Nurses' will need to be stored elsewhere.

  7. Being a handyman Cro, I'm sure you could always add a bottom shelf.A nice table and it looks a sensible height too.
    The coffee table here is one that we had made years ago (25 to be exact). It's quite a size, (4feet x 4 feet) but has no bottom shelf. It's a sensible height so there's no need to bend down from the sofa to put anything down on the top. When we first got married we inherited unfashionable coffee tables from both mothers. It was at a time when Conran and his designs were the height of fashion. My husband decided he'd have a go at making the plain white Conran coffee table that was so in fashion. As he said - it's only a top with a leg at each corner. He made two very successfully and I painted them white. Imagine our amusement when he was asked to make them for friends!

    1. You're right, I could easily add a shelf. I shall think about it.

  8. My comment disappeared ! I find it really hard to find a nice coffee table even when paying full price. . We have a pine one that we've had for over forty years. It has been painted so many times and is now a mushroom colour with a bit of french script that I stencilled and distressed.Ours has the lower shelf which is really useful. I think you got a bargain Cro. XXXX

    1. It's not perfect but for £35 I'll forgive it its misgivings. I like the size of it.

    2. I found your comment in my spam folder. I haven't posted it because it was v similar to the one above. Why one should go to spam, and the other be published, I have no idea!

  9. Your new coffee table is a great find. I love the Turkish rug. You are wise to bring it to Brighton where you can enjoy it.

    1. We brought back another one last year, they are things we really don't want to lose if we are burgled again.

  10. My kind of table. I love knotty pine. My whole ceiling in the big room of the house is knotty pine. It is 8ft. walls running up to 12 ft in the center. My kitchen cabinets are also knotty pine made by my husband.
    Glad you brought the rug . One less worry.

    1. We're resigned to the fact that France has become a lawless country, and people wander around unchallenged in order to steal. So this year we brought a lot of things back that we would hate to lose.
