Friday 13 September 2024

Celebrities Doing Nothing.

I get really peed-off seeing TV programme after TV programme advertised about 'Celebs' competing in silly quizzes, being in the jungle, racing around the world, dancing, cooking, or being invited onto panels to give their opinion about things they probably know nothing about.

I even recently noticed that Celebs had infiltrated 'Escape to the Country'; a country property finding programme.

Most of the Celebs are unknown to me, but even if they were I really don't want to witness all this back-slapping, jobs for the boys, cash-distribution, tomfoolery.

So, may I suggest an innovative programme entitled 'Celebs Doing Absolutely Nothing'. They would stay locked-in at home, with no cameras around, and simply remain silent. If the programme was aired on TV, a still photo of a waterfall or some daffodils would suffice. The important thing would be NOT to see the Celebs, or hear what they have to say. Silence would certainly be golden. Maybe the one who could remain silent and invisible the longest would win a six month stay on some isolated and uninhabited Scottish island.

If they became bored and demanded to be released (presuming they could no longer stand not being in the limelight) they would be allowed to enter my 'Celebrity Bomb Disposal' programme (yet to be adopted by a TV Co). The only Celeb programme really worth watching!


  1. Telly is dead Cro. I gave mine away about 15 yrs ago. Plenty of cheap dvd's around if you want to watch a film on the computer or laptop. Or theres some interesting stuff on Youtube. I like watching how things are made. I have always got my crochet as well. Why don't you do some painting?

    1. We didn't miss our TV in France over the 3 months we were there. Here I note that most programmes are repeats.

    2. It is always repeats. in the summer....Autumn programming starting now so should be better! I noticed that there is a new series of " Mortimer and Whitehouse Gone Fishing" starts next week...Have you seen it? Worth a watch.

    3. I did see it once, and rather enjoyed the relaxed attitude. I always found them very funny.

  2. We haven't got tv here on holiday and I don't miss it generally. I do like my quiz shows though. Without celebs! As you say, they talk too damn much and just hold up play.
    Our wifi isn't very good either. That I do miss. Sending comments like this can take 3 tries before it's posted. I miss YouTube, my nightly sleeping pill. And no celebs there unless you choose them. Which I dont

    1. Now that we have TV again I find myself watching strange programmes such as 'Wheeler Dealers' or 'DIY SOS'; all repeats of course! However, I keep it to a minimum.

  3. I don't miss the TV these days. So much rubbish. If there is anything I am interested in watching I can usually find it on my tablet with subtitles.

    1. Lady M does the same; she retires to a quiet corner and watches her favourites.

  4. I am pig sick of celebrities. 'Celebs Doing Absolutely Nothing' is a great idea. They have even got on "Race Across the World" which was at first just for ordinary non-celebrities so now I cannot stomach it.

    1. I thought that was one of the all Celebs programmes. I've not seen it, but it's bound to be better with Joe Bloggs.

  5. Hear hear and more than one person in our household wants to see celebrity bomb disposal.

    1. Good. I need to write to the boss of Channel 4.

  6. I would like to see some of these non celebrities doing some manual less glamorous work. Perhaps cleaning the stairs in a block of flats from top to bottom, with a brush and pan. Or following a bin lorry around loading the wheelie bins onto the back for emptying, and putting them back into the right place. I could chuckle at that.

  7. What a relief to find that you, and most of your bloggers, are of the same mind as myself!
    I have never heard of any of these so-called celebs and don't think I've missed anything. The same could be said for the so-called "Influencers", another bunch of nonentities, who should have the same fate awaiting them!
    For the first 17 years here in Spain, I watched (or should I say was allowed to watch) precisely 1/2 hour of TV a week (University Challenge). My husband paid for Sky Sports and News so the TV was constantly tuned to one or the other. After he died in 2017 I ditched the Sky box and the 65 euros a month payment and went for Freesat. Imagine the revelation when I finally had control of the TV remote - all these programmes I never knew existed! Of course after seven years of mainly repeats I now reach for the off button. It's quite funny to watch some of the very old repeats and I find myself echoing my mother - saying "he's dead, she's dead, she's just remarried for the fourth time" - well I'm sure you get the idea!

    1. I don't watch University Challenge any more; it makes me realise how ignorant I am. I'm lucky to get one or two answers correct.

  8. Oops, I take it you don't like Celeb Reality programmes. I do like Race around the world, normal and celeb shows, however like you, with the others it just the broadcasters just filling time with non-entities.

    1. To be honest, if a TV programme has the word 'Celebrity' in the title, I don't watch it. I'm quite difficult to please when it comes to TV.

  9. I feel your pain Cro. I am positive that, when a celebrity has done Strictly or some similar programme, it's in their contract that the TV company will find them as many programmes that they can get them on ! What annoys me is that many become interviewers/correspondents on other programmes and they are terrible at it ! I hardly watch terrestrial tv which seems to be comprised of reality and quiz programmes with all the same people on them ! ... I just choose what I enjoy from streaming now. XXXX

    1. I find the whole 'celebrity' and 'influencer' business extremely tiresome. TV these days is very poor, I suppose decent actors demand too much money.

  10. I vote for Celebrity Bomb Disposal too!

    1. That makes two of us Sue; we're getting there!

  11. TV content is totally lacking these days. My impression is the celebs like seeing themselves on camera and do not care about content.
    Streaming is much more enjoyable.

    1. I think terrestrial TV has had its day. Streaming is the future!

  12. I'd vie for the uninhabited island prize. If Cro would go too? I can imagine the fun we would have...listening and talking and eating and drinking, sleeping , watching sunrises , sunsets.

    1. I would love it, and would certainly enjoy the company of a like minded friend.
