Tuesday 23 January 2024

Poor Billy.

Poor Billy hasn't been well. Almost two weeks ago he had a whole day of 'nausea', then seemed really unwell. He didn't eat, and lost weight rapidly. He went to the Vet, but nothing was determined. He received a handful of medicines, but still refused to eat.

After about a week he regained some appetite, and was eating tiny amounts. That has now improved and he is eating much more, and some of his usual energy has returned. He is enjoying life again, albeit still at a slower pace.

It's been cold here, so Lady M bought him a coat. He's definitely on the mend, but I expect it'll be another few days before he's back to his previous energetic self.

There were a few days when we feared for his life! I'm sure he was poisoned; whether this was accidental or not is another question. We recently had a cat-killer here in Brighton. Luckily he was caught and imprisoned, but there are some genuine nutters about. We suspect that two of our previous dogs were poisoned; they certainly received death threats. We had some bizarre neighbours in France, luckily they've now moved away.

News of his malaise spread quickly, and he's been receiving a lot of fuss and attention from fellow dog walkers. He's making the most of it.



  1. So sorry to read that Billy has been unwell. How mysterious. Glad to know he's on the mend. He looks smart in his new coat.

    1. He's almost back to rude health this morning.

  2. Thats better news. He is a handsome dog. I like his new coat. Hopefully, he will be properly better soon. lots of hugs and pats to him.

    1. We're just back from our early morning walk, and he really does seem much better. Thank you.

  3. Getting a dog coat to keep all of their back protected is difficult. Head end , collar/harness provision, is one thing. The business end is more of a problem.

    1. He doesn't mind wearing his coat; I was worried that he'd make a fuss about it.

  4. Much better than the Onesies seen on dogs (with gaps in the appropriate places)

    1. Some dogs in the park behave like super models on a catwalk. Very overdressed!

    2. Billy needs that as he has been unwell...but most of those you see dressed up..it is for the owners not the dog!
      An old dog who walks by our house regularly has no coat...unless it is wet...very wise!

  5. So pleased to hear that Billy is getting better. My boy seems back to normal after 2 weeks of " the runs", though not appearing ill in any other way. It was the getting me up 3 times or more every night that was the worst! White fish and sweet potato finally sorted him out, after vet bill of £250!!

    1. We did try Sweet Potato, but he wasn't interested. We've recently given him some M & S 'Lilly's Kitchen' wet food which he loves.

  6. Billy has grown into a very handsome dog ..... I remember him as a gangly puppy { but still lovely } So sorry that he has been poorly. Here's hoping he is on the way to being 100% again. He looks so smart in his coat. XXXX

    1. He was a very awkward looking pup, with a pink nose. He's a Swan these days.

  7. I am so happy for you and Billy that he is on the mend. When my mother died in 1986 she left behind a back and white male dog that she cared for more than her own life. The dog went to live with an elderly aunt and all was well for about 6 months. Then one morning she left the dog out into the garden to do his business. She called for the dog when it did not appear at the back door and signal he wanted back in. She called and got no response. The next door neighbor came to my aunt's continous calls for the dog. The dog was found dead on the lawn of the back garden. No signs of trauma. My aunt called the vet who was a cousin of mine and she came and got the dog. She did a blood draw and xrays along with a post mortem. The dog had been injected straight to the heart with a massive dose of a form of cyanide and died instantly. The police were called in to investigate and a syringe was found in the garden of an adjoining property. The owners of the property were longtime friends of my auntie and were deemed highly unlikely to have done such an awful thing to a beautiful and wellbehaved animal. What was even stranger was the discovery of a broken needle somewhere along the spine. The broken needle and the syringe were both heavy duty types used for farm animals and available to most anyone at a farm supply store. The crime was never solved but another dog died of a similar cause in the next block. A neighborhood watch was created and citizens were told not to walk dogs on the streets or in parks. Medications of any type or an ilegal substance can be dropped on the ground and ingested by a pet. Death for some is quick and others slow and cruel. The vets all recommended blood draws and trying to get an idea what the poison is. Anti freeze was a very bad chemical and fatal to animals who licked it off their feet or from the pavement. I have not heard of pets being poisoned in my area for several years. Here locally the dog parks are the favorite social spot for both pets and their humans. Clean and safe. But are they safe and where can you feel safe? Auntie's dog was in her large private walled garden. The perpetrator was someone who knew the area and had to have been lying in wait for the dog to be let out into the garden. Usually such a person is known to the people living in the area and trusted. So sad. Nobody or thing is safe anymore.

    1. That is a really horrific story, and I'm surprised that the culprit wasn't found. When the person threatened to kill our dogs, it was done in front of other people which really surprised us. Thank goodness they've moved away.

  8. Replies
    1. He's well on the way, thank you. He's playing again, and running around in the park. I'm sure he'll be 100% by the weekend.

  9. So pleased to hear that Billy is on the mend. He looks very smart in his new coat.
    It's a worry when our pups are ill, and you can never be sure if they haven't picked up something poisonous that someone has dropped. Some of the food we eat is dangerous for dogs and I often wonder how many unfinished take-aways are discarded on the pavement and left for some unsuspecting dog to eat.

    1. Onions, chocolate, and anti-freeze, are just a few of the everyday things that will poison dogs. One has to be so careful.

  10. He has that 'please feel sorry for me' look on his face poor darling. I do hope he is soon back on form.

    1. He is already much better. The difference between today and last Saturday is amazing. By the weekend I'm sure he'll be fine.

  11. I am so glad that Billy is now on the mend. It's hard when our beloved pets are not well. He looks adorable in his coat.

    1. He does actually like wearing his coat. I'd thought he would hate it.

  12. I'm so glad he's okay! Please give sweet Billy a pat for me. :)

    1. Done. He's by my feet, and I told him you'd sent a pat.

  13. Good picture, the coat looks good on him.

    1. It's the first coat we've ever had for our dogs. I'm not sure it's entirely necessary, but he's happy with it.

  14. I'm very glad to hear Billy is getting better. He looks so smart in his coat.
    Give him a pat or two from me

  15. Billy is so handsome. If he lost so much weight some of it was his fat layer that helped keep him warm . I bet the coat does feel good to him

    1. He is a nice looking boy, not at all like when he was a pup!!!

  16. Food for thought from my own experience: I once poisoned my favorite shop cat. How? I had placed mouse 'candy' around my farm shop building to keep the mice down. My cat (named Billy, coincidentally!) was eating those mice, unknown to me. Well, Billy overdosed on bad mice - and it got him, too. Hopefully your Billy can't have access to such treats. They are dogs, though.... Best wishes for speedy recovery!

    1. When we had our cat, Freddie, I always used old fashioned mousetraps, just in case. These days I put down poison.

  17. I am glad to hear Billy is feeling better. Restoring his health with good healthy meals and some extras to regain any lost weight will speed things along. His coat is lovely for keeping him warm as he recovers fully.

    1. He really ate well this afternoon, and is returning to being his normal self. Thank goodness.

  18. So happy to hear Billy is doing so much better,
    When people ask me what super power I would want I always pick to be able to talk to the animals. Wouldn't that be grand !

    1. He did tell us when he first became ill. His look of 'self-pity' was amazing, and there was no question that he was feeling very sorry for himself. He almost spoke!

  19. Off topic but just come across this - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12995643/eco-campaigners-protest-weedkillers-brighton-plants-fall-cycling-accidents-increase.html

    1. The only good thing I can say about our weeds is that there are lots of interesting flowers amongst them. Thank you for the article.

  20. Billy certainly looks well enough in the last photo, I'll keep hoping that his recovery continues until he is himself again.

    1. I would say that he's now at least 80% back to his healthy self. Thank goodness.
