Monday 22 January 2024

Where will we be safe?

It now almost seems certain; those in-the-know are suggesting that WW3 is on its way. Some even say it has already begun!

A particular bunch of world leaders can no longer hold back, they simply MUST have WAR. Why, no-one seems to know, but old stocks of weapons need to be used-up, and new versions tested.

So where do we need to go to avoid being blown to pieces? Below is a map suggesting some destinations; few of which really appeal, other than Switzerland or NZ; but even Switzerland wouldn't escape European nuclear fallout.

Personally I think NZ is probably the best bet, even though it's a long way away. Their government is non-aggressive, they speak the language in which I'm writing, and the country itself is pleasantly green and agriculturally productive. The only problem may be that too many people will wish to settle there, and a strict immigration system will be put in place of who to accept, and who to reject.

Certain professions may be given priority, and wealth may possibly buy favours, but for most of us it would probably be based on a strict 'points system'. Don't try going there if you are long-term unemployed, an ex-con, or elderly. Best to get your application in as soon as possible; the rush might even have started.

Personally I take a somewhat jaundiced view of WW3, as I shall probably not be around to witness the worst. But I do have grandsons who will be of exactly the wrong age if any serious conflict does break out in the next few years.

I have absolutely no desire to kill people, but it seems that some world leaders think of nothing else; and they need to be stopped. Sadly jaw-jaw doesn't work, and, as we've recently seen, war-war takes over. 

Is there any alternative? A few timely assassinations maybe? We'd only need to get rid of a handful of these maniacs; is that beyond our capabilities?


  1. Like you, I have grandsons too. My dad said, there will always be war whilst the have new weapons and vaccines to try out.

    1. As I mentioned above, the military like to use-up ageing weapons, and test the new ones. Such is life.

  2. Sadly I suppose it's inevitable, we're well into the 21st century and there hasn't been a World War yet. This time a hundred years ago the world was recovering from the WW1. The beginning of a new century seems to spark the need for hostilities on a large scale.

    1. They begin with small conflicts, then bigger ones, and eventually go for broke with a WW. Pure lunacy.

  3. As the two previous world wars proved, these conflicts have a momentum that is not fuelled by particular individuals. It's as if nobody will be able to stop the slide into the abyss. As the song says, "When will they ever learn?"

    1. I think if a few individuals were 'absent', there'd be less chance of a WW3. But then, what would all the Generals do?

  4. Well, that's a cheery start to the week.

    1. Yes, not what I was hoping to read in the papers. There's enough doom and gloom around without the thought of a WW3.

  5. I'll take my chance and stay in Greece. I've learnt to live with threats. Hopefully it will remain there.

    1. I shan't be moving either. I'll buy a tin hat, and cross my fingers.

  6. New Zealand already has a strict points system. It's population has gone up dramatically (by about 25% I think) since I started 'living' my UK winters there.

    1. 'Down Under' is popular again, and will soon be even more so. People I know who've moved there wouldn't dream of returning.

  7. Like others, I believe there will always be war. For some leaders, it is part of the human condition. The Middle East looks more dangerous daily. For some good news, I read that there are currently more new tech "unicorns" (unlisted firms worth $1bn or more) in Europe than in the US. Time to look at investment opportunity.

    1. England has always been very 'high tech', The computer, the WWW, even the sewing machine, all come from the UK. We just don't talk about it.

  8. I wouldn't say it seems certain. All they need to do at the moment is talk about it, put the fear of God into people's minds, that's enough to see a lot of people off. I remember when Steve McQueen made a bid for freedom in Papillon. He floated off the island on a bag of coconuts. He shouted, 'I'm still here, you bastards'. Dustin Hoffman stayed behind in the prison. There is a lesson to be learnt from that.

    1. A reminder.

    2. I remember Papillon well. A great film.

  9. If our destiny's are predetermined it doesn't really matter, we will die at our time wherever we are.

  10. Some might think Auatralia is a good option as it is a huge country, but they need to know 90% of it is uninhabitable desert. The coastline is already heavily populated in most areas and the rest is dry with very little water and poor soil that won't grow much in the way of foods.

  11. Replies
    1. My father did consider buying A MILLION ACRES of coastal S Australia. It was cheap at £100,000. What he would have done with it I have no idea. In the end he decided against.
