Wednesday 11 September 2024

Oh dear.


Oh dear. Again I don't want to be too critical of Labour because I'm quite 'middle of the road' when it comes to politics, but we've only just returned to our New Socialist Republic, and the first thing I read (and saw on PMQ's) was that the UK is withholding certain armament export licenses to Israel.

The UK has always rightly been a staunch supporter of democratic Israel, and the world has always known that if you mess with Israel, you mess with Britain. Now it seems, not so!  I can't imagine that the US will be too happy with new boy Starmer over his decisions.

The Socialists have now re-joined the Hamas-lovies, and are weakening their ties with Israel. On the very day when six hostages were found brutally murdered by Hamas (Corbyn's friends), they returned to the bad-old-days of Labour Party antisemitism. What message does this give to Hamas, and the international world of terrorism? 

Starmer previously spoke quite vehemently about sweeping away the traditional anti-Jewish sentiment that his party was known for, and we all supported him, but now that he's our new PM, it looks as if he's given-in to pressure.

Personally I believe that you're either pro Israel's right to exist, and you support them 100%, or you don't. You can't sit on the fence.

So, now that the poor UK pensioners have been clobbered, and the wealthy railway Union members given massive pay rises, what we all need to ask is WHEN are those Socialist good times going to start rolling? As the fragrant Ms Rayner wrote during the 2017 election 'Labour will maintain the winter fuel payment and bus passes for pensioners'. Well, of course you will. Are bus passes the next to go?

Rumours are already circulating that there will be a new 'Mansion Tax' (a 'mansion' being any nice home in southern England) where someone having worked hard enough to buy a home worth around £3 Million would pay an extra £10,000 p.a. Inheritance Tax will probably also rise, hitting those same hard-working savers. Petrol Tax is bound to rise, as is tax on Junk-Food. I've even heard that they will be taxing GLASS BOTTLES.  

And let us not forget all those criminals who have now been let loose onto our streets. What could possibly go wrong??? Who voted for all this shit?

Possibly most importantly and worrying for the UK in general, they intend to create a 100% politicised, and age-limited, Upper House (The House of Lords). No longer will random politically-unaffiliated peers from the shires take their rightful seats (and vote however they see best), now they will be elected by whatever political party is in power, and will take the party whip. A very sad day for democracy. If they really did want to make sensible changes to The Lords, they should get rid of all those bloody Bishops.

Oh dear...... 4 more years of Socialism. 


  1. Might as well emigrate to Russia now I think....

    1. It ain't looking good; even Sir Kier himself has warned us!

  2. Replies
    1. They are the only party for whom I would NEVER vote, for many reasons.

  3. With very few exceptions politicians are both despicable and morally bankrupt. Socialists tend to be the worst of them but it's a close run thing.

    1. Actually I think most politicians want the best for their country, but it's how one achieves that which is important. Being anti-Capitalism certainly isn't very bright.

    2. I'll take a lot of convincing when Reeves herself claimed £3700 for her heating. Politicians want what the best for themselves, this would be fine if they were any good at the job and their numbers were limited to a hundred.

  4. They did say they would target those with the broadest shoulders, more like easy targets, whilst they enjoy huge expenses.

    1. Rob the rich and give to the rich. They certainly aren't giving any to the poor.

  5. Labour was provided with a poisoned chalice from a hapless Tory government and during the election campaign Mr Starmer said that there would be tough times ahead as he and his ministers attempted to get Britain back on an even keel. As for Israel, are you saying that they should have carte blanche? They have killed 40,000 in Gaza alone and every time they hit a school, a refugee camp, a residential zone or a hospital they say something along the lines of "it was a command centre" or "we were targeting an Hamas leader". Come on.

    1. I think that you will find that figure for Palestinian deaths highly suspect, and Hanas' policy of shielding terrorists behind civilians a significant factor in collateral casualties.
      As for Labour's "inheritance", it was no worse, and in many respects considerably better than that left to Cameron in 2010. Starmer's scorched earth tax policies is diametrically opposite to that needed, Truss actually showed the way with corporation tax cuts to boost private sector activity.
      And as for Microbrain's wholesale destruction of UK oil and gas sectors in the name of "energy security" - it beggars belief.

    2. Hamas have been firing rockets into Israel for decades, and continue to do so today. Their incursion on Oct 7th was simply a continuation of their long term terrorist activities. If you thought that there would be no strong reprisals, you're living in a dream world. The Israeli army is well trained and professional. They take few prisoners.

    3. p.s. The fastest growing economy in the G7 was certainly something to be concerned about.

  6. I support a 2-state solution and there is no progress toward a solution. People are dying in great numbers.
    UK withdrawing support when no resolution is in sight and the war seems to be broadening says: "Why throw more money at something when more are dying, war expansion is looking likely and there is no solution put forward?"

    1. The 2-state solution is inevitable. But I think it needs Hamas to wave a white flag before negotiations can really begin.

  7. How terrible it is to see someone who suffers from conscious or unconscious anti-Semitism or just hatred of Israel, how he echoes the lies of the media, Israel has never attacked the hospitals or refugee camps whatsoever, it is Hamas that uses people as human shields and we are fighting for our lives here just like the people of Yorkshire would do if there were terrorists who kill their children.

    1. "The first casualty of war, is truth". Those in the UK who are left-wing Labour supporters will always believe the propaganda of Hamas. More free-thinking people will analise the facts, and come to their own conclusions.

    2. Is it possible to say anything that is even vaguely critical of the Israeli state and its military without being accused of anti-Semitism? That is such a cheap shot.

    3. This is my conclusion after reading more of your comments related to Israel in several other cases, also your lack of compassion towards the abductees and a very harsh comment on another blog is unforgivable and therefore I think it stems from hatred of Israel.

    4. Yael, I know it's not 100% the case, but in general Labour Party supporters will always be anti-Israel. Their past leader, Jeremy Corbyn, is one of the very worst offenders. He described Hamas as 'his friends'.

    5. Thank you Cro. People like you give us another drop of strength and some air to breathe in these difficult times.

  8. Do as you always have and be good and kind to your neighbors, family and friends. Do the right thing. We can't change anything but the immediate world around us. I am devoting the rest of my life to making folks happy.
    Cro, it seems the only thing to me to do.
    Worrying doesn't help anyone, especially the worrier. In the long run it doesn't matter if we worry.
    Do the right thing. Most people know what the right thing is .
    Love to all.

    1. You are absolutely right, of course. But so many people had high hopes of this new government, and all they're getting is a kick up the backside!

  9. I have been a staunch Conservative supporter for many years, however when Labour won I was prepared to give them a chance. Let's face it, they couldn't do any worse, or could they. As we were growing up we were told, get a pension, put as much as you can into it for your old age. Save, buy a nice house as it's the single biggest investment you will make. Unfortunately this government doesn't take any notice of that. I can afford to not get the heating allowance, many others can not but they are just over the "cap". If they get rid of bus passes then us "oldies" will stop using the bus so often and then the bus companies will fail. Are they going to get rid of free prescriptions for pensioners. It seems like they are hitting everybody who can't hit back, but caving in to the unions who can and will hit back. Labour's new catchphrase, "it was the incompetence of the previous regime.

    1. You've summed them up very well. They are making the UK into a country where working hard and saving is the worst thing you could do.
